Cobb County phony SEAL

| July 8, 2010

Just A Grunt sent me a link the other day to this story, and it’s a goody. Apparently the Cobb Public Safety Director Mickey Lloyd has been playing SEAL for quite some time. he’s even an expert on John Kerry;

Lnenicka said Lloyd told him he was a “gunner’s mate and a SEAL in a sister unit to John Kerry’s unit.”

“He talked a lot about being a part of the Riverine task force,” Lnenicka said. “He told me about his disgust for John Kerry because Kerry ordered his men to withdraw while under fire without picking up the bodies of American soldiers who were left behind.”

Read more: The Marietta Daily Journal – News, Sports, Classifieds, Businesses in Marietta, GA

I guess if you’re a phony, link your story to another phony for some credibility.

Lloyd gave the county HR department a DD 214 form on March 22, for retirement incentive purposes, showing Lloyd earned the National Defense Service Medal and the Vietnam Service Medal, said county spokesman Robert Quigley. But two weeks ago, Lloyd delivered a different DD 214 to the county’s HR department to be “included in his personnel file,” Quigley said.

That DD 214 has those two medals listed plus the Presidential Unit Citation, the Navy Unit Citation, the Combat Action Ribbon, two Bronze Stars and the Silver Star.

The local TV station tells a little more about the two DD214s;

The first DD 214 lists only two decorations: the National Defense Medal and the Vietnam Service Medal.

The second DD 214 is nearly identical, including the signatures, but lists 5 additional medals, including the Presidential Unit Citation, the Navy Unit Citation, Combat Action Ribbon as well as two Bronze and one Silver Stars for valor.

The word “citation” is also misspelled on two award listings.

I guess he’s from Geoffrey Millard School of Veteran Fakery – if you had wished you had done more, you just add it to your records. And he must’ve taken lessons from Jesse MacBeth who had a few spelling errors on his fake 214.

Well, POW Net has Lloyd’s number and if the Cobb County HR folks want to dick around waiting for the records and pay the little phony with their thumb up their collective ass, that’s fine. lloyd could at least have the decency to come clean now that he’s busted. I guess he’s going to use the old “secret records” or “Navy SNAFU” excuse. Loser.

I’m thinking I’m going to forge a DD214 and pass it around…one that says I was a cook and a file clerk in 379th Messkit Repair Company in Wisconsin. I’ll be the first one to NOT pretend I’m a Ranger/SEAL/Sniper/Sapper/Force Recon/Green Beret. I think I’ll award myself the Expert Driver badge, too.

Category: Phony soldiers

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I actually have one of those……the expert driver badge that is. LMFAO!!!!


Back in the mid-80s I did get my expert driving badge (W) driving a jeep! I was pretty proud of it, come to think of it.

Just A Grunt

This type of story just pains me to no end. He served honorably, but that wasn’t enough. I live in Cobb County, as does Claymore too I believe, and this story is so disturbing to so many of us here.

Thanks to the efforts of the folks at POW Net, and sites like this which work tirelessly to expose these cases people are not inclined to pass off these cases so easily now. This county has lost many a good soul in the GWOT, the most recent being just yesterday from a soldier who succumbed to his wounds, PVT Jacob Dennis.


It appears the story is out of Cobb County, Georgia. That is the WRONG PLACE to try being a phony of this kind; there are too many of the REAL THING walking around in that part of the country!


“This type of story just pains me to no end. He served honorably, but that wasn’t enough”

As a fellow grunt, I’m sure you knew plenty of guys who signed up thinking they’d be Sgt. Duke Van Damme McAsskicker and then were dismayed that there’s substantially more time spent in the infantry receiving classes on patrol orders and cleaning weapons, than there is patrolling and shooting said weapons. It’s not hard to imagine that, a few years removed from service and having now grasped the gargantuan gulf between the public perception of the military and actuality, they see fit to take advantage and cast themselves in the role they so desperately sought to fill.


Well, shit–if it were that easy, I’ll just change the name on MY DD-214 to Marko Raimus McO’Kane and add a few WWII patrol pins, a few extra sets of dolphins, and the Order of the Royal EAB Rubber-Sucker Badge to it.

Asshat. Why can’t people just be proud of what they did?

AW1 Tim

I know, Sparky. I agree completely.


Just for the record; I don’t think there is a Navy Unit Citation Medal. There IS a Navy Unit Commendation Ribbon.


pons–you would be correct. There are basically 3 Unit Commendations available–Presidential, Navy, and Meritorious. Considering what we did for our NUC on Buffalo, I shudder to think what the guys on the Parche and Russell did for their PUC’s.


