RI State rep no Gulf War veteran

| September 23, 2011

Daniel Gordon, a state representative in Rhode Island blamed a spate of legal troubles on his PTSD which he was inflicted with in the first Gulf War, along with some shrapnel wounds as a Marine. Of course, you know the real story because we’re showcasing the Republican on TAH. Associated Press acquired his military records and discovered that was some powerful shrapnel because he was in Japan during the Gulf War. (Providence Channel 10 link)

On Friday, Gordon insisted that his service record is incomplete. He said he couldn’t provide evidence of his time in Iraq because many of his photos and keepsakes from his service were destroyed in a house fire when he was living in Fall River, Mass., in 2005.

“I’m disappointed that the DOD didn’t provide you with a full and accurate record,” he told the AP on Friday. “I don’t know what else to tell you.”

Records obtained from the Marine Corps show Gordon joined the Marines on June 4, 1987, and served at bases in South Carolina, Tennessee, Washington and California, and spent six months with an aviation unit at a Marine Corps air station in Japan.

Proving that people who lie about their military records have other things to hide, Gordon’s arrest record in Massachusetts turns out to be extensive, as well. But lucky for us, he announced that he’ll run for office again next year.

No shame.

Thanks to 1stCavRVN11B for the tip.

Category: Phony soldiers

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I need to take another look at my DD214, but Naval Aviation units are often tasked to deploy. (Sorry, Devil Dogs, but your ass belonged to Naval Aviation!!) It’s entirely possible, but highly unlikely, that someone in Personnel dropped the ball with him. It would be interesting to see his actual DD214 & FitReps.

CI Roller Dude

I still say “kick em’ in the balls”…but somebody suggested that these fakers don’t have any balls.


Yeah…my Gulf War stuff was destroyed in a fire too… wiped out all of the guys in the unit I served in too. All of them gone. Up in smoke. Just like that!


Shitbags are shitbags, regardless of political affiliation. Lets hope the RI state party folks kick his ass to the curb as quickly and publicly as possible.

See, liberals? We don’t tolerate lying fucksticks in our ranks for the sake of holding and keeping power, and anyone who does needs a hard and fast beatdown regardless of whatever letter is behind their name.

Frankly Opinionated

So damned convenient that he was “outed” on the same day as TAH held nominations for phonies. This be one strong web site,eh?


FO…actually it’s been in the news for a couple of days up here. Didn’t know if it had legs outside th local area bit good that it did. The phony vet thing just came out today, though.


So, he’s a Rhode Islander. What’s next, blaming Whitesnake for the fire?


well its interesting, I just had a problem with the records department. I had lost my dd214 I sent them a request to replace it, Their responce was because I had not completeded more then 90 days consecutive training that TSG XXX was not issued a dd214. So in less then 90 days I went from e1 to e 6? (granted I was in from 1975-83).I tore my garage appart I found the 214 and will send it in to them. So I would just caution any one to take it with a grain of salt when we are told their records dont exists.
I also had requested records for my Father in law. He was in WWII , there on D day. I recieved a notice that they had no record of his service. so again….. A grain of salt.


Just wondering – does anyone have an idea if false claims are increasing, decreasing or about the same as historically occurred? Obviously we hear more these days due to the terrific investigations by those prominent in the community (thank you each and every one!), but that may or may not indicate an actual increase in the false claims.

And yes. one does need to be a bit careful in jumping to conclusions based on what we all know to be iffy at best gubbmint record keeping abilities. According to the VA, I did 4 months of active duty in 1973 and that is all. The retirement folks do have better records upon which they send me $$ each month. And of course I have a VERY thick personal file with a set of each and every command to report here or there over a 30-some year period.

One day it will be worth my while to get the VA straightened out, but today I am still stuck in “It’s YOUR job to have accurate records, not mine.”

77 11C20

According to the news article Gordon stated that he was wounded eight miles south from Bagdad. Now I might be mistaken but was there any Marine aircraft with a crew, he is listed as a aviation technician, that close? I think that puts him 140 miles ahead of our lines at the end of the war.


The VA is not the place one should be looking to verify service.


@10 – As far as I’m aware, the guys farthest out from the FLOT were 101st LRS, and they were well south of anywhere near Baghdad.

A SAR bird ‘could’ have been in the area….but this guys record sort of speaks for itself, the convenient ‘omission’ of anything Gulf War related in his records.


Eventually some looney leftist will propose legislation that all folks who have PTSD will have to reside in jail, or something akin to house arrest since every criminal has PTSD.

AW1 Tim

FWIW, my own DD214 does not show deployments overseas. It shows my permanent duty stations, but being an airdale, we deployed from there and came back, etc.

Fortunately, I DO have copies of all my TAD deployment orders, and also cruise books with my pic and name in them to back it up if it comes to that.


Some DD214s are not correct, but they are usually fat-fingered rather than obviously wrong. Mine, when I first got back from deployment, showed my time in MOS as being my total time deployed. Yeah, some clerk fat-fingered it. However, they don’t screw it up that badly.

Will S

OWB, I think there has been stolen valor from the start of time. I don’t think it is increasing, I just think that they are getting caught more often due to the fact that there are people who care enough to check and the information needed to debunk these clowns is much easier to get. Who knows how many guys went to the grave after BSing people, families and strangers alike, about their phony heroics in the Revolutionary War, War of 1812 or Civil War.

The thing that I don’t get is that a bunch of these guys, the older ones anyway, served honorably. Most in this category have nothing to be ashamed of yet still have the need to embellish and lie about their service.


[…] legislator disputes USMC records October 7th, 2011 We discussed State legislator, Daniel Gordon last month when the Associated Press got hold of his military […]