First Annual “Jesse MacBeth Stolen Valor Awards” competition nomination thread

| September 23, 2011


Here is your field of 32:
Ballduster McSoulpatch
Master Sergeant Soup Sandwich
Rick Duncan
Sealey McChippendales.
Steve Snake Eyes Jordan
Willie Williams
Gunny Lauve
Jeff THE ROCK Harris
Ray Shitbird Sherpansky
De Hieu Tran
Salhem Dreasden/Dan McGrew
Michael Hamilton
Bill Hillar
David Baillie
William “Heavy Drop” Clark
Kyle Barwan
Skylar “E-Bay Recondo” Whalen
Jasper Lake
LTC Warryck-Regan Lee “Bad Lesbian” Wolf
Brigadeer General “PFC” Baxter
Jhon Kerwin “i B deployed foo” Williams
SGM John Letuli
Major Chris “I was there (15 miles away)” Shane
Carl “Awesomest SEAL In History” Doe
Jess “Skip” Hall*
Gen David “Torpedo Tube” Weber
Oliver “Wide Load” Karl
Geoff “PowerPoint” Millard
Matthis “I Oppressed Baskin Robbins at BAF” Chiroux
Ward “Not a Ranger” Reilly
Billy “Guitar strumming hero” Adamson
Cobb Public Safety Director Mickey Lloyd

UPDATE FROM SEEDING COMMITTEE: Remarkably the seeding committee has dropped Millard like a flaming turd, and demanded inclusion of Bob Spooky 8 King. Just a dramatic turn of events here at the Downtown Athletic Club in Sheboygen Falls. Also, Ward Reilly has been bounced for being too easy a target, he is replaced by Michael Chabot, youngest phony Special Forces Sniper of all time.

The Seeding Committee will be meeting this weekend. Said committee consists of:
TSO from This Ain’t Hell. (me)
The Sniper of the self-same titled blog.
Nick Palmasciano of Ranger Up
An Airborne Oboeist to be named later from Blackfive. (Update: Blackfive his self will be on the committee)
We are hoping to fly Mr. Greyhawk in as well, waiting on travel issues.

Contestants will be seeded according to a secret format we have made in conjunction with Stephen Hawking, and will be announced Monday Morning. Said contestants in the Big Dance will be placed in one of four regionals:
Flag Officer Regional
Senior NCO Regional
Special Ops Regional
Seek Help Now Regional

Are you ready for some October Madness?

Category: Phony soldiers, Politics

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Awwwhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! Bravo Zulu TSO and Jonn!!!!!!!!!!


Here’s the best I could find, the Fort Morgan Times article doesn’t seem to be online anymore.

Jonn Lilyea

A veritable trip down memory lane this is.

Frankly Opinionated

I don’t have any idea of the guys name, but he was featured here as he told the world, (excluding his family), that he was a super wounded super hero, and then got found out as he came off the plane at home. Don’t even remember the branch of service, (Jeezus, ther’ve been a lot of them, haven’t there?).

Frankly Opinionated

Who says Fridays have to be boring?


What about the little tied from earlier this year out in Tucson that dressed up like a Marine E-5? I forget his name…. And this is awesome, it should be a yearly douche-lympics!


@57 – Is that the kid who showed up at the airport in raggly Marine Dress, just to collect atta-boys?


Ballduster hands down!

This turd deserves to be in it based on the name alone.


A late request, if I may…

Would it be proper or prudent to remove one of these folks for the possibility of adding TAH’s own “dork horse” poster….I of course am speaking of our shit-talking but no-showing assclown himself…Richter.


This is great! Phony everything Ward Churchill should definitely be included.

Old Trooper

Wow! This thing is really rolling now!!

This is gonna be the best awards voting evah!

Mlyvers 95b

I wan’t to thank you guys for giving me a good laugh for the past half hour looking over these ass clowns.

My vote is for Steve “Snake Eyes Jordan” for having the fortitude to get his Fakeness tattooed on his body so He cannot hide the fact that he is a douche bag…I still think he needs to be visited by a good random orbit sander with some 60grit.


I started looking through this list and my pandora list started playing the theme for the “Raiders of the Lost Ark”! This is epically hilarious.


Oh Yea i know I cant vote but I vote for snake eyes. Not only is his Ninjaness awesome but he is the first vampire to hunt in Iraq. Go to Army ETF moments facebook page and you can read through the old text on Snake eyes!


* WTF moments


This whole award stuff is too funny! I can’t wait for the results! Will Price Waterhouse verify? HAHAHAHA! Will the wiener (winner) get a medal for this award as well? If so… it is one medal that they truly deserve.


I was reading the posts and comments on these knuckleheads, randomly clicking on the nominee links when I hit Barwan’s. The comments and exchanges are in a category all their own. Damn my eyes. It’s just pushing 7:00 a.m. and I am already ruined.

Old Trooper

Sometimes, I see a story about some these asswipes and I click on the story in order to reply, but then I see that I’m a little late to the dinner table, because y’all have pretty much picked the bones clean, so I just sit back and giggle at the comments and never reply to the story, but I sure do enjoy it. Kyle Barwan is one of those that I sat back and let you guys have at him.

