“Veterans” to march against White House for Peace

| November 21, 2010

A group of anti-war veterans have signed on to march against the White House to demand peace on Thursday, December 16th, probably hoping to avoid counterprotesters who have jobs and can’t show up on a Thursday. They compare themselves to the Bonus Marchers of the last century who marched after World War One for their benefits;

In the early thirties, WW1 vets descended on Washington, D.C., to demand their promised bonuses, it being the depths of the Depression. General Douglas MacArthur and his sidekick Dwight Eisenhower disregarded President Herbert Hoover’s order and burned their encampment down and drove the vets out of town at bayonet point.

We are today’s bonus marchers, and we’ve coming to claim our bonus-PEACE.

Well, here are some of the people who’ve signed on to the above statement and whom we’ve discussed over the past few years.

Brian Becker, National Coordinator, ANSWER Coalition; as you can imagine, Brian isn’t a veteran, just a Maoist bomb thrower. He runs ANSWER along with his brother also not a veteran.

Medea Benjamin, Co-Founder, CODEPINK for Peace; yeah, she’s not a veteran either – yet there she is listed with veterans.

Elaine Brower, Anti-war Military Mom and World Can’t Wait; She’s not a veteran, but her son was deployed to the GWOT three times – voluntarily. She’s fond of calling soldiers “baby killers” and “murderers” but exempts her son from such caricaturization and throws her son’s service in the face of her detractors at every opportunity.

Scott Camil, Veterans For Peace; Camil was known as Scott the Assassin during the Vietnam War days because it was his idea to assassinate politicians who didn’t oppose that war. He was also one of the Gainesville Eight who plotted to disrupt the 1972 Republican National Convention in Miami by attacking the police, disrupting utilities and firebombing stores. The plot was foiled by the FBI. He was also shot once while trying to sell drugs to the DEA.

Matthis Chiroux, Iraq War Resister Veteran; What can I say about Matthis you don’t already know. He’s not a veteran of GWOT.

Bill Perry, Vietnam Veterans Against the War; Bill Perry was one of the original VVAW members who testified at the first Winter Soldier hearings. He admitted to me last year that his testimony at those hearings was “bullshit” to please the hippie chicks and John Kerry.

Mike Prysner, Co-Founder, March Forward; Mike ran for office in the Party for Socialism and Justice. He ran for the Board of IVAW even though he’d left the organization to form March Forward because IVAW wasn’t radical enough for him.

Ward Reilly, Veterans For Peace; Ward is a big fake. he walks around in boonie caps and tiger stripe uniforms to give the impression that he’s a Vietnam veteran, but his entire tour in the military was spent in Germany during Vietnam. He wears a Ranger tab on his boonie cap to give the impression that he’s a Ranger even though he’s never been to the school and wouldn’tmake a pimple on a real Ranger’s ass.

He once questioned me on how I could justify my CIB since I earned it in Desert Storm. He was wearing a Ranger tab at the time. Hypocite.

Cindy Sheehan, Founder, Peace of the Action; Not a veteran, just an old hag in the final throes of her fame.

David Swanson, author; Swanson is professional crybaby. He founded AfterDowningStreet which has morphed into an Arrest Bush and Cheney organization. Mostly he whines that the Left isn’t Left enough. He’s not a veteran.

Debra Sweet, National Director, World Can’t Wait; Sweet is everywhere a lame protest erupts. Lately, she’s taken to following Matthis around NYC-area schools. She’s not a veteran.

Col. Ann Wright, Veterans For Peace; she famously resigned from the Bush State Department to protest the invasion of Iraq. She’s a liar, when it suits “the cause” and she alternates between Code Pink and Vets For Peace. You can see her service record at the link.

Doug Zachary, Veterans For Peace; Zachary was booted from the USMC before he could be deployed to Vietnam, but, like Reilly, he plays the part of a Vietnam veteran. Imagine how screwed up you have to be to kicked out of the Marines in 1968. Zachary loots every anti-war cause he can get his grubby paws near.

There are more signatories, most of whom I don’t recognize by name. I only saw a few IVAW members on the list, but I’m sure they’ll be there.

