Information on Doug Zachary needed

| May 31, 2009

While we’re all waiting for the newest Carl Webb post to publish tomorrow morning (it’s all about the traffic, folks), I thought I’d put out a call for some information on our next target who will be Doug Zachary, the president of the Austin Chapter of the Geezers for Sitting On Our Hands (Vets For Peace to some).

Here’s a picture I found that I had of ol’ Doug when he was at the VFP’s National Archives camp out last year;

I’d just discovered who he was yesterday after watching a video on Austin public access channel that he did with a Code Pink crone (please don’t watch the video unless you have trouble sleeping). Then this morning, one of our new readers, Debbie, verified it for me.

I’d talked on the phone for an hour yesterday with another recent IVAW refugee who told me some things about Zachary that made me think of Ward Reilly. Here’s what I know so far;

Zachary was in the Marine Corps from 1968 – 1970 and somehow avoided Vietnam Those of you were in the service at the time know how hard that would have been to pull off.

Publicly, Zachary says that he was a conscientious objector, but privately he brags that he was just a derelict that the Marines finally booted out because they were tired of his antics. Several former members of IVAW have told me that they suspect he steals from every cause he touches. He doesn’t seem interested in many of IVAW and VFP’s projects until he smells a fund-raising opportunity that he can loot.

A few of the folks at the “Under the Hood” cafe in Killeen, TX tell me that he has insinuated himself into their projects without invitation as soon as they became successful and Zachary smelled money. It sounds like Ward Reilly cloned. Remember Reilly looted the VFP’s funds meant for Katrina victims. Well, it seems that Zachary is similarly motivated.

Another IVAW refugee told me that they think that Zachary is violent and that’s why no one in VFP, VVAW or IVAW will confront him on his malfeasance. I’ve found evidence of his violence, actually, which I’ll save for the final edit of the story.

So, since Zachary doesn’t have the large presence on the internet that others we’ve investigated here, anyone that has more information, preferably something that can be corroborated, or if you want to corroborate what I’ve I’ve already discovered, drop me a note. Apparently, Zachary has no friends in IVAW, or VFP, for that matter and we’ll probably be doing a favor for the troops by rolling up this clown – who, by the way, seems to be a Carl Webb acolyte – well, until tomorrow when he learns the truth about Webb.

Category: Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers, Usual Suspects

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Army Sergeant

I don’t know why any IVAW member would work with Doug Zachary. Aside from his stealing money from active duty chapters, I would like to quote Zachary’s own words:

“I do NOT share IVAW’s vision or platform; in fact I oppose it.” -Doug Zachary 8/02/08

Army Sergeant

Also, the last time he attacked active duty IVAW members, he resigned from VFP-Austin. I was reassured by the then-ED of VFP that he did not support Zachary or his statements.

I’d like to know how he became the president again.

Debbie Clark

I’m guessing it will be unlikely that you’ll get much info on Doug Zachary as the people who could probably provide the most on him have already been roasted in the past themselves anyway (such as on Sweetness & Light several years ago) and no doubt have better things to do than entertain themselves with a blog like this. Just in case, though, I did send a link to your blog post to Gordon Soderberg…

Well, I’m going to get off the ‘net and go do some gardening now…

“I am an idealist. I don’t know where I’m going but I’m on my way.” – Carl Sandburg

Gordon Soderberg

I’ll respond to provide what I know about Doug. His questionable actions should never be confused with the right wing BUllSH*T about ward Reilly and the Katrina funds. We who came to help after Katrina we not supported by Doug and many of the leadership in VFP. We were actually raising money and using it to serve the community as apposed to our political agendas. As far as I can tell, Doug’s ego and interest in raising money for VFP is technically legit. In that it is legal to get a percentage of the funds you raise for a non profit. However, if the efforts to raise the money are provided by members not under contract to do so, why then should Doug get a piece of the action? It could be that the contract says he gets a piece of everything? Nice job if you can get it. But,I don’t see how that would serve the mission of peace. If this is the case then, I would say that Doug’s interest is in building a business out of the peace movement rather than working to get to the point where VFP dose not need to be in business. Many veterans, myself included have been in peace organizations like VFP and IVAW, VVAW and left because we know that marching around the Whitehouse on the weekend is not the best use of our time, money and fuel. We have stopped complaining and started to work on solutions. Regardless of what you think of my politics or hate the fact that the peace movement was right about Bush and Iraq. The left and the right need to learn a constant truth. Regardless of your politics, setting a good example is always better than setting and bad one. And acknowledging when your wrong and changing your behavior is the first step in growing as a contributing member of society.



