IVAW Board candidates

| July 7, 2010

One of my fans in the IVAW sent me the latest list of IVAW Board candidates. It’s chock full of ISO goodness;

I’m trying to get more info on them but off the top of my pointy head, here’s the members I’ve already written about;

Mike Prysner – I wrote a post about him along with his records last December.

Sara Beining wrote a post supporting Matthis’ flag burning on her own blog.

Addrienne Kinne is the main ISO force in the IVAW leadership and a big supporter of Matthis. She probably put him in charge of the vetting process for the Board.

Eddie Falcon did a “First Casualty” thing out in San Francisco once.

Robyn Murray was on the stage with Matthis when he burned the flag. She was also the clueless clown in this video.

Robin Long was one of James Branum’s first clients – he absconded to Canada, returned, got imprisoned, wrote a letter to Obama requesting leniency and is currently on tour with Matthis explaining the “Collateral Murder” video to high school kids even though he never set foot in any war zone.

Geoff Millard is one of our first Stolen Valor cases.

Chris Capps hangs out with real honest-to-God communists like Darnell Steven Summers in Germany and helped Andre Shepperd abscond from the Army.

TJ Buonomo
was on the Board and resigned last year because of IVAW’s retention of Carl Webb as a member.

Garret Reppenhagen was a good buddy of Rick Duncan aka Richard Strandloff and probably brought him into IVAW in the first place despite the fact that Strandloff had never in the military. Last I heard Reppenhagen was working at Veterans Green Jobs.

I like Logan Laituri – we emailed or talked on the phone or something a few years back and I think he’s probably the only genuine CO in the entire organization. So I guess I just sank his candidacy.

I’ll write more as I get information.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War

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How many of these candidates are actually Iraq vets?

Casey J Porter

IVAW will think that by some super espionage force or mind reading powers I supplied this info.

TJ seems like an ok dude, the rest are just other members in the cast of losers.


Good Grief! Why does such a small organization have such a large board????? That speaks volumes all by its self….


“Why does such a small organization have such a large board?????”

It’s an incredibly effort to be so disorganized, duplicitous, and irrelevant when one’s group is composed of a class most everyone respects (Veterans) and is focused on a topic about which nearly everyone has an opinion (War). But these folks find a way…


I agree with Scott. They thrive on misperception and confusion. My opinion — the more people they have in charge, the more ‘hands in the pie’ and the easier it is to misdirect funds without anyone noticing. It’s like handing out house keys to 15 different people. Creates a smoke screen for all their misappropriation and general BS.

Brandon Neely

Matt Dobbs is one of the few real stand up veterans still left in ivaw


Jacobite, freebird- John posted this with the title board candidates; as in they will be voted on to fill slots, not as in this is the board.


I also endorse Laituri. (Sorry Logan.) I also had a nice email discussion with him, and continue to maintain that all potential COs should call him, not Branum


This is the rebuttal to Chris Matthews ridiculous predictions from this video.

What is MSNBC’s Chris Matthews Thinking? http://mittromneycentral.com/2010/07/07/what-is-msnbcs-chris-matthew-thinking/

Once you watch this video, you’ll be wondering the same thing. It’s baffling.


J —
You’re right. Actually, I wasn’t thinking that they would all be on the board. Just commenting on the general confusion often created by committees and how some people might consider that ‘helpful’. But I appreciate the clarification.


okay, weird. it posted me as anonymous… sorry. new laptop. that was just me.

Casey J Porter

Is this what “Army Sergeant” meant by thing getting better? hahaha


Jeff key is a great guy


Casey also notice that her name was not on the list?

Casey J Porter

Yeah. I thought she was up for it this year, or something. Who knows.


Maybe she was talking about finally getting her pay straightened out, lol.

amazing stuff here

I think someone is making an assumption here. Reppenhagen DID NOT recruit Duncan into IVAW nor was he good buddies with him. As a matter of fact he was one of the people who questioned his military service numerous times (and helped bring it to the attention of CVA). I happen to have been there, were you Jonn?

amazing stuff here

that lie was never said to us by Duncan.