Category: Antiwar crowd, General Whackos, I hate hippies, Iraq Veterans Against the War, March Forward, Phony soldiers, Shitbags, Usual Suspects

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Excellent work; as my mom says….”birds of feather flock together”


Must be all that “Hope and Change” and “We’re the ones we’ve been waiting for” and “Yes We Can” isn’t working out all that great for the great unwashed m-asses?


My guess: They’ve set it up on a Thursday trying to time it so that they can harness more media attention and reach more people. Pre-Fox News days, people tended to watch network news and listen to the radio Mon-Fri. The weekend was considered ‘dead time’.

That’s still true to a certain extent, but I doubt their ploy will work. Nobody cares about their silly antics. Most people are simply trying to put food on their tables and figure out how they’re going to pay for Christmas this year.


More losers too lazy to get a job and living off the dole and trying to get laid by old hippy chicks with butch haircuts. Not that anyone would want to hire any of these maggots.


I was about to start packing my bags (again), until I realized they’ll likely be welcomed at the WH with open arms.

I might still show up if FR or others has something planned?


Wish I could be there! Sign suggestion:

‘Yes to Peace. No to Matthis and his hags.’

Aren’t there levels to Cougarism?
Less than 10 years older = Puma
More than 10 years older = Cougar
Old enough to be your freakin mother = Sick


Ah, but they’re all douchebags!


I guess they have seen the LT Choi motivational posters and want to get in on the action.


I wonder what happens to these buffoons when the money and celebrity goes away?

Jay Wenk

It’s sad to hear from vets and others who seem to be war mongers. I remember that during a lull in the firefights when we would gripe and piss and moan, someone would always pipe up and say “ahhhh, you never had it so good, three squares and a place to flop”. I think these people are the ones that never had it so good, and that’s sad. I’m sorry for them. I was combat infantry, Europe.


Mr. Wenk. I have to ask since you will be going to the event with these people is how can it be overlooked that many people i this group have not deployed to a combat zone or never been in the military at all.

Also considering that many of these people seem go out of their way pant US service members as blood thirty killers and rapists. How can you associate with people like this even if you have disagreements with these wars?

Army Sergeant

Fuck that noise. I don’t need to get in any fights.

Michael in MI

So if the American government decides to withdraw from all war zones, and “peace” does not result, are these “Veterans for Peace” then going to go protest in all the war zones against all the governments who are preventing the “peace” (ie Iran, “Palestine”, Somalia, the Taliban in Afghanistan, etc)?

Yeah, that’s a rhetorical question…


So they used their collective brain cells (all .05 of them) to use their First Amendment rights (that most of them didn’t even fight for) to march for peace while bad mouthing those who actually fight for peace? Don’t they know they have access to the Fifth Amendment and don’t have to incriminate themselves?

Or maybe they just need to be introduced to the “Silver Rule” where “Silence is golden but Duck Tape is silver.”

Ken Ashe

You picked out a bunch of people attending Dec. 16 who you had a snarky comment for but you missed me. I’m an original signatory to this action and a veteran of two tours in V-Nam as a DustOff crew-chief. No, I wasn’t out there killing others but I was sure as hell in the line of fire.

War is nothing but terrorism on a scale so large that it deserves a special name. What is it that you guys like about killing other people? Are you really such scared little people that you have to go run and hide behind Uncle Sam’s coattails pleading “Oh please big uncle, save me from the terrorists and other bad people. I’ll gladly forfeit my 1st, 4th and 5th amendment rights if you will just promise me safety from the boogey men.”?

Your government is now owned by corporate interests and the military-industrial complex that Gen. Ike warned us about HAS taken over unwarranted influence. That seems to be peachy keen with you.

Sporkmaster: I have to ask, if you have been to Nam then how can you march with people that have never even served and call it a veteran protest?


Ken… The antithesis is those who either cavort or speak the virtues to the likes of Hugo Chavez, Yasser Arafat/Hamas, etc, Iranian regime and other dictatorships and attempt to convince others how this is so much better than what we have. That’s who you have attached your wagon, and I’m quite sure Ike wasn’t supporting that kind of ideology either. Not trying to attack you… Just showing that there are two sides to the coin.


Ashe and Wenk…
Well, then. I guess my truth is different than yours because I prefer it be called what it is. War. I get pretty sick and tired of being called a war monger for believing that the Country I served chooses battles that you disagree with.

