Matthis plays combat veteran again

| May 24, 2010

Someone sent me this link to the Times Herald Record yesterday about the protest that happened outside of West Point while the President was speaking yesterday. Apparently Matthis was there spreading his usual bullshit;

Matthis Chiroux of Brooklyn said he agreed to enter the Army as an alternate sentence after “being busted selling mushrooms in Alabama,” but now regrets that choice.

“I messed up,” he told a crowd of about 90 to 100. “I committed a crime when I went to Afghanistan.”

Which crime would that be, Matthis? Did you take two scoops of sprinkles from the ice cream bar at the DFac?

The truth is that according to the Army, Matthis was never stationed in Afghanistan;

He’s tried calling himself an Afghanistan veteran before. I caught him a few years back doing it for his World Can’t Wait masters. He wasn’t an Afghanistan veteran then and he’s not one now. No campaign medal for Aghanistan, no notation on his 2-1.

Matthis is becoming a mirror image of his mentor Ward Reilly who pretends to be a Vietnam veteran and an Army Ranger. You can find Ward slouching around protests wearing tiger stripe fatigues and a boonie cap with a Ranger tab sewn on it;

White House Protest 10-5-2009 (73)a

His only duty station after training was in Germany (where he never wore tiger stripe fatigues) and the only military school he ever attended was infantry Advanced Individual Training – the same training every infantryman gets. Reilly’s records;

Matthis does his best to demean everyone’s service while he takes every opportunity to imply he’s a combat veteran. Like he tries to tell us he’s like Martin Luther King, Jr.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers, Usual Suspects

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B Woodman

Is there any way to know in advance when Matthis will be somewhere to protest?
Then some nearby TAH reader(s) can do a counter-protest, shine the spotlight on Matthis and call him out as a liar.
Send the little cockroach scurrying back to his hole.


Maybe he committed another rape during his long lay-over in A-stan?


The only “layover” he got was at the Philly Airport in his way the Germany for God sakes. What a freaking tool. Or it coulda been JFK…All flights leave around 1830 unless you are not in the eastern time zone.

Why don’t the people he surrounds himself with get it? I guess they are all tools themselves.


Maybe he means he commited a crime during Afghanistan. Lot of that going round these days.

Casey J Porter

He is such a lying sack of shit.


[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by cw and Chaz, C. C said: This ain't Hell, but you can see it from here » Blog Archive …: He's tried calling himself an Afghanistan … […]


He and Reilly are both duplicitous scum. They are more than happy to let people confuse their membership with “Iraq Veterans” Against the War and “Vietnam Veterans” Against the War with actual service in those conflicts. Not only that, but in front of crowds and the media they are more than happy to play semantic games so that people believe they served in those wars without actually saying so.

Casey J Porter

You guys are such bullies! Matthis is a brave hero! He spent a whole week in Afghanistan. A WHOLE WEEK! You know how hard it is to stomach DFAC food for a whole week???


If he only did a week in the ‘Stan, how the fuck did he manage to get a GWOT Service medal? At least it’s not a GWOT Expeditionary Medal, which would make him eligible for the VFW.


All it takes for a GWOT Service medal is 30 days active duty.


Not true, Dick.


From wikipedia: “To be awarded the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, a military service member must perform duty in a designated anti-terrorism operation for a period of either 30 consecutive or 60 non-consecutive days of duty.”

What qualifies as “designated anti-terrorism operation” beats me. All I know is that when I finished Air Force Basic Training they handed me my training ribbon, a National Defense Service Medal, and a GWOT Service Medal.

Army Sergeant

To be fair, the Army doesn’t note your deployments that didn’t bring medals on your 214. So short deployments aren’t on there. Like ones for six days. Why would he lie about that?


wanna bet sparky?


You have no idea how p^ss^d ^ff I am about this.
We were there and I never saw Chiroux or I would have called him out. I went through the pictures I took and sure enough I spotted him, but his back was to the camera and I was concentrating on the speaker.

Dang it!

I’m uploading the pictures to my webshots album now.


Here’s a direct link to the Chiroux picture.
Anyone have any idea what that thing in his left pocket is?


Interesting that people completely ignored this statement: “To be fair, the Army doesn’t note your deployments that didn’t bring medals on your 214. So short deployments aren’t on there. Like ones for six days”
Shows that you don’t really care about the truth. Be honest, the truth is you hate Matthis because he is condemning war crimes being committed by the U.S. military. Where is your condemnation of the crimes against humanity that you were apart of when you joined up in this military? When are you going to apologize for the death and destruction you unleashed on the people of the world?

Anybody who is speaking out and protesting against the illegal, illegitmate wars in Iraq (veteran or not) should be supported.

Casey J Porter

Umm, Army Sergent never deployed anywhere. Try not posting as Anonymous you fucking wimp.


Agreed, if you cannot stand by your views without hiding behind a Anonymous screen name then what is the point?

You are quick to claim war crimes but have become a slogan without any real meaning to a specific event(s) and why? Also be able to prove how those events are actually a crime with reasonable evidence that can face hard questions.

Because you make it sound like that it is not a case of trying to prove your case, but rather supporting anyone who agrees with you regardless of if they have a idea of what is going on.



