VVAW/IVAW links: Bill Perry [Jonn]

| December 21, 2008

This is Bill Perry of the old VVAW. Here’s a picture I took of him with Elvis Kokesh at the Ron Paul march last August carrying an upside down flag – that’s him, the sea cow-shaped guy, in the Black Vets For Peace T-shirt on your left;

Ron Paul 079a

Here’s a picture of him in the VVAW T-shirt horning in on a photo of me and Army Sergeant shaking hands at the Winter Soldiers Congressional hearing back in April(I didn’t find out who he was until after I wrote the post and posted the picture);


Here he is planting a wet one on Elvis Kokesh last month in Nassau County when the charges against the IVAW arrestees were dropped.

Here’s Bill Perry with VoteVets co-founder and chairman Jon Soltz along with some IVAW members:

So who is Bill Perry, you might be asking. Well, he’s one of the original VVAW members and he testified at the first Winter Soldier hearings in 1971 (you know, with such luminaries as phony soldier Al Hubbard and John Kerry). He testified to his own misconduct which, if it happened, cost the lives of his own platoon as well as some innocent Vietnamese villagers;

Bill Perry, 23, Pfc. (E-3), “A” Co., 1/506, 101st Airborne Division (November 1966 to August 1968)

PERRY: I served in Vietnam from ’67 to ’68. I wouldn’t like to go too far into the horror stories you’ve been hearing about the last few days, but I would like to relate a few incidents. On March 5, 1968, in the province of Phuc Long, village of Song Be, a platoon of us, twenty-nine of us, were on a search and destroy mission. A few of us, who were considered expendable, were told to walk point.

As we came up out of a bamboo thicket into a clearing, a woman with whom I and one of the other two people had previously had what you might call business transactions with concerning marijuana, informed us of an imminent ambush on the part of the local forces. Myself and two others ran into her home with her. We weren’t sure whether she was _____ us or what, but we were scared so we ran into her home. The rest of the platoon came up out of the valley into the clearing and was ambushed. We were isolated pretty well from the rest of the platoon while they were getting shot up. And when an NCO came up to look into the house where we were kind of looking out the door with the woman, the NCO automatically figured that we must be VC prisoners and he shot her up. She had a very young child inside her bomb shelter. Every Vietnamese home has to have a bomb shelter. The ambush actually lasted about two or three minutes, and the platoon got pretty well shot up. For about five hours they called in artillery and air strikes and pretty well demolished the town of Song Be. Finally when enough reinforcements came, they went out to sweep the area. They decided to throw fragmentation, or white phosphorus grenades, inside of each bunker regardless of what was going down in any bunker. We tried to stop them from fragging other bunkers where we could hear screams or moans or whatever, but they were really into it.

There was another incident in mid-July 1968 in the vicinity of Nui Ba Den where we had been in about two days of steady combat. We had found a lot of bodies, some killed by air strikes and some killed by small arms fire. And the military fear, you know, came through once again in their mutilation of bodies. They were very much into cutting patches and numbers on dead bodies in this particular incident. I could go on with more horror stories, but like we all know what happens. You can hear it from the other GIs and when the rest of the people on the panel finish, I’d like to go into a little of what causes people to act this way, why people act this way, and what we can do to combat people acting this way. Thank you.

Being a chickenshit coward, Perry hid in a mamasan’s hut without warning his platoon about the ambush (kind of the job of the point team). If he had done his job and warned the platoon, maybe the wanton killing of everything that moved in the area wouldn’t have happened. Then Perry went on to tell the tale of infiltrating Cambodia, apparently just for the sake of infiltrating Cambodia.

MODERATOR: Perry, before we go on to the next one, you mentioned something before about an order received by the higher up and crossing across the national borders. Could you mention something on that?

PERRY: It was very well known that we were within two klicks of Cambodia which is about a mile and two-tenths. Very often we went on search and destroy missions directly west as far as 8-10 klicks and back. We were definitely going into Cambodia.

MODERATOR: Did you ever make contact in Cambodia? Did you ever make contact when you crossed the border?

PERRY: No, I didn’t.

So what was the point of that? There were no incidents in Cambodia so there’d be no reports of operations in Cambodia. Remember this was 1972 – one of the popular charges to make against the Nixon Administration that year was that they’d illegally extended military operations in to Cambodia. According to Perry’s service claims, he was out of the Army before Nixon was even elected.

The end result of all the Winter Soldier in 1971 testimony according to Scott Swett;

The Army’s Criminal Investigative Division (CID) had opened cases for 43 WSI “witnesses” whose claims, if true, would qualify as crimes. An additional 25 Army WSI participants had criticized the military in general terms, without sufficient substance to warrant any investigation.

The 43 WSI CID cases were eventually resolved as follows: 25 WSI participants refused to cooperate, 13 provided information but failed to support the allegations, and five could not be located. No criminal charges were filed as a result of any of the investigations.

So Perry’s story was pretty much bullshit. Again, these are the people behind IVAW.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Liberals suck, Phony soldiers, Winter Soldier II Live blogging

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Frankly Opinionated

The tough part of this whole post is that this Bill Perry Chickenshit is not exceptional, but rather illustrative of the most of the war protestors. Real men that didn’t/don’t agree with things know that there are better ways to change it than to denigrate those of us who were/are in harms way. What a sorry assed chickenshit. While I have been known to take a toke at times in the past, I never, ever would have considered it when my fellow men needed me to be 100% alert at all times. As some of us call it, and use it- pot is a recreational device, just like an 8-ball table. We wouldn’t rack em up in the middle of a platoon action, why would he recognize a woman as a dealer with whom he had business transactions? Chickenshit, pure chickenshit!
nuf sed


I outted him about that one last month, Jonn.



