Major Chris Shane and his Stolen Valor

| August 29, 2011

Maj. Chris Shane told the Witchita Eagle the white knuckle story about how he chased down and killed an insurgent he suspected had just set off a roadside bomb which had killed young Captain Shawn English, but English’s widow immediately called BS on Shane’s story;

She said the Army calls what Shaner did “stolen valor,” in using her husband’s death to make himself look heroic. She wants the Army to look into whether Shaner violated Army regulations.

Lt. Col. Alex Fink, a deputy commander in the 89th Sustainment Brigade, the Wichita-based Army Reserve unit Shaner served in until he recently retired, said the unit is looking into the situation.

“To me and to my boys, there were a lot of heroes that day, but Chris Shaner wasn’t one of them,” English said of the day her husband was killed.

According to his unit, Shane was in the unit, but no where near the incident which claimed English’s life.

But Shaner, now a teacher at Colvin Elementary School, later admitted in an e-mail that he had related an “imagined” version of events. He said he did it because he’s suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder because of his Iraq experiences.

Yeah, the catch-all PTSD excuse. or maybe its because the Major is a Walter Mitty-type who can’t help himself from telling bold-faced lies.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Old Trooper

“later admitted in an e-mail that he had related an “imagined” version of events”


And then he blames it on PTSD?

Yeah, I was the second gunman on the grassy knoll. At least I imagined (thru PTSD) being there.

Old Tanker

That’s just fucking pathetic….good on the Captain’s widow for calling him on it, now someone needs to make Major Assmunch’s life hell….

Frankly Opinionated

Good Grief, those who actually have a bad situation because of actual PTSD are going to find it harder on them because of shitheads like this.
Since I served in the 101st Airborne ’60-’64, and wasn’t able to go to ‘Nam with my buddies, maybe I have PTSD from thinking about them. Could be the reason for the dumbassery of my younger life. H’mmm, can I file a claim for it too?


The article indicates he has told two completely erroneous fables concerning his service, and he’s blaming a mental disorder for his lack of moral control. And he teaches in an Elementary school?? He needs to be shut down NOW.


Hey now! Walter Mitty was a great hero! As Wing Commander Mitty, he shot down many Nazi planes, his machine guns blazing tapocketa tapocketa tapocketa…


I’ve found PTSD keeps myself and those I know who h


Good point, PintoNag. I wonder what he teaches. Ethics, perhaps?


Dang iPhone.

Anyway. I have found PTSD keeps myself and those I know who have it from blatantly sharing things, much less inviting scrutiny.

Besides, my citation for the attempted rescue of the Challenger crew using rocket powered ALICE pack is enough to appreciate my own service without tooting the horn. (JK!)


@#7: Let’s just hope he’s not teaching history!

Just Plain Jason

I am getting sick and fucking tired of hearing that goddamn excuse every time someone does something. Fuck you asswad. It is hard enough for the rest of us out here without people like you making it more difficult. Do you know how people look down on you if they find out that you have ptsd? It is either one of two ways. Poor guy or ticking time bomb. For fuck’s sake I swear I am about to become a ticking time bomb because of guys like this.


This is completely off topic.

I’m a big fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer fanfic and one of the best sites for it is called Twisting the Hellmouth.

There are something like 15,000 stories ranging in size from 100 words to nearly a million.

The ones I’m pushing right now are Stingers by Tanstaafl, all of his other stuff is good too.

And all of CordyFans fanfic.

But especially her Fate’s Little Plaything, cross overs are SG-1 and NCIS.


@#9 It looks like he has been teaching since 1995 as an ESOL (English as a 2nd language??)teacher at Mead Middle School in Wichita. At least that is what he says on google (couldnt open the link). However I looked up the webpage for that school and it does not even list him on Staff.


I tried to access the staff listing on the Colvin Elementary School site, and it wouldn’t load, although the schools main page could be accessed.

Old Tanker


I think I might get PTSD from listening to these assholes and have my timebomb tick on their ass….


@#13: I was able to access it and he is listed as the ESOL teacher at Colvin Elementary School.


He should have stayed in. He has what it takes to make General.


Screw this piece of crap, burn his ass!


Can’t have flashbacks to action you weren’t in… but that’s not stopping this guy.


This douche shouldn’t be allowed in a classroom unsupervised. As others said, assholes like this just make it harder for those who actually do have PTSD.
As for #11, ???? How is that relevant, or even appropriate?


Indeed, PTSD has become ‘cheapened’ because of bozos automatically using it as a crutch and excuse for every bloody thing in their lives.

Many civilian police officers, firefighters, and paramedics probably have more legitimate claims to PTSD than some of these losers. Just because you put on a uniform and spend time overseas doesn’t make you PTSD (hear mathis?).


[…] “PFC” Baxter Jhon Kerwin “i B deployed foo” Williams SGM John Letuli Major Chris “I was there (15 miles away)” Shane Carl “Awesomest SEAL In History” Doe Jess “Skip” Hall* Gen David […]


Does he think anyone would believe he ‘chased’ the insurgent? Anybody that was really there (that saw an insurgent running and depedning on ROEs) would’ve just shot the insurgent