I would counter that 6 days is not considered a “short deployment.” Soldiers instead get TDY orders. But the way I read the rest of your statement, it is obvious you didn’t serve Or lack true independent insight becuase you don’t know enough about the military or what actually goes on during these wars apart from parroting the words of others. Your conjecture and tired rhetoric lacks substance as well as any rational legal or moral basis to be taken seriously.

Robert Chiroux

Anonymous, The distain by so many for my son is not so much his anti-war activities but his carefully constructed web of lies and manipulation. He is very, very smart but he is sloppy and eventually everyone sees or hears something that does not fit and the spell breaks. They either walk away never to be heard from again (like so many of his past girlfriends who were certain he loved them and was going to marry them – for those who have ears…) or they become part of the growing anti-Matthis movement. Be patient Anonymous, you too will see, eventually. So many broken hearts in his wake; so many used; so many discarded. All this makes me so very sad.


I hope most of you die a slow painful death


Dick, my apologies. So it doesn’t even rate as an, “I was there” award. Yippee fuckin skippy.

Robert Chiroux

AANOX, I can assure you, I am.

Casey J Porter

You can contact IVAW here:

Phone: 646-723-0989

E-Mail: / /

Frankly Opinionated

Are you teasing us with your g-mail address? I won’t give you the pleasure of seeing an actual e-mail in your pathetically empty inbox. You are no more than a cumstain on the leg of the local hooker.

Nuf Sed


ANNOX-*That* was ever so mature of you. I pulled out my DD214, just FFS. And guess what? I was TDY and for some strange reason, it was 3 days and shows up.

You know, even if it’s not on someone else’s DD-214, in every service members 201 file is a record of all types of training and TDY or orders identifying such. He could dispel it in a heartbeat, but we know he won’t.


Aanox – by stating that you hope we all die a slow and painful death, you are implying that you are no better than the person you are trying to protect. How does that represent taking a stand for peace at all? This is where your hypocrisy matches Matthis.’ How can he be anti-war and anti-military when he approved of one ex-girlfriend “V” joining the Army and saying it “would be good for her?” (By the way, V. is currently serving the U.S. Army and is bravely making her way through the Middle East as I write this). How can he be pro-peace when his last two roommates “J” and “J” had to find living quarters for themselves and file a restraint against him due to his violent behavior? And, of course, there is me. I’ve known so many people that society has classified in one way or another as “criminals,” and yet in each one I’ve been able to see much more good than I could ever see in Matthis, who created such a paranoia in me that I had to change the lock in my apartment. And when that didn’t work because he’d climb in through my kitchen window, I had to leave my own place. Do you see how this pieces together? I found the “man” his apartment, aided him financially through his beginnings in New York, and I had to leave my own home. But Matthis will have a perfectly wonderful excuse for each situation, coupled with puppy eyes and an aloof grin. I beg of you who are surrounded by his circle – use your own heads and judgment. Not his. Do research. Find the people from his past, because you sure as hell won’t find them on his little “Facebook” list of “friends.” Next, Robert, as much as I agree with you on many of Matthis’ characteristics, there is one point of disparity. He is not “very, very smart.” He is very, very cunning. And there is a BIG distinction between the two. Intellectually, Matthis is mediocre at best, if not quite stupid. This… Read more »


AANOX, lighten up, Francis!

Robert Chiroux

Blanka, Your description is correct, he is very cunning. I also was present when he took his first IQ test. It was average although he was told he scored highly. In fact his sister far outscored him. And it was I that checkmated him into joining the army (the mushroom incident). I hoped the experience would show him he was truly talented, especially in photography and he would turn towards benevolence. I met the girl he was dating in Heidelberg who was an unbelievable find a father could only hope for and allowed myself hope. But he turned away and has gone down this very dark path that I know will end badly. It is very painful for me to watch the scortched population growing in his wake and am very concerned for his present girlfriend. She seems very geniune and I am convinced she loves him and truly believes it is mutual. It all makes me very sad, but your experience is consistent with what I have seen. We cannot stop this, only give fair warning to those who have ears to listen.


Blanka, thank you for standing up to the debauchery. Your story is spreading quickly. Ouch, girl…


I agree with Blanka and Dr. Chiroux. Matthis thinks he is smarter than everyone around him. Not so much.

Army Sergeant

Casey: First, that statement is not true, unless you’re going by CPT Me’s definitions. Secondly, you know that my statement was.

CPT Me, you are correct that that is (at least in the Army) TDY time, but my statement is purely only that I don’t think Matthis lied about being in Afghanistan for six days. It would also be such a silly, silly thing to lie about. Who would invent being somewhere for six days? If they were going to invent a story, they would say they were there for a full tour.

DefendUSA: That has not been my experience or that of some people I know, but that might just be poor admin folks. I haven’t read the 214 regs.


The difference is not if he was there or not but him trying to claim that he is a Afghanistan Vet from the very short time and never leaving the FOB. Trying to claim that he is a Afgan Vet and a combat one to boot is a out right lie.

One that he uses for his own political advantage at our expense.

Ray 2

Why does anyone believe anything this Matthis creep says? Jesus, what a tool. He’s worse than a draft dodger.

Casey J Porter

Have some of my comments been deleted?


[…] he joined the Army voluntarily to avoid a charge for selling drugs near a school playground, served a tour in Japan, then Germany where he took a TDY trip to Afghanistan for six days and calls …. Then he skipped out on his recall to active duty from the IRR and calls himself a “war […]