I had 3 OIC’s in my Army days. None of them went Vietnam…they got lucky and ended up in Germany. All of them served in Desert storm!! How weird is that?

brown neck gaitor

Ya gotta love his VFP biography

“I want to dedicate these stories to my friend with whom I joined the military, thinking that we would serve our country and our people. John suffered an unimaginably severe beating while we were in Marine boot camp in San Diego. The rest of our platoon almost literally carried him through the remaining weeks of training, but John never regained his emotional balance, and he committed suicide a few weeks after we completed our training. Brother, I am seeking, and I will find, the courage to tell your story.”

John was a disgusting fat body and once ate a Jelly Donut standing on his footlocker while we got punished.

“I have profound karmic debts to each of my children: Billy, Krickett, Isabelle, and Elisa. Their unnecessary suffering at my hands has taught me much about the destructiveness of anger and the value of tenderness.”


VFP= Silica Vaginitis Bunch of Poser cowards


“And acknowledging when your wrong and changing your behavior is the first step in growing as a contributing member of society.”

Great idea Gordon, so when do you plan on doing this?

Gordon Soderberg

I changed along time ago. Seams that you couldn’t change your mind without losing your perception of control. Denial is not just a river in Egypt.


Ow, good come back there Gordon. Actually, I consider myself and those I have served or worked with over the last 32 years as contributing members of society.

Country Singer

“…the peace movement was right about Bush and Iraq.”

Uh, what?

Gordon Soderberg

Bush and his admin lied about Iraq, WNDs, etc, etc, or don’t read?

Gordon Soderberg

You right wing morons have lost the presidency, house, senate all credibility and any honor you might have retained because you can’t except the truth. Bush is a war criminal and all who still support his interest in creating a constant state of war are fools or cowards. So, what are you going to do now? Trash other veterans who have a different opinion from you and are willing to voice them? Wow what courage! What conviction? What fools you continue to prove yourselves to be.

Jonn wrote: Play nice, Gordon. I’m on your website all of the time and I haven’t called anyone names. Please pay me the same consideration.


And that, boys and girls, is why you should steer clear of the hippie lettuce. Warps your brain and judgement, little things like that.

Country Singer

“…you can’t except the truth.” Seems to me that’s what your side does all the time: “except” the truth…

Billy Zachary

I am Douglas’s son, and feel a need to speak for my father. My father is NOT the president of the Austin VFP, but instead heads up the national level fundraising. Yes, he gets a cut; no, it’s not a big one.

The comment that “privately he brags that he was just a derelict that the Marines finally booted out because they were tired of his antics” is inaccurate. Like any child of the 80’s and 90’s, I have a laundry list of complaints about my father, but on this topic I only remember him consistently talking about the epiphany hit him and what he did to achieve a CO status.

I am extremely uncomfortable with him being referred to as your next target. This looks to me to be some version of cyberbullying.

I won’t defend my father’s impatience, tendency to over criticize, or use hyperbole, or lambast folks who vary from his view, but I don’t believe that you have any evidence of violence. I think you are lying.

Respectfully, Billy Zachary


I respect your defending your dad, I really do, and I haven’t seen what Jonn has, but I’m absolutely certain that he has something.

Fran Hanlon

I know Doug Zachary well and I can tell you that he has spent most of his adult life working for peace and justice. His work for VFP is paid by the hour..he does not get a “cut.” Also, I don’t know who your alleged source at Under the Hood is, but, I am on the board and I can tell you that there is no money to “smell.” Like most non-profits we are involved in a struggle to keep our doors open. Doug Zachary has not “insinuated himself into any project”, and, since our opening, has shown nothing but respect and support for the mission and needs of Under the Hood. Whoever you have been talking to does not represent Under the Hood..period.

Jonn wrote: Fran Hanlon represents the Austin Code Pink contingent. She co-stars in that dreary video with Zachary that I linked above. I’m starting to see a pattern among Zachary’s defenders here.


Gordon: “Bush and his admin lied about Iraq, WNDs, etc, etc, or don’t read?”

Really? Please tell me what the etc. part is? Did Saddam continously ignore the 17 UN resolutions against him? Why did Bill Clinton give the same speech about Iraq in 1998 that Bush used in 2002, yet everyone was on board for Bill, but those same people were up in arms about George saying the same thing.

I read plenty and for the life of me, I haven’t been able to find anything that you have said about Bosnia or Kosovo, that it didn’t have UN approval, illegal, war criminal, blah, blah, blah. Why is that, Gordy?

You call us rightwing morons; correct? I have a fitting term for you and those like you: commie luvin, bleeding heart, whining maggot, hypocrits.

How do you like me now?



Can you please explain the mission of Under the Hood to me.

I’m being serious, because I have no clue what your mission is, outside of suckering gullibles into going to jail to help you make your point.


