David Baillie

| December 5, 2010

If this guy isn’t a phony, he sure looks like one. 1stCavRVN11B sent us this photo of what appears to be a leprechaun guarding his pot of gold.

Pick a branch, dude. He’s wearing armored cav branch insignia and a CIB and an EIB – you don’t wear the CIB and EIB at the same time. And do those ropes hold his head on his shoulders? And don’t get me started on those ribbons – almost every one of them are out of order.

And since when do you sew a unit patch on blues? Some Sergeant Major this guy must’ve been.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Junior AG

How many overseas bars does this jackhole have??? At 6 months per stripe, what does he “have”, a decade deployed in combat zones???


Jonn…they look like our old dress greens from here…but not sure. Junior…that would be 8 years, if I counted right, in combat. Why do these people always choose the Cav? Must be the best lookin’ patch in the world.

Well, at least he isn’t wearing 14 different types of jump wings.

1STCAVRVN11B….Where the hell did you find this guy?


Old Trooper

This guy is as fake as Nancy Pelosi’s rack


I don’t recognize what his two cords are. The only two I know on sight are Medic and Infantry, but I do know you only get to wear one, the current branch.

I too tried to count the combat stripes, but don’t see campaign ribbons to match up to the 8-10 years in combat.

EIB/CIB: every CSM would know that.

Looks like another of the EuroPoseurs.

Yeah, he’s a fake, but remember he was only “trying to honor” his favorite milblogger, Jonn Lilyea.


Only thing he is missing is a West Point ring….I mean really, if you’re gonna do it, do it right…. 🙂


WOTN….was thinking the same thing on the ropes and of course the EIB/CIB thing is a dead give away. He might have noticed that the CIB has the EIB in it…and the CIB would then outweigh the EIB. Idiot. I think the Armoured Cav branch insignia he used because he figgured it went with the First Cav patch he’s wearing. I’m not sure what the Cav uses now for isignia but it wasn’t armoured when he was supposedly in. Well…maybe in Korea, I’m not sure but he’s got the Cav on his right sleeve which would make it his last unit which would not have been the Korean War.


“I mean really, if you’re gonna do it, do it right…. ”

Like 50 cent. The first ever four-star gunny admiral:


Southern Class

Who the Phuck is this Phony? Where is he? Looks like a Euroweenie to me, perhaps it is easier to Phake it over there.


My Google-Fu is weak this morning, but I did manage to find this:

http://home.earthlink.net/~scottie16/ (no pic of him, and not updated in like 4 years)

http://www.desert-storm.com/Guestbook/guestbook.html (Buy my book, please!)

http://www.korean-war.com/Archives/2003/05/msg00004.html (Buy more of my shit!)

http://www.voiceseducation.org/category/tag/korean-war?page=2 (Oooohhh…might be getting closer here)

http://www.koreanwar-educator.org/gen_store/books_nonfiction.htm (This one actually has the picture shown above. Curiouser and curiouser…)

Of course, if this is not the same David Baillie, please feel free to remove.


I sent you his bio a few days ago.

He claims to be a CSM, firstly. He also claims 15 years of overseas service and is wearing a silver star, though no “David Baillie” has ever been awarded one, nor has a “David Baillie” ever attended the USASMA at Bliss (according to the commandant).

He’s now changed his Facebook photo:


Lots of things don’t look right. However, I did know some old grunts who wore both the EIB and the CIB….they told me for them it was actually harder to get the EIB because they had to pass all kinds of test.
I wear the First Mar Div patch for my combat patch…because they gave me fu–ing ammo in Fallujah after the army forgot to. It’s not really authorized, and 30 years from now when I’m being put to rest, somebody will say: “Hey, that’s not right wearing a Marine patch.”
So far, nobody’s had the balls to take it off.


Also, if you google his name you’ll find that he’s authored several publications on the Korean War, etc. He’s kind of a big deal (in his head).