@Sparky Hey, looks like you and I may have rode together 🙂

Toothless Dawg

I changed a tire once on a Deuce-and-a-Half and got a booboo on my finger … you think I could get an ArCom and Purple Heart?

Old Tanker

Hey man, I got my drivers badge….really, and I didn’t even have to fake it. I got an ArCom too but I usually leave out the part that I got it because the chain of command felt bad about leaving me behind to load our equipment on ships…after my ETS date…

Laughing Wolf

Jonn, if you fake one, please fake one for me and have it show that I spent my entire time in service shoveling shit in Louisianna…


NHSparky: 4 actually, you forgot the JMUC with the annoying metal frame.

Bubblehead Ray

“Order of the Royal EAB Rubber-Sucker Badge”

Hey, I want one too! LOL

Bubblehead Ray

It would beat the Golden Ball Valve award. LOL


NHSparky: I dunno just what you are referring to? We were put in for the PUC and got the NUC. As I remember the NUC back in ’66 wasn’t even considered a ‘combat’ award. I won’t bore you with the details.


pons–I’m not sure any of them are a combat award per se, IIRC. I’ll have to pull out the LOC for our NUC and read it, but I think it was one of those “overall” kind of awards that covers a particular timeframe, but did make (VERY) brief mention of the Ops we made that Westpac.

Nucsnipe–Oh yeah–forgot about that one. Probably because hardly anyone on the boats has the damned thing.

Bubblehead–Or you could just be like a RC-Divver on my first boat who paralleled the SSMG to the vital bus 135 degrees out of phase and had to carry the toasted thyristor around with him for a couple of weeks. Call it the Distinguished MG Cross of Destruction. Impress all your neighbors and wimmenfolks!

Cobb Countyian

This clown is the highest law enforcement officer in the county? Sounds like he needs to go… to JAIL!


Aside from possibly false claims of military achievements, he also claims a BS degree in Criminal Justice from a now defunct, unaccredited degree mill in Birmingham, AL called Chadwick University, which ceased operations after claims that the institution awarded “degrees” to people for life experience.

This other development hasn’t even been mentioned in the press as far as I know, even though a degree is listed as one of the requirements for the job of Public Safety Director. I just assumed they meant a real, earned degree. I guess it’s not as serious as the alleged false military claims, but, if all the accustaions are true, it does serve to show a pattern of dishonesty. Makes you ask, What else is there?


[…] may remember the Cobb County, GA, Public Safety Director, Mickey Lloyd we wrote about earlier this month on a tip from Just A Grunt. Well, he had until Wednesday to unfuck his record and come up with an […]

CI Roller Dude

Hey, I was in the Mess Kit Repair unit…
Every faker I have known claims all their records are Secret. I guess like the Men in Black.


#23 EXACTLY! My little brother, who was holding all my paperwork due to a divorce, died while I was incarcerated. (drugs. I blame no one but myself) Anyhow, it was the POW network that gave me the instructions on how to get MY paperwork. As far as I can tell, it was a damn near complete copy of me 201 and a certified copy of my 214. That was enough to get me in a VA rehab. Been clean ever since and try to give back as best I can.

I was an infantryman (peace time), me little brother a medic, and me youngest brother was a signal corps guy. Mum & dad was thrilled at ALL of us. Our highest awards? 2 GCMs and 3 HONORABLEs. Finished up with a Spec 4, a corporal, and a buck sergeant.

Muscle X

It is possible that the turning point is more recent. Although World Wars 1 and 2 were truly awful and millions of people died both during and in the aftermath, there has been a significant change during the last decade in the manner in which wars are conducted and in the global affect of these wars.

Doc Bailey

I’ve done “secret” things, handled “classified” intel. Anyone that’s spent more than a day in the Sandbox has. The difference is that most of the things I’ve done that are worth talking about have nothing to do with “classified”. Interestingly enough a lot of the stuff that goes on the computer with a red screen is actually really boring. Try reading through a debrief to glean a nugget out of the shit. Try not to let your eyes glaze over.

What really makes me laugh is when people seem to have no idea that most of the “secret” missions, are all about gathering Intel, and are pretty boring. I mean you try sitting and watching a house for two days. The missions that were “interesting” tended to be the ones that the AARs were readily available to anyone that asked.


Dis is a grate storee abuot proher spellin and da inportense of getin to write da furst tyme. What kida ediott canned spel “ceyetashun”?

This storee imspires me two add: Boiler Tube Polishing Specialist and Monkey Wrench Technician to my DD-214.