Elaine Brower; a new standard for crackpots

| May 4, 2009

I’m working on a story about the protest that happened in Philadelphia the other day, and waiting on a report from our eye witness snoop who was there. While doing some research on it and the background of the 30 organizations who took up the protest, I bumped into Elaine Brower. I’ve seen her name before, but we’ve always been more interested in IVAW. Anyhow, meet Elaine Brower.

Elaine Brower

She braggs about the fact that she’s a member of World Can’t Wait. Now, WCW was founded in 2005 to drive George Bush from office. It was founded by Charles Clark Kissinger – you can google Kissinger and nearly every link refers to his affiliation with the Revolutionary Communist Party. That’s the kind of people who wanted George Bush out of office and weren’t happy with the democratic process.

Brower is also a member of Military Families Speak Out – an affiliate of United for Peace and Justice which was founded by Leslie Cagan, a big supporter of Castro. So why does Brower belong to MFSO? Because she has a son, USMC Sergeant James Brower, who has been deployed three times to the GWOT.

In 2005, she did an interview with Newsday about her son’s deployments;

“Tell me, please,” his mother said, sitting across the street from her office in lower Manhattan. “What can I do to make sure he comes back alive?”

She’s already done the practical things.

She’s tried to talk him out of going. She bought him $2,000 worth of body armor and high-tech goggles, life-or-death gear the Marine Corps still does not provide.

When James transferred to another Marine unit, making his war-zone call-up all but certain – “I screamed and I cried for 24 hours and beat up on him the way only a mother can.”

None of it worked, of course. He’s shipping out five weeks from now for the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center at Twentynine Palms, Calif. From there, it’s straight to Iraq.

His mother still remembers the 3 a.m. calls from Afghanistan. “He’d say, ‘Yeah, Mom, I was carrying ammo. I stepped into a hole and broke my ankle. But I kept running. They needed the ammo.’ Then, I’d get up in the morning and go to work, where people were talking about things like what was on TV last night.”

Her son, she said, shares her skepticism about the war in Iraq. Lots of his fellow Marines do. Support for some broader policy is not what motivates them.

“Really, they don’t train these guys to protect their country,” Elaine Brower said. “They train them to protect each other. I asked James, ‘Why are you going back?’ He said, ‘My buddies are over there, and I need to protect them.'”

So, she doesn’t understand that thing that only soldiers (and Marines) understand. My mother was the same way for twenty years – but my mother wasn’t bat shit crazy. You can almost smell the crazy in Brower’s voice when she tells the Newsday reporter how great it would be to lose her son like Cindy Sheehan did so she can be an even greater activist and get her some of that absolute moral authority;

“God forbid he goes over there and something happens to him,” she was saying yesterday as more grim news arrived from Iraq. “I’ll go off. I will. The way I’ll react, they’ll think Cindy Sheehan is a butterfly.”

I could hear the drool on her chin.

She’s upset that her son won’t listen to her insane rantings, so she expects the government to stop all wars because her son won’t stop going to war. Well, even though he’s survived three tours to the war, two tours of Iraq and one to Afghanistan, she’s still being a pain in the ass getting arrested at the Philly protest and still waving her LIVE son’s non-bloody shirt;

Elaine Brower, 53, who sits on the board of Peace Action of Staten Island, was one of those taken to jail. She has been organizing against the AEC because she is the mother of a Marine who just returned from his third tour of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan.

I’m sure her son is proud of his Mom who hangs out with communists and airs familial laundry in public.

Bush is gone, her son is home safe, why’s she still getting arrested?

Category: Antiwar crowd, Usual Suspects

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Having just bid farewell to my Marine son as he left on his deployment to the Stan, I can honestly say that I loathe this woman, she’s definitely a moonbat, first class. If my wife had acted like this, her son would have disowned her, and I’d be single now. Fortunately, she’s been as good a troop as my daughter-in-law, as she was when he went to DS and Somalia.
And I doubt her contention that her son and “lots of his fellow Marines” share skepticism of the GWOT. I never shared much of what I thought with my parents when I was in the Army, and hardly ever shared any of what I thought and did as a LEO with my family.


what’s up with these mothers that they cannot accept their sons’ decisions?? granted I do not have children but I cannot imagine my mom doing anything like this if I was in the military… She begged me not to sign up when I raised an issue but if I had followed through I know she would have just suffered, silently, while supporting me all the way…


RCP “rules” ( my comments are asterisked) I wrote an article in 2007 about WCW and RCP

Don’t let things slide when a person has clearly made an error for the sake of remaining on friendly terms with that person. Party members must at all times fight for what is correct, wage principled line struggle and not fear criticism and self-criticism.
**(You should fear all criticism as you will be labeled a traitor to the cause and booted to the curb for not maintaining a principled line!!!)**

Or this gem, just change the names-(Dodd, Feinstein, Frank, The COWboy)

Don’t use your position as political leader among the masses for personal gain — financially, to take sexual advantage, etc…
**(You mean like Harry Reid, Ted Kennedy, Bubba Clinton, Hilary, Soros, Moore)***


I miss my mom. I hope her child will not remember her as someone who didn’t support his life and pursuit of happiness.


If her son, who knows her and, theoretically, loves her, refuses to listen to her opinions, why should I?


I’m betting that her son is pretty dang happy to be deploying, if anything, to put some distance between him and her. I don’t think insane describes her accurately.


Is that John Lennon next to her in the picture?


She’ll never stop getting arrested for the same reason Cindy Sheehan will never go away: Attention. They’re addicted to it.

US Soldier

Check out the AEC fan page on facebook. If you support the Army and its efforts to show more Americans what the Army does, then become a fan and tell Elaine what you think.

Red Green

Ya got to love these batshit crazy people, there messiah is in the Oval Office and they are still marching. I am just glad I am retired after my 23 years. I wonder how they will love serving in the Obama National Service Corps? Glorious Social Revolution Comrades.

1969 Victor Charlie in the Wire
2009 Victor Charlie in the Whitehouse…


Oh, gee well, it’s really nice to know you are all my fans! Keep it up, waste your hot air amongst yourselves. I love it!

Jonn wrote: Maybe it’s you that’s full of hot air, Elaine. That seems to be the consensus here.


maybe we are all full of hot air, mine is just better.


Heh heh… I have never heard anyone say it was HOT AIR that the woman was full of… but every man who has ever served to protect freedom, was someone’s son… every woman who has served was someone’s daughter. Because of these sons and daughters, these ungrateful and gutless commie assholes have the freedom to rant and bitch about them. Ann Coulter was right about this type of woman who wants only to use the bodies of their children as platforms on which to stand to gain attention for themselves.
No human being can be lower than one who wishes their own child dead just so mom can get on Larry King.
Or Jerry Springer.



It was a group of brave men of the Continental Congress who gave all of us our freedom. Each of us who has served did so in the belief that A,ericans like you, me, John, TSO, and even Elaine Brower should be free to speak their minds. We cannot judge her for using that freedom. Further, I never hope to know what it feels like to lose a child. Her feelings and her need to share them should not be idly brushed aside as shameless self promotion.


Wow, I agree with that statement, to a point. My son will post here soon and tell you all what he thinks.


[…] oppose the utterly pointless demonstration by Matthis, Robyn Murray and Elaine Brower. You can hear Elaine Brower, whose Marine Corps son has completed at least three tours of the War Against Terror, screech […]