Old Trooper ~ I certainly couldn’t begin to know what the “mission” of Under the Hood and other “coffee houses/cafes” of it’s kind in Washington state, etc. I’ll be curious to read what Fran’s response is. From their website I find many things interessting. I’ll just note a couple of them. First of all I can’t help but be intrigued and curious about a “coffee house/cafe” run by “peace activists” that states things such as: 1) The Under the Hood Cafe offers an oasis for members of the military to gather and talk of issues of importance. I welcome the opportunity to meet fellow military in an atmosphere of peace and justice. — Ann Wright, U.S. Army colonel (retired), official of the U.S. State Department (retired) (Tankerbabe’s comment – OK, well maybe I shouldn’t be too hard on Ms Wright. After all she was exposed to the State Department. That’s make most anyone crazy as a loon. 2) “Please, no children after 5 p.m.” 3) “…The support I have received from my family at Under the Hood has helped me take the liberating leap from obedient soldier to war resister. I cannot remember the last time I was this happy. Under the Hood has changed my life forever.” — SPC Victor Agosto, Afghanistan War Resister These people are certifiable cowards in my opinion. But, that’s just my opinion. Here’s one articles linked from the site Speaks volumns about these people. I’ll copy and paste a couple of lines: “Today is Memorial Day and the nation is celebrating and commemorating all that our troops have done for us. President Obama is paying his tribute at Arlington National Cemetery, neighborhoods around the country are lined with patriotism via American flags on mailboxes that will stay up post-independence day, and parades for the troops are held all over– but what exactly are we celebrating?” AND “Under the Hood gives a glimpse into what exactly we are honoring on this day. The harsh realities behind the lives of our soldiers, as Cindy Thomas puts it, “aren’t all hero stories.” Tankerbabe’s comment –… Read more »


Instead of Under the Hood, they should have gone with “Blank Firing Apaters” or “Head Space and Timing Tool”. A couple of others I could think of.


Tankerbabe said:
“These people are certifiable cowards in my opinion. But, that’s just my opinion.”

No ma’am. Not just opinion. Cold hard fact. Gutless bastards. There IS no draft these days anyone who joins does so with free will and takes an oath. The fact that so many limp-wristed pansyboys ( and gals) want to whine like a toddler pissing on the floor in a tantrum, the first time they aren’t having fun, is more a commentary on their lack of integrity and society’s weakening at the hands of anti-mil whiners, than anything else.

And Memorial Day!!! That stupid comment about what Memorial Day means, “celebrating all our troops have done for us” shows as much of a shit-for-brains grasp of this solemn observance as does Obongo’s… I still recall when he saw the war dead at that talk he gave a year or so ago, remember? When he read from his teleprompter that on this day we honored the men and women who had made the greatest sacrifice, ” many of whom I see here today”.
If Dan Quayle, or W had said that, the leftist media would still be playing it today and that commie ayhole David Letterman would still be showing clips on his excuse for a show.



Thanks for the info. I still am waiting ever so patiently for Fran to respond, but I guess she isn’t quite done with the committee meeting that is coming up with their mission statement, yet.

If they truely did have a mission, then she wouldn’t have hesitated this long to spell it out for me. I would have heard about it right away with my first question, which tells me they don’t really have a mission other than what I already stated about my observation.

Obviously, they have no pride in what they do, because if they did, then I would have heard back quickly. Or, I let the obvious “cat out of the bag” as to how they really operate. As I have stated before: They don’t have any investment in what happens to the soldiers that defy their chain of command. The soldier goes to jail, his/her future as a civilian is in limbo as a result, yet these people go merrily along, unaffected by the consequences of their influence on these soldiers. Just like the two old bitties standing proudly with Agosto, sporting their new Che shirt, because you never leave home without it. Do they spend the time in the stockade with the soldier? Nope, they just move on to the next gullible chump to get their mugs in the papers for their communist cause.

J Armando Manx

Speaking of Code Pink – do you know the difference in Code Pink and the Detroit Pistons?

After four periods, the Pistons shower off.


Here are some interesting things I found online.

The United States Marine Corps seemed the right place for me. My first night on LSD, a hit I had stolen from another Marine, changed everything. I became a “Freak” and a War Resistor and a few months later was discharged from The Marines as a Conscientious Objector.

Casey J Porter


Debbie Clark


Casey J Porter

I’m not going to say anything about Fran, she has always been nice and respectful to me. However, what Old Trooper said is true. These guys risk all, and when they get hammered by the Army for doing it the “Movement” way, the Soldier is the only one that suffers.

Some get elevated to a pseudo-celeb status and it goes to their head. While others like me, were already in love with themselves so it didn’t really change me. lol

Carl Webb

So where is the new found evidence of his violence?