As soon as my above post gets approved (awaiting moderation, go figure) then there will be some other links. But yeah, I’m waving the bullshit flag fast and high on this.


Did anyone notice amongst all his bling…on fb he claims to be 41, but has 8 kids and 30 grandkids and 1 great grandkid. WTF? Did he start having kids at 12, and they in turn started having kids at 12?


My dad was a CSM. I don’t recall him wearing that type of strips on his dress blues. I really get mad that most of these phonies are wearing the Cav patch.


Actually, his kid is 41, I think.

But one thing I DID notice is that he graduated high school in 1954, but by 1957-8 claims on one of his pages to be a SFC? And that he was in Korea since 1950? Not to mention a lot of those medals are for service that ended before he was out of high school.


He says he left high school to go in the military and never graduated.

He’s got Emmental all over the place.


“….they’re always after me Lucky Charms…”

Doc Bailey

I count 20 War time service stripes, which means 10 YEARS at war. US involvement in Vietnam 65-72 (officially anyway) he would need to be in Vietnam EVERYDAY since day 1, AND spent all three years in Korea to get those kind of stripes. I don’t recognize the cord on the left arm.

wearing crest for 9th Cav. at least the tard managed to sync the right regimental crest and the right division


now that the Army Service Uniform is the old dress blues the question is when are we gonna sew patches to it?


I don’t think those are blues. The epaulets don’t have the gold trim. I think it’s just wonky color exposure.

I do find it telling that both the service stripes and the overseas bars are both in groups of ten. I guess that’s how they came and he figured that’s how they go.


Says he was with the Cav in Vietnam with 1/9…and his missions are still classified. Up goes the BS Antenna.


Apparently a Big Fan of Audie Murphy

Writing poems about him. Correct me if i’m wrong but Armor used to have an 11 Series MOS

11D was Armor Reconnaissance Specialist

11E was Armor Crewman and I have seen Vietnam era Tankcrewman with CIB’s.


1AirCav69 shouldnt be a Problem, the VA now has a case officer who can verify all these Nam Ninjas stories, IIRC

Old Trooper

Well, every CSM that I have seen has the fig leaves around the star. He is wearing SM rank, not CSM, which is admin/non-command, I believe.


Gold cord is for an aide-de-camp. Enlisted aides are not authorized to where it. It is worn on the right should. Plus he just looks like a douche.


And the ascot is a nice touch.


LTC Tim: He probably couldn’t find a shirt big enough for his neck.


In light of this man’s decorations and awards and service time supposedly pre-Korea from I had read,and posted links to I offer up a new picture the only currently living Command Sergeant Major I know of. Basil L. Plumley CSM(USA-RET).

Yea, I know it’s Wiki, but it is a May 2010 picture.

The Sniper

Those cords? Well, you know what they say: give a man enough rope and he’ll hang himself with it.

Old Tanker

I get sick of seeing these guys with a freakin’ Cav patch on their shoulder….makes me wanna rip his arm off and club him upside his mellon with it. If he has all those stripes why in the hell didn’t he go full ritard with a 101st airborne combat patch with Ranger and SF tabs to top it off??

Doc Bailey

Tanker, you know why they choose 1st cav, because its BIG. People assume BIG means BETTER. not necessarily true, no offense. But how many of these Jokers do you see wearing 25th ID which lead the way in the pacific from 1941 onward and broke a record for most day continuously in combat, AND had the most MOH’s of any other division in Korea AND Vietnam. You also don’t see the Big Red One which is the oldest and one of the most decorated divisions, and saw the most combat in WWII.

I would also point out that 25th ID and 1st ID (two divisions I was in) do not have “Hero” films like first Cav. Platoon and “The Big Red One” do not really inspire one to say “ooo heroes”.

Honestly I’m surprised this jackass didn’t try to wear 7th Cav.


The blue and white cord is for meritorious service as doorman at the local, free VD clinic.
Oh, and Baillie’s e-mail address is scottie16 at earthlink.net. Just in case anyone might have a question for the CSM….


