Our newest fake: SPC LAKE, JASPER

| April 10, 2011

This guy has been in the POW.net radar since December of last year when he was making claims that he was a war hero in Iraq. But what makes this more interesting is that he claims that he need money to get Congress to petition Congress to approve the Medal of Honor that he claims he so rightly deserves.

Hello, My name is SPC. Jasper Lake and I am 26 years old. My clans are Manygoats born for the Bitterwater people. My maternal grandfathers are Towering House people and my paternal grandfathers are Walking Around people. I was born in Monument Valley, Utah Sept 20,1983. My parents are joe and alice lake. i have 2 brothers and 1 sister. i am the youngest of the family.

I did my Base traing in FT.Leonardwood,missouri. after completing my base training I was station out in Seattle, Washington.

Awards I well also be getting is Purple Heart,Good Conduct Medal, Bronze Star.
I feel that I deserves this award conspicuously for my gallantry and intrepidity. I SPC. JASPER LAKE distinguished myself by risking my own life above and beyond the call of duty for my platoon while engaged in action against an enemy of the United States.

I believe that I have earned this prestigious achievement when I put my own life endanger to help my squad team return back to the Stryker. Me and my platoon were in a pit while under a line of fire. I volunteered to stay behind and protect my platoon from enemy cross fire. This mission took place in Mosul, Iraq.
The MEDAL OF HONOR is awarded to those individuals who have performed heroic duty. I have taken the opportunity to prove this to my platoon, leaders, and myself that I have the courage and assisted when I was needed.

I am also asking for your help and support in donations this well help me with the expenses of my travel to get my awards.DONATIONS CAN BE MADE AT ANY WELLS FARGO. Acct#9991208399 and Routing#122105278. thank you for your help. If you have any questions or need further documentation, I can be reached at my e-mail

Your donation well be very much appreciated.

He is also trying to get others to do the same thing for him as well.

The Kayenta Veterans Organization Corporation, a new non-profit agency with a 501c3 status, has several goals in place that they feel will fall into place easily if Kayenta Monument Valley High School alumni and U.S. Army Veteran Jasper Lake receives his Medal of Honor from the U.S. Congress in the near future. “Right now, we are lobbying on behalf of Jasper Lake. Our next goal is to find the monies to lobby at the State and Federal levels,” says Rick Gray Wednesday night at the Kayenta Chapter meeting. Jasper Lake’s story is an odyssey, so much so that it is his own Platoon that nominated him for the Medal of Honor while he was in the Middle East.

The only problem is that the none seems to know who this person is. The 25th Infantry Division Association has no data on him at all. Nether does POW.net after three FOIA requests came back with nothing. Also considering what he claiming that he has done that there should be something about him and his actions.

In that spirit, Jasper Lake, one of my former students joined the United States Army. Not a distinguished student or great athlete, although his name is still listed on my weightroom record board for doing a clean and jerk of 115 kg (253 lb) at a bodyweight of about 190 lb. Jasper worked as a welder for a few years then enlisted. One day well on patrol in Iraq his unit was pinned down by enemy fire coming from all directions. Jasper, who was Striker (armored personnel carrier)driver and mechanic raced through the enemy fire dodging bullets, retook the vehicle and drove back in a rescued his unit taking some shrapnel from an explosive along the way. It was hard for me not to be emotional when he thanked me for the physical preparation he recieved and credited it for the physical toughness he had which allowed him to perform when it counted. He related that he had always maxed out on his PT (physical training) and he said it started here in our weight room.

Oh lets not forget that since there is no records of him at all means that the photo of him wearing the awards to include the Purple Heart, Bronze Star and Combat Action Badge are enough to be considered a violation of the Stolen Valor Act.

Oh and if anyone is wondering he claims that his unit is 73rd Engineer Company.


Here is a closer look at his Flash.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Jeff F


Thanks for your service. I agree about earning an award. I don’t think a driver (in this case) is going to be worthy of a BSM, much less the MOH.


Jeff…you’re welcome and thank you also. I agree that this twerp didn’t earn any of this stuff. There would be a record somewhere. MOH…this ass doesn’t have a clue.

Spork…thanks for the links and history. Good read, I appreciate it.

Honor and Courage

Virtual Insanity

I’ve spent quite a bit of time the past few days looking at this guy on the ‘net. You know what I’ve established, as far as accomplishments? He graduated from Monument Valley High School, class of 2001. FWIW, there was a Melvina Lake who graduated with him.

No info from FOIAs, no record from the 25th ID Assn, no internet presence.

There are pictures and mentions of him in a couple tribal newsletters, but even the websites mentioned at POW.net have been taken down–they all give 404 error codes now. It’s like the ‘net’s being scrubbed.


It’s a damn shame that people do stuff like this. A lot of good people get shortchanged on medals and promotions they’ve rightfully earned, and then this joker just shows up rocking some stuff he never even tried to get. I knew a lot of guys got done wrong by the system, including myself. I saved a young joe’s life during Reforger 87. I was told by my 1SG that I would be put in for a Soldiers Medal, but it never came to fruition, all I got was an unrelated AAM. But that doesn’t mean a thing. I did the right thing, and that’ all I need to know.


Yeah, BSMs (for service, no “V”) very, very rarely go to jr enlisteds…it does not look like there is a V on the BSM Lake is sporting. Word around the campfire is that his highest award was an ARCOM. So that’s 2 potential bulls**t awards (PH being the other one) arranged quite haphazardly on his chest.


Also – I’ve never understood why people wear medals, ribbons, etc. on combat uniforms (other than cloth CIBs, jump wings, etc). When I see medals on combat uniforms (esepecially when they look like crap) , my first thought is “BULLS**T!”


That guy is kinda hawt, but too bad he is fakin’


That fat glop of shit is “hawt”? OG–go find a dictionary. Look up the word, “standards.” Establish some.


[…] here is an example of one petition for the Medal of Honor that I hope does not happen if this guy is as phony as he appears to […]

david hall usaf ret.

This piece of shit needs to go to Levenworth.Too many fine,brave young men and women gave there lives over there helping free the country from a dictator.King of the bullshit tribe,I was in the Army also and know these awards are not possible for someone in such a short time.David USAF RET…


[…] William “Heavy Drop” Clark Kyle Barwan Skylar “E-Bay Recondo” Whalen Jasper Lake (To help you guys, click the “phony soldiers” thing below, and it will take you to […]


Chief dirtybottom of the nowipey tribe


Virtual Insanity, I did some checking with the NNC (Navajo Nation Council), and I put a bug in the ear of one of the Marine Veterans that work there to do a little more checking. Apparently, the guy’s DD214 he handed them was a copy of a copy of a copy and actually listed a redaction… an actual redaction mark on a DD214… Hopefully, they do a little more checking into this assmonkey and then slam his peepee in a door for making the Nation look bad (both the Federal nation and the Navajo Nation).


“…slam his peepee in a door…” Wowwouchh!


[…] Lake, the MOH nominee October 30th, 2012 Sporkmaster tracked down Jasper Lake last year. He was taking up donations to help lobby [someone] for his medal of Honor. We inspired […]