My favorite thing is when I get called out in comments to stories that I haven’t even been part of by frauds and posers (no need to name them, we all know who they are).


Mickey LLoyd is a real dirt bag…diminishes the real value of the medals awarded to folks who earned them…he should be punished to the full degree.


Has to be Master Sergeant Soup Sandwich. Showing up at your kids grad dressed like Killer Death Machine was way too much.


As a former MP, I’m going have to vote for William “Dunlap” Clark. Not as many MP posers as there are for the elite forces, so you have to take them when you can find em.

If not for the MP angle then I’d most definitely would have to go with the Lesbian Pirate – Regan Adams aka. LTC Warryck Wolf

Uber Pig

Is Tom Harkin on this list?

— Uber Pig


Sounds like you should have a Hall of Fame in addition to this nomination.


I mean a Hall of Shame.


[…] more info on any of these folks, go to the nomination thread and click the persons […]


[…] before, if you want more on any individual asshat contestant, I encourage you to go to this link, and click […]


All admirable or should I say despicable nominees but can I nominate Frederick Grunsby?

Discharged as a corporal, wore captain’s uniform with Navy Cross, Silver Stars, Bronze Stars, 5 Purple Hearts. Prosecuted serving 2 years probation, $5,000 fine. Spoke at holiday events and in schools in uniform.


Grunsby served two tours in Viet Nam, earned a purple heart, and received two Good Conduct medals. He is a sad case.

Michael Z. Williamson

Soup Sandwich is the most entertaining ever. He deserves points for balls and originality.


OK, I don’t get it. Either you are a veteran or you are not. I have seen a lot of people trying to pass themselves off as vietnam vets and I know they were no closer to Vietnam than I was. I was on an Aircraft Carrier in the Atlantic about 1 million miles away. So what did these guys do. Oh, my grandkids ask me about combat and Of course I tell them I saw combat but my sons spoil it with “Dad, bar room brawls in Boston don’t count”.


My #1 choice is that fabled senator from Iowa Tom Harkin.

OK I get it. You don’t really mean real people.

Harkin was a “phony” Viet Nam fighter pilot who magically never set foot in or over Viet-Nam. Sounded good at election time though and the rest is history.


I have to go with ‘Ballduster McSoulpatch’, look at his photo’s, MEGA-CLOWN!


where can we find the stories that expose the posers? During my time in the Army (early 80s)I had the good fortune to be assigned to one of the last Light Infantry units. Along with this came the advantage of some really good training opportunities with SEALS at Coronado to the Army’s spec ops community. I have nothing but respect for these guys especially the intructors who were always dedicated to making sure that they not only taught the classes but that the students LEARNED what they were supposed to learn and could do the job before they graduated and/or completed the course. They would rather send an extra day on something like sentry stalking than have just one student who they felt wasn’t confident. It made it easy for any of us to say “hey I need a little help with this”. That’s not a norm unfortunately, in most military schools. Some other school’s instructors just want vomit out the generic manual and skills and get the time beat in. The Spec Ops intructors were exactly oppisite. They had no investment in us, we were simply a Scout Element from a Light Infantry Company but they treated us with genuine respect and as if they were going to be taking us into combat themselves and drove the skills INTO us not just AT us. I have written about these instructors many, many times due the impact they had on me and the simple things they taught me that I used not only during my time in the Army but during my career as a cop and I still use to this day in my civilian life. These are the type of men that would be “standouts” no matter what they chose to do with their lives and in my opinion I could never repay them for even the simple philosophy they taught me much less the life saving skills. Had I stayed in I would have either been assigned with men like these or died trying. Each man WANTED to be be what they were, no petty bitching about… Read more »


By the way my nickname was given to me long after my military days…….when I was a was a one time event but it just mangaed to stick….Going by some of the names on the list I didn’t want anyone getting the wrong idea lol……………


I found the stories…….duh….man do I have some very amusing reading to do. Any volunteers for a group of traveling ‘wall to wall” therapists for these idiots?


[…] you don’t know their names and stories by now then a) shame on you and b) you can head on over here and just click their names to find […]


[…] Contestants in the Jesse MacBeth Stolen Valor Tournament not eligible for re-nomination without some superseding stolen valor event. (If Zombie Ballduster […]


how do you vote for one of these scumbags?


Dallas Wittgenfeld
The flying assclown, Dingleberry Dallas
Don’t know, Don’t care


#89 This is the nomination thread, voting starts after all the nominees are picked.

Don Shipley

Where the HELL is that Brockbrader clown… It is an insult to all the phonies you’ve listed to not have Brockbrader amongst them…

My phone is ringing off the hook from phonies asking “Where’s Bill?”

It’s like listing Gangsters and leaving out Al Capone???



Don, we could almost fill a 32-phony bracket on phony SEALs alone.

Solomon Mcenany

Asus service center in Jwalaheri

F'N Boot Derek Mathew claims to be an LT. Have fun!


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