Matthis in your school

| November 14, 2010

Someone sent me this video yesterday of one of Matthis’ talks in your kids’ school about his time in the military. That’s Elaine Brower at the beginning telling us how 1 in 3 women in the military are raped. Of course, you have to buy into her definition of rape to believe that particular statistic.

Matthis, not to be outdone, claims that one-in-five men in the military have been raped by other men in their own units. All of you guys who were raped, raise your hands. Yeah, me neither.

At about 5 minutes into the video, Matthis tells how he pointed his rifle at children every time he went on patrol in Afghanistan. Every time. I wonder how many times “every time” are since he was in Afghanistan on temporary duty (TDY) for less than six days. I’m pretty sure he never left Bagram Air Base, let alone was issued a weapon.

He talks about the children starving while he gets to eat Burger King in Afghanistan. I wonder if he realizes that many of the troops on Bagram don’t get to eat Burger King like his TDY ass did?

So, I guess the history of this war will be written by guys who spent less than six days there.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers

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That burger king was gross anyway. Didn’t taste like stuff in the states. If I ate out, it was generally at the pizza shop.

Also, anyone know the time frame on when shitdick here did his patrolling? Shouldn’t we be able to find an article written by him about the harrowing experience?


The Military reports that the rape of men is the most “underreported” sexual assault in the military. I don’t know ANY person raped in the military, (except the victims of a lesbian iniation ring, that forced themselves on every woman that came into that unit) though I know many people that were raped in civilian life.

Does that mean rape is non-existent in the military? No, but just as with the figures for civilian life, the real facts and figures are not reported, in favor of estimates.

But, if men are getting raped in an organization in which homosexuals are banned, then is the whole “non-converting,” “peaceful,” “upstanding” lines really buyable?

I have no tolerance for rapists, but inflating the figures does not fix the problem.

As to Matthis, he’s a tool. He shouldn’t be given an audience on a street corner, much less at a school. And that was certainly not a message for children.

Do US Troops at Bagram live better than Afghans? Yes. Do US Troops live better at Bagram or Spin Buldak than do US Prisoners? No. In fact, Gitmo detainees get imported dates and meals made to order. The square foot lodging per detainee is greater than that Our Troops have in the field (and in Bagram).

Oh yeah, if you listen, Matthis’ claim that he pointed weapons at kids was that he flagged the kids. I’m sure he’s seen many pictures of Afghan kids, but probably didn’t see the gate at Bagram.


I think he’s counting the Afghans that worked in Baghram that he walked by on his way to the PX. And he probably did occassionaly point his unloaded rifle at some local workers when he was removing his weapon to sit down to eat a whopper. Just a guess.


When people have no shame, there is no limit to how low they will go in what they do or say.


Gee, no wonder his little assclown troupe won’t publish their speaking dates in advance. God knows they wouldn’t withstand even the most basic of questioning or scrutiny.


Is there some particular reason why the name of that revolting video is “Debra & Matthis” when it is Elaine Brower who is with Matthis, and the video was uploaded to YouTube under the name “elainebrower”?

The Sniper

The only way you can say one in five guys in the army got raped is if you count the times when finance screwed up their pay or they reenlisted without getting choice of station, a bonus, or a school.

Chiroux is so full of shit that his eyes are brown. The only thing he can use to support his rape claim is that he pulled those numbers out of his ass; but then again we already knew that Matthis was, by his own admission, a rapist.

Robert Chiroux

Debra & Matthis, Elaine & Matthis, Cindy & Matthis, and I believe Elaine is even paying for his website. And then there have been other older ladies, like the one in whose backyard he camped and visits periodically. Pattern?


I’m, I feel I must comment on the increasing amount of lies and retardedness from Matthis. The only time I ever ate at Burger King at Baghram was when we got back from Conops too late for chow at Dragon DFAC. Plus, combat camera Joes only had M9’s when with us. And this statement of his contradicts his earlier ones about only having been around BAF inside the wire. Somebody please institutionalize his happy ass!!!!!!!


