Ann Wright lies

| June 11, 2010

White House Protest 10-5-2009 (43)a

Mary Ann Wright, the scraggly old bag in the front of the above picture, is a member of several anti-war groups in the US. She made headlines when she resigned from her State Department job over the invasion of Saddam’s Iraq. Ever since you can watch the former Reserve Colonel populate the ranks of Code Pink, VVAW, VFP and any other crowd of doofuses that needs her to wear a T-shirt in their front ranks.

I’ve listened to her screeches at a thousand protests in DC and watched her antics on YouTube. Here’s her military record;

Why the military record? To prove that she really was a military officer once, but you can see for yourself how that has no meaning to her anymore. Every time you see “Col. Ann Wright”, you can just toss that “Col.” shit aside because she certainly has.

To refresh your memory about some of the things I’ve written about her, here’s a video taken last year. At about 1:32 you can see Wright begin screaming for no reason – there are no Israeli police near her, but she screams like a twelve-year-old girl and then runs around the back of the crowd and wedges herself between a barrier and a light pole and acts like the police shoved her into the predicament. Enjoy;

She’s such a drama queen. Well, anyway she’s been spouting off that she witnessed the action on Mavi Marmara last week off the coast of Gaza;

” Wright says: “I just returned from the Gaza Freedom Flotilla and started my speaking tour last night in NYC to share what I witnessed aboard the flotilla, and what people can do to end the siege.”

“I witnessed the Israeli attack that killed 9 persons and wounded 50 on the Gaza Flotilla… the murder of nine persons… Tragically, it took another example of disproportionate use of force by the Israeli military that resulted in the deaths of nine innocent civilians to force many governments of the world to call for the Israelis to end the siege of Gaza.”

Yeah, except she now admits she wasn’t on the Mavi Marmara, but she tries to convince a reporter that she has night vision as well as telescopic vision and saw the whole thing from the Challenger, through the darkness from several hundred yards away. Oh, and she has super-hearing, too because she heard the captain of the Mavi Marmara order people to stop beating the Israeli commandos.

Lerner: Col. Wright I just want to make sure again – so you actually were on a different boat and did not witness the attack firsthand.

Wright: That’s correct.

Lerner: So your witnessing is based on the information that you are getting from the other folks who were there.

Wright: My witness will be specifically what happened on our ship, the Challenger. And then I can comment on what happened in the very first three or four minutes as the Israeli commandos were trying to board the ship. We saw that from the stern of the ship. But after that that’s when my witnessing from my own eyes of what happened on that ship would end.

Oh, and she hasn’t bothered to see the YouTube video of the incident. In other words, she knew what she was going to say before the first Israeli commando stepped on the Mavi Marmara.

Thanks to Ponsdorf for the heads up.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Code Pink, Usual Suspects

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I don’t understand why these people always pick on Israel, the only country around over there to support gay rights BTW, but don’t ever speak out against some of these really horrible regimes such as Saudi, Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, and those “innocent” Palestinians. And if you rebutt them with facts such as Palestinian terror against civilians, it’s always the Jews fault. Such a racket…

Chuck Z

1. That’s “evil joooooos” to you, CPT Me.
2. “But after that that’s when my witnessing from my own eyes of what happened on that ship would end.” Who is writing her speeches? The same guy that yon posted about who ties ferrets to his legs?


Being a rear-echelon burueaucratic fried-up her patritism and made her pinko hag. Surprising how many lifers get institutionalized, feel lost and abandoned when they retired because the miss the “socialism at its finest” the more normal folk complain about and, then, they latch onto leftist bullcrap at its replacement… they should let women serve in combat just to prevenmt things like this from happening. Maybe Wright would have something to be proud of then (or at least wouldn’t be such a crybaby).

Southern Class

This bitch is a certified Douchag! how in hell did she make it through a military career without being fragged. That’s “Fragged”, not “Frigged”, I can see why nobody would friggin “Frig” her. But she does fit right in with the Medea Benjamins, n Cindy Sheehans, of the Pinko crowd. Watching the video caused me to give my Great Pyrenees an extra good petting. She stands head and shoulders above those snakes.
And her claim: “Tragically, it took another example of disproportionate use of force by the Israeli military….”
It was these “kinder, gentler” sorts that came up with the “Disproportionate force” description, wasn’t it? When they sit around playing checkers will they protest their opponent using kings to conquer them?
numbnuts is not just a male description.

AW1 Tim

You really have to wonder what happened to her while she was in, or just after she got out, that caused her to turn like this?

Personally, I think it’s her association with the State Department more than anything else, and likely coupled with a feeling of not being important enough anymore.

But she’s certifiable in my book, which is the only way I can understand the willful ignorance and criminal naivete of these folks.


AW1 Tim said: But she’s certifiable in my book, which is the only way I can understand the willful ignorance and criminal naivete of these folks.

I dunno… crazy, useful idiots, simple fools, or zealots, maybe? But naive, even criminally so?

I’m not really arguing with your statement. I just flashed on The Manson Family when I read it.

Old Tanker

“Silly old bint” is the phrase that keeps coming to mind……


9 people was killed. but why? why humanitarian activists started to attac israeli zahal? how come they were already prepeared to fight? how come there was NOTHING on the boat what could be provided to gaza as humanitarian help?

AW1 Tim


That’s the point. They weren’t there to provide physical aid to Gaza. Those boats were there to provide propaganda aid to Hamas and other anti-Israeli actors.

Next time Israel should just sink the damned boats and be done with it.


tnx you))


Aw, sh*t, I was brain-fried yesterday. What I meant to write was…

“Being a rear-echelon bureaucrat fried-up her patriotism and made her pinko hag. Surprising how many lifers get institutionalized, feel lost and abandoned when they retire because they miss the “socialism at its finest” more normal folk complain about in the service and, then, they latch onto leftist bullcrap as its replacement… they should let women serve in combat just to prevent things like this from happening. Maybe Wright would have something to be proud of then (or, at least, wouldn’t be such a crybaby).”

Virtual Insanity

Civil Affairs/Psyop and Foreign Area Officer. That’s part of the problem, I bet. In Central America I worked with FAOs and CA/Psyops folks. The FAOs assigned in the embassies had in many cases gone “native” to the State Department. Even had a Colonel tell me we wouldn’t be doing an operation (directed by SOUTHCOM) in “his” country one time. A couple even gave me trouble when I tried to set up an evac plan for each embassy, and I learned quick to talk to the Gunny running the Marines in the embassies instead.

The CA/Psyops folks either were great and had a good plan for their time there or were, like many college psychology students, drawn to the field because they were just about certifiable.


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