PTSD made me forge my DD214

| September 8, 2010

An actual Marine Vietnam veteran pleaded guilty to altering his DD214 in Muncy today;

Frederick Grunsby, 63, of the Muncy area, served two tours of duty in Vietnam, according to court documents and his attorney, George Lepley Jr.

According to Lepley, his client suffers from and is being treated for post-traumatic stress syndrome related to his war experiences.

I guess having a Silver Star made the pain go away. I should have known that POW Net had a line on him, too. Cryin’ ass shame.

Category: Phony soldiers

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It’s sad that he could not take pride in the actual service he rendered this country. Wonder if he realizes that he not only belittled his own service, but the service of those that actually were recipients of those valor awards.


I just do not get it. I mean have read many DD214 posted on POW Network that have many awards legitimately that would stand on their own nicely, yet they decide to add more.

I mean as it stands I have six medals with two ribbons with the highest one a ARCOM. It is nothing out of the Ordinary here but I take pride every time I wear my Class As without the needed to adding anything to to.


It’s sad that he felt that his actual service to the country was not impressive enough.

Old Tanker

Wouldn’t mis-spelled words on his Silver Star Citation have tipped someone off?

Virtual Insanity

OT–no, not really. I was a battalion adjutant once–most painful year of my career. The number of people (even field-grade officers, supposedly college-educated) who could not spell or produce grammatically correct sentences was amazing.

I felt like a 3rd-grade teacher correcting spelling papers while I checked ERs and awards, not to mention official correspondence.

The misspellings might raise an eyebrow, but unless a unit designation was wrong or something, it would likely go through.


I know of this case. There was no Silver Star citation put into his record. He fabricated a Navy Cross citation and had it hanging in the local American Legion. That bogus citation was not in his jacket either. It was replete with errors including spelling and incorrect military date (July 22, 1970 instead of 22 July 1970). He later forged a DD214 for the VA that said he had a Silver Star. He was never a Marine Corps officer either despite the above photo.

His legitimate awards and decorations were: Purple Heart, Navy Achievement Medal, Good Conduct Medal, Combat Action Ribbon, National Defense Service Medal, Vietnam Service Medal, Vietnam Campaign Medal and Presidential Unit Citation.

Michael Z. Williamson

His legitimate awards and decorations were: Purple Heart, Navy Achievement Medal, Good Conduct Medal, Combat Action Ribbon, National Defense Service Medal, Vietnam Service Medal, Vietnam Campaign Medal and Presidential Unit Citation.

Damn. That’s more than enough to be proud of. He served well. A sad case.

Trent Watson

Lets Castrate this Bastard in public, then shove his testicles down his throat and we can all cheer as we watch him suffocate on his own testicles!