Dude! A little restraint!

| May 7, 2010


This is Michael Delos Hamilton – the story was sent to us by a local reporter who has a sudden interest in phony soldiers. Everyone wants to get into the business suddenly. But Michael Delos Hamilton claims he went from private to colonel in just nine years – a regular human rocket.

“His resume says that from ‘61 to ‘69 he went from private to colonel … unheard of,” said [Sgt. Major Joe Houle]. “(To have) two Navy crosses and eight Purple Hearts and 16 Combat Action ribbons is (also) unheard of.”

Dude! Well, he must’ve had some kind of career, right?

Court records indicate Hamilton served nine months and 12 days on active duty with the U.S. Marine Corps, was transferred to the temporary disability retired list in 1962 and was discharged in July 1967.

His highest rank was private first class and his only award was a Rifle Qualification Badge, according to court documents.

But he gave veterans’ organization speeches, talks with high school kids, gave memorial talks with all kinds of civics groups. They all were duped by his audacity. But it’s a victimless crime, right?

Category: Phony soldiers

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AW1 Tim

I’m sure there must be a reasonable explanation….. Maybe his records were lost in a fire, or they are being kept classified because of his “special” service?

Enquiring minds WANT to know…….



Is it just me or does this guy look like “Barney Fife, USMC”? I can just see him taking a beautiful shiney .38 bullet out of his shirt pocket, shining it with his hanky and saying “Now THAT’s bullet maintenence!”


[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by 20132. 20132 said: Dude! A little restraint! http://bit.ly/awHNk0 via http://outside.in/20132 […]

Frankly Opinionated

Do these turds have e-mail addresses? Like, a few e-mails extending our warm thoughts to these old phonies would warm their cockles, wouldn’t they?

Nuf Sed


I put a link up to this last week. The story ran in the Jacksonville Daily News. This story ran on our local TV station last night.
Maybe you can goggle it an find an e-mail address. He lives in Richlands which is just outside of Jville.

Richard Romano

These phony soldiers bother me to no end. There’s a Korean War vet down the street from my house; a kindly elderly man who almost never talks about his war experiences.

Stolen valor hurts many, but mostly good and honorable men like my neighbor.


“Hamilton previously told The Daily News of Jacksonville that his records are classified and that he stands by his story.”

It’s amazing how many E-1s and E-2s got grabbed by black ops people and got their records classified.


Admiral Boorda commits suicide over whether or not he earned a “V” device on one of his Navy Commendation Medals, and assholes like this guy walk the streets like they did nothing wrong. Welcome to Bizarro World.

USMC Steve

Someone school me: is it not a felony to impersonate a commissioned officer of any service?

If so, how would I go about getting (or helping get) this mothafucker’s ass in a legal sling?


The truth, Andy, you can’t handle the truth! I got ma bullet!


Citizen’s Arrest! Citizen’s Arrest!


Here’s a link to a very detailed account of this clowns antics. It’s not the first time he’s done this and been busted.



[…] colonel sentenced September 7th, 2011 AverageNCO sends us a link to news that Michael Hamilton, who we first wrote about last year has finally been sentenced; A federal judge sentenced him to 16 […]

play nice

at least his 3 dogs will forgive him…or not….grrrrr


[…] Gunny Lauve Jeff THE ROCK Harris Ray Shitbird Sherpansky De Hieu Tran Salhem Dreasden/Dan McGrew Michael Hamilton Bill […]


[…] talked about Michael Delos Hamilton when he was first arrested and again when he was sent to jail for 1 months and now they’re letting him out early, […]


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