Your problem is like a lot of other anti-war freaks. The only thing you anti freaks manage to do is to look stupid. Burning flags and singing Kumbaya does nothing. However, going on the terrorist offensive has made two countries move toward a more democratic society and prevented more attacks here.

And don’t bother going off about how many soldiers have died for what *YOU* don’t believe in. They volunteered, they believe. Period.

And if you want to call it “my” government, get the fuck out of “my Country”! Don’t let the door hit you, while you search for a more peaceful and free nation to live in, mmmkay?

Old Trooper

Ashe; why did you do 2 tours? Did you like the action? I mean, according to you, all of us are warmonger-killer types, so why save us? You could have just as well been a crew chief on a stateside UH-1; right? Or, maybe a tour of Germany, or shit, even the Presidio, they had an aviation company, you could have hung out with the dope smokers in San Fran and still pulled a gummint check while stroking your weenie at a hangar at the Presidio.

Why is it that everyone that comes here to argue thinks that we are all warmongers? What the fuck has anyone here said or done that would make anyone think that war and killing is enjoyable. No one in the military takes pleasure in killing, but it is necessary. If you really are a 2 tour Vietnam Vet, then you had to re-enlist after your 2 year draft tour was up; so you volunteered, just like every swinging dick does in todays military (sorry for leaving out the women, but they were never drafted to begin with). Do you consider yourself a warmonger for doing more than your original tour? I mean, even as a medivac crew chief, you were responsible for getting wounded troops out in order for them to be fixed up and sent back in, so you were in weapon repair (the ultimate weapon being the soldier), indirectly; correct?

I thank you for your service, but don’t denigrate mine in order to make yourself feel better, because that just makes you a hypocrit.

Robert Chiroux

Jay & Ken, “You can’t make chicken soup from chicken poop”. Your message may be awesome but ruined by your associations.

Thank you for your service and you have earned the right to your opinions and I mean that. Happy Thanksgiving!


Well, all I can add is the old saw that “you’re known by the company you keep”, and maybe throw in a little, your message is carried by the lowest common denominator among you. Judging by the list of “credits”, the denominator is extremely low. And, the company is nothing I’d want to be associated with.


The sad thing is……it’s not the US that starts the wars. We may declare war and we may start the offensive, but it’s others that actually ‘start’ the war. The muslim world attacked the west because they don’t like our ways. We send more money to muslim countries than anyone, in an effort to help and provide, but we’re still the devil.

Are we clean? No….by no means. Our politicians prove every day that corruption in government is alive and well. I just believe that when all is said and done, the US means well and only wants freedom for all…..am I just naive?


Ken, thank you for your service and saving guys like me. I appreciate it and would hug and shake your hand any day. You’ve earned your opinion whether I agree or not. That’s what it’s all about.

Your wrong about 99% of the men and women on this site. Denegrading these people with condisending paragraphs is childish. You should be beyond that. I joined the VVAW not long after coming home from Vietnam. I just wanted my brothers out of there. It did not take me long to see that a vast percentage of the VVAW people I met were either liars or pogues. I got out as fast as I got in. There is a lot to say about the company you keep and I can assure you, in that list above, you will not find the true brotherhood you had in Nam. Trust me on that one. You will just be a useful idiot. Think about it….we were so used as Vietnam Vets. It reminds me of the Marine author of “Born on the 4th of July”. (Kovak?) He didn’t have a problem as a grunt in his first tour. But after being wounded and paralyzed it all of a sudden was wrong. Well…I can understand it but when you write a book like that, tell them how much you enjoyed the first to sign up for a 2nd. I can tell you, had I made it through 1…..you’d have never seen me on 2. I’d had enough.

A heartfelt Happy Thanksgiving to you…..my life was saved by guys like you. (maybe you?) My sermon is over.

Honor and Courage


Sorry for asking this but why would Riley insinuate that your CIB not be justified for serving in Desert Storm? That makes no sense to me, but I’m not a hippe douchebag so I dont get the mentality.


perhaps, while the “peace veterans” are down at the WH, they can offer some suggestions about the situation in the korea’s.


24….there are those that question that you could earn a CIB for only 90 hours of combat. I am not one of those but a phoney Ranger would.

Trigger Mike

Rapists, thieves, slanderous old hags, and liars. Great job anti-war movement!