Was he booted under DADT? I’ve known thousands of men in the Military,not a single one ever said anything about being raped. I was in an all-Services school on an AFB with twice the number of women to men,no rapes there,been in the field with dozens,for weeks at a time,none there either.
How or why this dick-smoker ever got in is a friggin’ mystery and an insult to have him speaking to children representing a Soldier is a crime.Giving aid or support to the Enemy during time of War.


I thought we were finally rid of him!!! Didn’t he crawl under some rock in NY a few months back after the Famous Texas Trip? Ah, well. Guess he crawled back out. Must not be with the girlfriend anymore. Hangin’ with the hags again.


Oh, I figured it out. Jonn, it’s actually Debra Sweet, director of World Can’t Wait, who is with Matthis in the video, not Elaine Brower, though it apparently was Elaine Brower who posted the video to YouTube. (FYI, Debra Sweet is not to be confused with the Debra/Debbie who posts here on TAH occasionally.)


Dr. Chiroux, have you ever considered putting Matthis on a 72-hour hold? I think he is a bit crazy, and if any military man ever hears his school crap, he could be considered a danager to himself and the increase in my blood pressure he represents is certainly a danager to this “other.”

He appears to be a sociopathalogical user. Can you commit somebody for that?


He is a danger to our school children.


Hey, I thought they didn’t let meth freaks corrupt school children!

Anonymous in Jax

I am beyond disgusted with Matthis. Even people who are anti-war don’t like him and don’t want him speaking for us


@Jonn – No, not twins, but they do look similar, both being middle-aged women with long dark hair. There are pictures of Debra Sweet on this page (as well as others):


I live in a very, very, very small town full of Veterans and their families… if Matthis tried to talk to the kids at the school where I work, they’d give him a total beat down with facts, logic, pride, and character…. all things Matthis is missing.

Dirty Al the Infidel

But was it Rape Rape or just rape as in my Plt Sgt just smoked my ass so bad it felt like He’d gone at my bunghole with a tank bar. And what the Hell is this POS mouthbreather doing talking to school kids?


Wow, 20% of men in the military getting raped, huh? Matthis never ceases to amaze with his “statistics.”

RAINN reports 1 in 33 men will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime.

So military men are almost 7 times as likely to get raped, but somehow this egregious pattern of assaults has gone completely unnoticed by everyone except Matthis.

If one in three women and one in five men are raped, that means about 320,000 of the current active duty force will be raped before they are discharged. Too bad there is this:

“In 2009, there were more than 3,200 reports of sexual assaults documented by the military, an 11 percent increase from 2008. But the report indicates the number could be as high as 16,000 because statistics show only 20 percent report it to a military authority.”

Exaggerating a problem does not help solve it. If anyone at WCW actually gave a fuck about veterans, they wouldn’t make shit like this up. But of course we know that’s not the case.


What a lying, despicable little cock sucker…


What Schools allow him in to talk? Shouldn’t schools be warned he is an Admitted Rapist/Sexual predator and any Principle allowing him in should be questioned as to why he/she has let a sexual predator into the classroom with children? Pretty sure this violates almost any school districts rules.

Anonymous in Jax

How old are these school children? Not sure the rape of men and women in the military is an appropriate topic of discussion for school children. As a parent, I’d be pissed off if the school didn’t inform me of this. And if I was informed, my child wouldn’t be at school that day!

Army Sergeant

I encourage some of the posters here not to respond to the fact that it’s Matthis by saying no one is ever raped in the military or no men are raped. It does happen. Just because someone has bad statistics and the messenger is bad doesn’t mean rape isn’t a real issue.


I totally agree with Jax and AS it is true that some people get raped in the military… but 1/3? holy crap. whatever.


