“We have feminized the Medal of Honor” WTF?

| November 21, 2010

Yea, you read that right, a douche bag columnist for the American Family Association Bryan Fischer seems to think so. Here is is Bio.

“When we think of heroism in battle, we used the think of our boys storming the beaches of Normandy under withering fire, climbing the cliffs of Pointe du Hoc while enemy soldiers fired straight down on them, and tossing grenades into pill boxes to take out gun emplacements. That kind of heroism has apparently become passé when it comes to awarding the Medal of Honor. We now award it only for preventing casualties, not for inflicting them.”

Really? Then explain cases like Desmond T. Doss who not only earned the Medal of Honor while saving lives, he was a conscientious objector. (The first of two confirmed so far)

It gets better, his excuse is that it was be cause he based his baseless claims on someone’s else baseless claims that it must be true.

Fischer based his claim on a line in a column in The Wall Street Journal by William McGurn, a former speechwriter for President George W. Bush. In the midst of his high praise for Giunta’s heroism, McGurn noted that rather than “Rambos decorated for great damage inflicted on the enemy,” every Medal of Honor awarded from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan “has been for an effort to save life.”

In fact, that’s not exactly the case. The official account of the first Medal of Honor given for service in Iraq, to Army Sgt. First Class Paul R. Smith, shows how, among other courageous acts, Smith “braved hostile enemy fire to personally engage the enemy with hand grenades and anti-tank weapons,” losing his life in the process.”

It is like he is activity ignoring every single MOH award write up? The things people will write when playing arm chair general.

Category: Shitbags

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I’ll admit that there is a depressing amount of politics in play for the MoH these days. It’s all about the narrative and the arithmetic for inter-service rivalry (gotta make it seem fair!) and being dead and/or saving someone helps. Anyone who for a moment thinks otherwise needs only review the case of Brain Chontosh or Bradley Kasal. The lesson that this clown misses is not that people who are getting it shouldn’t but that people who should are not.


Here’s the original article. He seems to have taken it down off of afa site. (maybe they did. lol) He also writes two more articles “clarifying” the first.


my opinion is this: he sees everything thru Obama-hate glasses. Ok, I’m no lover of our CinC, but it can’t wipe out all of your other thoughts. he knows (presumably) Obama wants to award “restraint” (like guys are all out there trying to mimic the Alice’s Restaurant diatribe….) and other such silliness. Obama might be feminized, but the military sure as hell isn’t.

Besides, as a Christian, he is only using OT references to validate his thirst for blood but ignored the fact that Christ came and showed a new way.

Sporkmaster: Acutally it was British Major General Nick Carter that put for the idea that is described as the “restraint” medal. It was turned down in the early phases.


Funny thing is that a cursory search of Google didn’t turn up much about McGurn doing much of anything except being a lawyer & speechwriter turned columnist. How DARE he, who has apparently NEVER served this country in uniform, even question what awards are given or why!! All he is doing is diminishing the awards.


If I remember correctly, and I do, the citation mentioned multiple grenades thrown and bullets fired, wounding one insurgent and killing another.

Seeing that his bio at the AFA website mentions no military service, he is perfectly welcome to light his degree from the Dallas Theological Seminary on fire and shove it up his self-righteous chickenhawk ass. It is obvious his degree was erroneously awarded to a pompous prick and he doesn’t understand one bit the message of the Gospels or running theme in the Bible.

John Prine once sang, “Now Jesus don’t like killin’, no matter what the reason’s for, your flag decal won’t get you into Heaven anymore”.

While I don’t agree with the lyrics in totality, I think there is a lesson in them that Bryan Fischer could learn.

Mr. Fischer is best left to talking about what he knows from experience- killing bad guys ain’t one of them.

I’d argue, based on just his little diatribe, that he needs to send his degree back to the Dallas Theological Seminary. He is taking a figurative passage in the “mortal wound” Jesus inflicted on the rulers of the world (demonic elements- again a figurative usage) and turning it into a literalistic reworking to fit his world view. Sorry Bry, it don’t work like that. That’s just elementary.

Mr. Fischer is a disgrace to conservatives, Christians, and America in general.

If he is so concerned about killing bad guys, I suggest he use his resources to bring light and clout to Americansnipers.org and lay off an American hero that has more kills than Mr. Fischer has brain cells.


In this link, a CBS “reporter/journalist” says that veterans have no business being entrepreneurs because they are essentially trained automatons who don’t have the ability to be flexible or adaptable because as a civilian you can’t “order” your employees to be motivated…I read it and take insult to what was said, just as with this MOH dumbass.



I dare that motherfucker to utter that bullshit about SFC Smith in front of a friend of mine, we’ll call him “Chris.” I DARE him.

What a disrespectful asshole.


I can think of a number of other members of the Armed Forces who have been MOH recipients without so much as picking up a weapon, for example Charles Watters, Vincent Capodano, and Joseph O’Callahan, to name a few. (Psst–hint to lurkers–they were chaplains.)


I blasted this article when I first read it off Drudge, I think, a week or so ago. This guy is a complete asshole. There were some great responses to the article. Sure they are all gone now.

Old Tanker


Nick over at Ranger Up gave a thorough Fisking to that article last week, check it out…
