Serial Phony Marine; De Hieu Tran

| November 7, 2010

Last March, I wrote a bit about De Hieu Tran, a guy who was busted wearing a Marine uniform in Fernsdale, MI. Well, it looks like he’s a serial phony. UpNorth sends us a link from, well…up north, where Tran has expanded his repertoire of personae to an immigration officer and scamming fellow Vietnamese;

Officer Mike Koval, of the Kentwood Police Department, investigated complaints that Tran impersonated a Marine Corps officer and an agent for U.S. Immigration and Customs, Karl Vliestra, a senior special agent for the Department of Homeland Security, wrote in a criminal complaint.

“According to Officer Koval, Tran had reportedly been receiving large cash payments from several Vietnamese nationals in the Kentwood area in return for promises that he would help them with their immigration paperwork and would expedite their becoming naturalized United States citizens,” Vliestra wrote.

Kentwood police arrested Tran on Aug. 12 after setting up a sting at a Vietnamese restaurant on South Division Avenue. Police said a woman who worked at the restaurant handed Tran an envelope containing $2,000 in return for his help getting her cousin into the United States.

The 42-year-old is also charged with wearing a Purple Heart.

Perhaps this time, judges ought to take him out of circulation for a few months.

Category: Phony soldiers

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SSG Medzyk

I’m sure it was only a harmless political statement he was making. Certainly, he wasn’t out to defraud anyone of their thousands of dollars…….


Harmless expressions protected under the First Amendment! I’m sure the ACLU will rush to the aid of this assclown, no doubt.

Junior AG

“scamming fellow Vietnamese” great move, moron. Fark over your own, rather tight knit community. Methinks he’s gonna regret being a rat fink traitor to the Vietnamese community in Michigan…


Vietnamese? Really?


“Investigators were waiting in the restaurant when Tran came in and saw that he was dressed in a U.S. military flight suit and was wearing the rank insignia of a USMC captain”

Brilliant move, shithead. Flight suits aren’t authorized for wear off base.

SSG Medzyk

Valerie, he’s what is known as AmerAsian; Children of a Vietnamese woman, and one of us round-eyed devils.

Apparently, his dad was black…….and loved boo-coo all night long.

SSG Medzyk

Valerie, he’s what is known as AmerAsian; Children of a Vietnamese woman, and one of us round-eyed devils.

Apparently, his dad was black…….and loved boo-coo all night long.

Amerasian kids are the scum of Vietnamese society, and treated worse than dogs.

This one in particular, is the scum of our military society.

SSG Medzyk

how’d i do that?


I’ve seen AmerAsians. They usually look as if they have at least some asian in them.

B Woodman

What with scamming the VietNamese community, I’m surprised he’s still above-ground and vertical.


Woody, maybe the judge oughta let him out on bond? Or in the custody of the local Vietnamese?
Valerie, look at the shape of his eyes, there’s a little Asian there


Let him out on the corner of Bolsa and Brookhurst (Little Saigon in Westminster–literally spitting distance from the house when I was known as OCCASparky.) This is the same neighborhood where a Vietnamese guy had a North Vietnamese flag and picture of Ho Chi Minh in his shop and damn near got his ass killed for it.

USMC Steve

No because he committed crimes while “expressing himself” as that fuckwit judge said was his right. Thus no crimes could have been committed.

I love liberal logic. Just don’t ask me to diagram it out.

Joe Mama

You were in ‘Nam? So were we. Where?

I was in…
Sang Bang…
Dang Gong…
I was all over the place, a lot of places.

What unit?

I was with the Green Berets,
Special Unit Battalions…
Commando Airborne Tactics…
Specialist Tactics Unit Battalion.
Yeah, it was real hush hush.
I was Agent Orange,
Special Agent Orange, that was me.


Someone check the village….the idiot is missing.



Someone left the door open on the mental ward. They (there’s about 4 of them) have been trolling here all day.


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