Army Sergeant,

I don’t think anyone here is saying that rape doesn’t happen in the military. Like all large organizations it happens. As a Battery Commander I had 2 male soldiers sexually assaulted and as a HHC Company Commander I had 1 female soldier raped. However, unlike the perception that IVAW continues to promote, I as a leader took these issues extremely seriously and prosecuted the parties responsible. I am confident that the 14 other Commanders I served with over 4 years of command also took these issues seriously. That is why lying about it is so heinous.

Also don’t try to say that only Mathis is spreading this lie. Both Maggie Martin and Jason Hurd spread the same lie on Huffington Post this week as representatives of IVAW.

Overstating facts does nothing to actually help Soldiers, it only confirms the biased beliefs of the liberals that read the site and allows them to have a clear conscience knowing that the donations they make will help the people shattered by the horrible military that destroys everyone it touches.

Michael in MI

Overstating facts does nothing to actually help Soldiers, it only confirms the biased beliefs of the liberals that read the site and allows them to have a clear conscience knowing that the donations they make will help the people shattered by the horrible military that destroys everyone it touches. ========== Exactly. The Left does the same thing with the statistics of suicide in the military. Yes, it happens and yes, it is tragic. But to blow it out of proportion reeks of ‘crying wolf’. When it is shown that people are lying about the statistics and the seriousness of an issue, people will ignore the issue altogether. Which doesn’t help people suffering from the situations at all. If people truly wanted to make a difference, they wouldn’t lie about the issues of suicide and rape to make their case. They would simply state the case as it is for each issue and earn people’s respect and interest in helping that way. By lying about the issues, it simply turns people off to helping at all. From all the years of following IVAW, I have concluded that they are not at all an organization devoted to their pet causes, but rather they are drama queens and attention whores who lie, smear and embellish issues in order to draw attention to themselves. While in the process also tearing down and smearing the military in general with their statements. That will not endear anyone to either them or their causes. Just because someone has bad statistics and the messenger is bad doesn’t mean rape isn’t a real issue. True, but that is what IVAW has caused. Because they have a history of lies, smears and bullsh!t, they end up hurting any cause they try to help, because they have ZERO credibility. So it’s natural for anyone to see IVAW pushing an issue and automatically believing it’s bullsh!t, because of their past history. If IVAW really wanted to help these issues, they would STFU and go away and allow someone else or some other organization with more credibility to champion the issues. Their involvement… Read more »


Elaine sent me this message via youtube after I challenged her to produce the “statistics” supporting Matthis/Debra’s “one in three women/one in five men are raped” assertions.

“response to you recent inquiry for information
have fun reading the DoD report.”

I wrote back thusly:

“Ok; I did. Want to show me where it says in there that one in three women and one in five men are raped in the military?

Page 57: “In fiscal year (FY) 2009, there were a total of 3,230 reports of sexual assault involving military Service members,”


“The Department’s own statistics indicate that only 20 percent of Service members who experience unwanted sexual contact report the matter to a military authority.”

Of course, while every rape is a sexual assault, not every sexual assault is a rape, per the report’s definition, on page 7:

“Sexual assault includes rape, forcible sodomy (oral or anal sex), and other unwanted sexual contact that is aggravated, abusive, or wrongful (to include unwanted and inappropriate sexual contact), or attempts to commit these acts.”

But even if every SA was a rape, and assuming the unreported estimates are accurate, that’s an outside figure of 16,150 rapes annually among all 1.4 million servicemembers, for both sexes.

Too high? Hell yes. But one in three women and one in five men? Utter bullshit.

Care to retract this bullshit assertion now? Somehow I doubt it; WCW (Matthis in particular) has never had scruples about making things up to advance an agenda. But hey, that’s what keeps WCW a fringe group that no self-respecting person dares to associate with. So, in the words of the esteemed Ernie Anastos, keep fucking that chicken. No one does a better job of undermining the anti-war, anti-military groups’ goals than the people in them.”