What violence are you referring to, Carl? Were you in a dope fogged dream state and thought someone said something about violence? I know you are all into talking about violence, when it’s something you want to do (actually, you want others to do, because you are too big of a pussy to do any yourself), but not everything is about violence, contrary to your commie teachings.

Casey J Porter

What’s worse, OldTrooper, is that I am listening to Stevie Wonder right now. Which, no doubt, makes me a RACIST! lol


Casey; there’s nothing wrong with listening to a little Stevie Wonder, or Stevie Ray Vaughan’s version of superstition. Great tune any way you look at it.

Oh, forgot to add: You racist bastard!!!!!

Casey J Porter

Vaughan’s cover is great. I usually don’t like covers. But yeah, great cover. So I guess I’m a double-racist now?


Yep, you sold out a black man by admitting that you like a white man’s cover of the black man’s song.

Let Carl chew on that one a while.


[…] Purple Heart wearing hero – are being manipulated by the accolades he gets from cowards like Doug Zachary and Matthis Chiroux. And it’s a cryin’-ass shame that he doesn’t see it. Possibly related […]


[…] for skimming money from the Austin Chapter of VfP and booted from the chapter. That was stuff I dug up on him last year while we were trying to put the hammer down on a Zachary acolyte you may remember; Carl […]


dear old trooper. i am sure you are no hugh thompson (americal pilot that stopped the my lai murders – wounded knee all over again). you coulda’ been with me in the 3rd MPs POW camp 15 clicks out of danang. field executions our specialty. cut their bellies open so they’d sink when we dumped ’em outa’chinooks and hueys into the south china sea offa’ Red Beach. you coulda’ been with us at graves registration picking up floaters outa’ rice paddys all puffed up with maggots crawling outa’ every cut of torn skin, outa’ their eyes, nose, mouth, and every other hole in /on their body. you coulda’ been with us when we raided the boom-boom skivvy shacks at the end of the airstrip at danang turning the dogs on the vietnamese, thai, and filipina prostitutes as we tossed in wolly-peter grenades to blow-up and burn down their hooches. yeah old trooper, you coulda’ been with us in dong-ha and phu-bai burnin’ straw thached huts and wastin’ the peasants as they came runnin’ out screaming. after all, they were “letting” the viet-cong steal rice from ’em. “aiding the enemy” ? yup old trooper, i got two tours back to back of memories to keep me up nights for the rest of my life thanks to FLC and the first marine division. old trooper, i wish you the best. woulda’ been great though, old trooper, to go out with graves to some god-forsaken poor third-world back water patch of schorched fire-fight hot-zone just one last time to stuff you into a filthy used body bag. then you coulda’ gone home a hero wrapped in a flag and we wouldn’t have to listen to your rush limbaugh, glenn beck, dick cheney drivel. no problem though you’ll be takin’ the dirt nap in some exclusive veteran’s cemetary and some other young beain-washed indoctrinated young patriot will follow your foot steps of never being able to recognize how useless their “service” was. RIP old trooper !

Old Trooper

So, billy, you’re saying you participated in war crimes? Are you saying you, yourself, ignored the Geneva Conventions? Are you saying that you went from being an MP to being Graves Registration? Are you saying that you participated in the murder of civilians? Or, did you use the one incident of war crimes by Lt. Calley to manufacture many more war crimes that you, yourself, participated in? I find it interesting, billy, that you interject your personal bias into what you think I listen to, as far as Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck (which I don’t, but nice try). What does Cheney have to do with it? Are you just trying to keep his name in the mix with that one, too? I’m, also, interested in knowing if these stories you tell are from personal experience, or from the original Winter Soldier testimony? Truth be told, every Vietnam Vet that I have talked with, including 3 family members, never once mentioned anything like you described and if it was as prevalent as you describe, then I can’t imagine that it wasn’t common knowledge and more of that would have come out since then. You say you did back to back tours? Why did you do the second one? Plus, what years were you there? I don’t presume to know everything from that time frame, but incidents as you described them would have definitely been brought to the forefront before now, because I suspect, if they happened, you weren’t the only one there. Yes, I can be buried in one of the National Cemeteries, but whether I choose to, or not, isn’t something that I have decided, yet, and don’t plan on announcing such a decision here. Whether you think your service was useless is your personal opinion and you are entitled to it, just don’t think you have the right or moral authority to categorize everyone elses service the same way. If you feel that strongly about what you claim to have done, in reference to war crimes; turn yourself in to the authorities, because there is no statute of… Read more »


[…] walls of some of the derelicts this past Veterans’ Day and sen me these screens shots of Doug Zachary and Bobby Whittenburg […]


[…] something in their military records that they’re being disingenuous about. Like Ward Reilly, Doug Zachary, Hal Muskat, Bill Perry, Robert Dennen, and Jim […]