Thanks for putting yours up. Now I don’t feel so much like the lone ranger. Your spot on Frankly Opinionated, spot on….I’ll updating mine sometime before years end.


Wonder why the “NCO” didn’t shoot up this sorry-assed chickenshit MF? Nice of him to bail on his fellow soldiers, save his miserable ass and let them get “shot up”. What a POS.. If he can be believed. It sounds like self-serving crap, trying to get his street cred for the hippie, anti-American pos’s he runs with.


I do not know how they do things in the American army, but by all accounts this rat was guilty of desertion whilst under enemy fire, in WWII soldiers were shot for it. No unit can afford to have cowards in it, shooting may sound harsh but it is the only way to preserve morale. I am even more surprised he was not court martialled on the basis of his own sworn testemony.


I am so glad you are exposing these pieces of shit for what they are. You’re making great headway in exposing them and the IVAW. That’s one reason I went to Silver Springs earlier this year to counter these scumbags at their so called Winter Soldier Hearings II. Being a grunt in 1971-’72, the original WSI hearings by John Fn Kerry really pissed me off, bad. Saw some of the sorry ass VVAW bunch in Vung Tau while on R&R and none in my unit would even talk with them. Should have whipped their ass then.


Ciccio, my thoughts exactly. He should have been shot right there, but my feeling is he was the one who told “the NCO” that they were being held by the VC woman, who had the misfortune to sell dope to a POS .


So, 30 of the 43 WSI “witnesses” punked out because of insufficient evidence (they couldn’t back up their wild-assed stories), and the remaining five did a disppearing act.

That just leaves John(“seared in my memory”)Kerry, who unfortunately was not charged with perjury, and never disappeared.

Darnell Stephen Summers


It’s definitely hard to figure out just where you are coming from.

Now here’s a quote from you:

“Here’s a picture of him in the VVAW T-shirt horning in on a photo of me and Army Sergeant shaking hands at the Winter Soldiers Congressional hearing back in April(I didn’t find out who he was until after I wrote the post and posted the picture).

There’s a lot you still have to find out concerning reality. Strange, but you forget to identify the “Army Sergeant” whose hand you were so condescendingly shaking. There you are, skinning and grinning, putting your foot in your mouth as usual. The typical Photo-Op pimp and you have the nerve to try to cast doubt and aspersions on Bill Perry. You’ve got some nerve slick, unfortunately more nerve than sense.

You are always eager wnd willing to refer to other human beings
in derisive terms. This only serves to show who you really are. If anyone is horning in on the photo it’s you. You are unmistakenly the odd man out in that photo. I know that Sergeant whose hand you’re shaking, personally. The question is do you really know who she is and what she proudly represents?

At ease!!!

Jonn wrote: Darnell, you old commie, you, stop beclowning yourself. How can I horn in on a picture taken with my own camera? I suspect you know who Army Sergeant is, since she’s a member of IVAW and she’s in Germany – right there with you. Everyone on this blog knows Army Sergeant. Please go back to your hash pipe and let the grown ups talk.


You good friends with AS there Darnell? Hang out with her a lot do ya?


Oh Darnell… You say “at ease” just like a real soldier. Quite a job of acting.


Darnell Stephen Summers

Lee Havrey Oswald

Mark David Chapman

John Wayne Gacey

John Wayne Bobbett

John Wilkes Booth

James Earl Ray

Henry Lee Lucas

Howard The Duck

Did I mention Darnell Stephen Summers?

Darnell Stephen Summers


Listen Philbrick, ice the McCarthy nonsense. The point is that you are skinning and grinning. What’s so funny? Please explain your unashamed bliss. I think most people would refer to that Sardonic mug as something akin to a shit-eating grin. I guarantee that if you shake my hand you’ll have another look on your face, that goes for you and your bunk partners. I just can’t wait for you to lay your hand in mine. The photo of such an event would do us both justice.

Present Arms!!!

Jonn wrote: Yeah, I don’t think that day will come, Junior. There’s no tellin’ where you’ve had your hands. Are you or are you not in that special group VVAW-AI (the “AI” stands for “Anti-Imperialist”)? Even VVAW calls you “ultra-Leftist”

TSO Wrote: I believe this chap would be what our man Ace would refer to as a cockholster. I fear he is enjoying the attention to much though.


I think the whole trying to pretend to act out military bearing is some how going to make up take him seriously. Just drop it, it is sad, really.


“I guarantee that if you shake my hand you’ll have another look on your face,…”

“… are skinning and grinning…”

Darnell, I thought the cops just recently took care of you? Don’t you go by the nickname “Travis”? Is that your photo on the Huffington Post?


Darnell Stephen Summers

The AI also stands for “Anti-Ignorance”. Did you guys ever go to school? If, so where? Let me guees. The dark side of the moon. Like I said, “Let’s shake hands”.

Fall out!!!


AI obviously also stands for “Asshole Indahouse”. Do you always punctuate using drill commands Darnell? How fun it must be to read your Christmas cards… Oh wait… those would probably be May Day cards wouldn’t they?

I’ll shake your hand if I can find time in my schedule…. let’s see… when EXACTLY does Hell freeze over?


[…] know, if I looked around the group that I’m with and see Bill Perry standing next to me, I’d start questioning my ideas. Bill Perry testified at Winter Soldier […]


[…] records that they’re being disingenuous about. Like Ward Reilly, Doug Zachary, Hal Muskat, Bill Perry, Robert Dennen, and Jim […]


[…] little fat turd making the most noise is Bill Perry. Perry was one of the original Vietnam Veterans Against the War who testified at Winter Soldier […]