Obama didn’t salute MOH on SSG Giunta; maybe he was saving his salute for this jagoff.


I know he’s “retired” and all that too, but you’d think the jagoff would introduce himself to a razor before taking the “I love me” picture.



Bwahahahaahaa. HEy Snowman, are you from The midwest?

Just A Grunt

If I am not mistaken the blue/white cord is worn by JROTC cadets. I only know because I remember my daughter wearing it when she was in JROTC in HS.


He’s profiting off of this case of the dumbass by writing books under the premise that he’s a subject matter expert, and he’s conned half the people on FB who’ve friended him, along with countless tangible others, into believing he’s some superhero.

I’d be interested in learning where else he has obtained remuneration for his “heroics”?


From what I just read here he has to be in combat in an infantry or special forces MOS to earn the CIB. No exceptions
Why is he wearing the yellow? Everything about that tells me he is full of crap.

Old Trooper. My dad was a SGT Major. He was in an infantry unit. Later they changed him to a CSM.


Knowing 1stCavRVN like I do? He’s probably got a FOIA in on this man 😉

Jay Mahn

Here is the deal..This guy was a private long ago in some armor unit. The Yellow Cord used to be worn by Armor units. Never have seen that Blue and white deal before. The Overseas bars are what kills me. he has twenty which equates to 10 years in combat of course up until 69 you could have been in Korea on the Z. You never wear the EIB and CIB at the same time. Period The yellow ascot was kind of a Guard Mount thing and Parade thing if you were in an armor unit like the Blue was for Infantry. I like the expansive array of Medals. I am surprised he is not wearing the Luftwaffe Pilots badge like the guy a few years ago in Houston was. Naw the Ever faithful “Its Classified” deal is the ticket here. Out this bastard now. Lets get it over with.

By the way you did not have to be infantry to get the CIB. Many 11d’s and 11E’s were given it if they were in Cav units or worked as infantry in Viet Nam. Just check the 11th Cav for that little bit of info.

The green Combat leader deal was standard in combat units for all leaders.

David H. Cheresh

Hell,I spent more time in the “clap” line than this guy spent in the army!
He couldn’t get laid in a women’s prison with a handful of pardons!
The closest this flit ever got to Fort Polk’s Tigerland was when he walked into a whorehouse in Leesville, LA!


[…] Harris Ray Shitbird Sherpansky De Hieu Tran Salhem Dreasden/Dan McGrew Michael Hamilton Bill Hillar David Baillie William “Heavy Drop” […]

Michael Z. Williamson

Left arm cord is Jr ROTC, and was also (1980s) worn by AF Tech School drill teams. Never authorized off base, it was strictly a trainee recognition thing.

Randall Atchison

This guy! If you look close, his brass is angled the wrong way. How many ex-army guys and gals out there have not been jacked up by their Bn CSM for their uniform not being perfect!Both of those off post A&N Store ropes are not authorized. I saw them for sale off post at Ft Lee in the early 70’s. A lot of guys from ‘Nam were awarded the CIB outside the Infantry MOS, most of the orders were recinded because the reg is specific about who is authorized the CIB/EIB and it specifically states one or the other may be worn! My final question is where is numb-nuts name tag? What a loser! The earlier writer hit it out of the park by highlighting the classified mission flag! I was a Platoon Sergeant at Fort Lee in 1976. We had a PV2 fall out one day with a rack of ribbons and 82nd ABN Combat patch! We all jumped him! He backed up his clain with his 214. He was prior service and served with the 82nd in ‘Nam!


Wow this bolo is a giant soup sammich!


Both cords this gentleman are wearing are Army JROTC (high school level rotc). Before Enlisting in to the Army, i spent 4 years in an Army JROTC in San Antonio Texas. The Yellow is saber guard. The blue and white was leadership. This doofus is wearing JROTC cords on a supposed Army Enlisted Uniform. This gentleman is not telling the truth about his service. Sincerely – One super pissed PFC.