IVAW’s Duncan/Strandlof on AC 360

| June 11, 2009

Last night on CNN, Anderson Cooper interviewed phony soldier, IVAW member, VoteVets TV star, Richard Strandlof/Duncan. Somehow, he thinks that the good he did for veterans should outweigh his deception.

Doug Sterner from Home of Heroes (who has also visited here at TAH) is also in the video and he sums it up well – John Wayne Gacy did some good too as a clown, but it hardly outweighs his serial killings.

I don’t understand why none of these supposed news outlets won’t focus on the REAL issue here – the anti-war movement attracts an inordinate number of phonies and fakes and the anti-war types think they can just make excuses and make the whole thing go away until next time another one inevitably pops up. It’s been that way for decades – and the anti-war crowd doesn’t seem interested in vetting the messenger as long as the fake message they bring is compelling.

While I commend CNN for finally facing up to the story, they only gave Strandlof an opportunity to be a sympathetic figure by blaming his undiagnosed mental disorder and announce that he in no way profited from his deception. He may not have benefited, but he certainly cost all veterans a measure of honor and credibility.

Thanks to all of the people who reminded me in my email this morning about the interview. Especially the IVAW refugees.

In other phony soldier news, last night, the daughter of our fake general came by and somehow turned around her father’s fakery into something that I did. Apparently, I “dig up dirt”. She’s upset that her picture is posted “surounded [sic] by all this negativity” – never mind that she’s standing next to a Private First Class dressed as a general in the picture.

It seems she ought to be more upset at her father for putting her in the position of defending the indefensible. She’s asked that I remove her picture, and I’ll do it, just because she asked and out of respect for her rank and her service, but not out of fear of a lawsuit. I don’t have to be sued to get me to do the right thing. Next time ask nicely, El-Tee.

For the record, I’ve always known she’s an officer along with her brother, but I never mentioned their names or their duty stations, or their units since it was their father that’s the criminal. Her threats and demeaning language towards me won’t stop the FBI and DVA OIG investigations against her father. Nor will it stop me from busting the next phony.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers, Usual Suspects

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What I don’t understand is why CNN would even bother to interview this attention whore. They’re continuing to give him a platform for sympathy even though Dick is a fucking scumbag.


This is a complete tangent, but I wanted to commend you on your attention to detail, in this case applied to Gacy’s actual history. More oft than not, people imply that the clown outfit thing was part of the killing, but that is inaccurate, as you’re obviously already aware. His victims tended to be older than the type that would be amused by clowns, and, as you say, his clown time was largely the result of actual good done by the man. Mind you, I’m not supporting or condoning the dude; he was a sociopath and subhuman, and the world is better off without him, but facts are facts.

Man, do I look like a sociopath for even having an opinion on this, or what? In my defense, that all happened where I grew up, when I was growing up, and over time, I’ve found people have less and less grasp on what actually happened. It’s good to see when someone doesn’t.

Back to the subject at hand, while I guess it’s good more people know what kind of person this Standlof assclown is, part of me wishes he wasn’t getting any airtime at all, and instead spending his time coming up with a legal defense for the lies he’s spouted as a matter of political expediency.


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SGT Mike

“Severely underdiagnosed mental illness”

Oh fer Gawdz sake. It’s always something. How ’bout this chump is just a liar and a phony thrill seeker who needs to be caned in public and sent on his way?


[…] you should know both, but for Duncan, you can go here, and for Matthis, go here. Patton said that “no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. […]