
Joe Biden to roll out proposed Supreme Court reform

| July 27, 2024 | 7 Comments
Joe Biden to roll out proposed Supreme Court reform

Next week, Joe Biden may present proposals for reforming the U.S. Supreme Court. Among the changes that Biden is looking for are term limits for the justices and a code of ethics. Biden is also expected to call for a constitutional amendment that would limit immunity for the president and for certain elected offices. Karine […]

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Kamala and Gavin?

| July 22, 2024 | 83 Comments
Kamala and Gavin?

  Well, as thebesig noted yesterday, Joe Biden is effectively out of the campaign. So that leaves Kamala Harris as the heir presumptive – unless the Democrats decide that Cackles is a liability and decide to nominate someone else. I don’t see that  – they’ve already started talking about what a WONDERFUL candidate she will […]

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A Florida man was arrested for threatening to kill Donald Trump and JD Vance

| July 21, 2024 | 33 Comments
A Florida man was arrested for threatening to kill Donald Trump and JD Vance

Michael M. Wiseman, 68, took to Facebook and made threats to kill Donald Trump and JD Vance. He additionally made threats to members of the Trump and Vance families. Community members reported him to Jupiter Police Department (JPD). The JDP worked with the United States Secret Service and with the Palm Beach County State Attorney’s […]

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Representative Sheila Jackson Lee passed away after fighting pancreatic cancer

| July 20, 2024 | 57 Comments
Representative Sheila Jackson Lee passed away after fighting pancreatic cancer

Representative Shiela Jackson Lee passed away after battling pancreatic cancer. She was 74. Jackson represented Texas’ 18th congressional district, serving as their representative for nearly three decades. This was not her first experience with cancer, having been diagnosed with breast cancer back in 2011. She announced in 2012 that she was free from that cancer. […]

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Tuesday updates

| July 16, 2024 | 42 Comments
Tuesday updates

Gonna start this Tuesday with a familiar set of names. Remember Hilary’s old vice chief of staff, Huma Abedin? Used to be married to a favorite (well, notorious) New York Pol, Anthony Wiener)? And we mentioned a while back that George Soros’s son, Alex, was starting to take over  the reins at the Soros Open […]

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Veterans group recruited 100,000 election workers

| July 15, 2024 | 6 Comments
Veterans group recruited 100,000 election workers

Ellen Gustafson is a co-founder of We the Veterans. He said that by the time people vote this coming November, one in ten poll workers will either be a veteran or a veteran’s family member. This nonprofit group reached its goal last month of recruiting 100,000 people. The National Conference of State Legislatures said that […]

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Could France show us how progressive initiatives are bad for the US?

| July 13, 2024 | 20 Comments
Could France show us how progressive initiatives are bad for the US?

France’s recent elections have been good news for their left leaning groups. Their new left-wing coalition is proposing a 90% tax on those making over the equivalent of $433,000, raising minimum wage, lowering the retirement age, and other popular progressive ideas. If one does the numbers, if such a tax were implemented, a person could […]

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AOC tries to impeach Thomas and Alito

| July 12, 2024 | 23 Comments
AOC tries to impeach Thomas and Alito

  Well, if you can’t beat ’em, impeach ’em. Seems to be the theme of the Democrats – if they can’t win by the rules, try to change the rules. Disregarding decades of liberal majority on the Supreme Court, the Dems squealed like outraged shoats when the Court became barely conservative-leaning. God knows Roberts and […]

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