Deserter Robin Long writes Obama from brig

| November 20, 2008

I wrote back in August about the chickenshit Robin Long who deserted from the Army in 2005 and hightailed it across the border to Canada , who in turn deported his sorry ass after three years. In August, he was given a VERY LENIENT 15 months sentence. Now apparently, like everyone else, Long thinks that Obama is his salvation and wrote The One a letter asking for a presidential pardon. It’s a very long and rambling, self-serving masturbational essay on what a poor soul he is and how he’s been victimized by the evil McBushitler Machine. I’m not going to run the whole thing, but here are some highlights;

For me to continue to participate in my military contract would have been self-destructive to me at my deepest levels of self. It goes against everything I believe in, my ideals and morals. In the case of the invasion of Iraq, international law was broken, as well as violating our own Constitution. Article VI of the Constitution states that any treaty the US is signatory shall be the supreme law of the land. The invasion broke the rules set out for declaring war in the Geneva Convention. And according to the Nuremburg Principles laid out at the Nuremburg Tribunals, I had a higher international duty supported by our Constitution to refuse service in Iraq.

The Geneva Convention has rules for declaring war? Now, I’m no expert on the Conventions, but I’ll be damned if I ever saw a checklist of steps to declare war. And I’m pretty sure al Qaeda, Hussein, Iran, or anyone else in history has ever followed these imagined “rules”. He should just stick to sitting in jail instead of making himself a laughing stock. He continues;

While I was in Canada I had a child. This sentence will have a lasting impact not only on my life but also on the life of my son. My son and his mother are Canadian (not dual citizenship). With a felony conviction (a year plus a day), it will be very difficult for me to re-enter Canada. I would like to live there so I can be in my son’s life. Every child needs a father. I want to return to my responsibilities as a father.

This sentence is a great hardship because it has an impact on my life that could last well into the future. This would successfully separate a family. My family needs me, to be a father figure and a financial supporter. My son was born after the fact of me deserting. Please don’t punish him more than I already have by being gone now.

So after he made the choice to desert, he then made the choice to have sex with a woman and have a baby – so that’s his excuse for wanting special dispensation of his sentence and to have his punishment expunged by executive order so he can go to Canada – which deported his sorry ass just a few weeks ago. So because he made all of these bad choices, he can feel the hope and change;

I ask you to please consider granting me presidential clemency or a pardon. I have given this to many different organizations and people to ensure that you receive a copy. I am so happy that you were elected President. I feel real change coming. You are the light after the storm, “Hurricane Bush,” if you will.

The Light from the Lightgiver. Now, Jimmy Carter, his first week in office gave a pardon to the draft dodgers, so Obama pardoning these assclowns would be keeping in character – but I don’t think he’s got the huevos to alienate the entire military the way Carter did in 1977. DOn’t worry, long, your cell mate will help the time just fly by over the next year of your sentence.

Category: Politics

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First reaction at partial reading…BOO.FRIGGING. HOO!!!


And now after reading the whole thing…I need to decontaminate myself form all that sugar and honey. Another generation whiner who was not taught that actions equal consequence.

SSG David Medzyk

Just for clarity…

The Geneva’s dealt with treatment of wounded soldiers (and specifically NOT enemy combatants) and POWs.

The Hague’s dealt with the “law of warfare” and weaponry that caused unecessary harm, and specifically denied any coverage to enemy combatants.

Neither has anything to do with how war is declared. There is also nothing in the US Constitution that demands the word “war” (as in ‘we declare war on you’) in any declaration of hostile intent.

Long is a shitbird, plain and simple. He joined the Army with full knowledge of his duty and obligation, then ran away. We old vets call that “cowardice”. Shot at dawn is all he deserves.


It’s obvious Long is a buddy fukker and has no clue about the GC.
As I understand the GC…”Captured combatants and civilians who find themselves under the authority of the adverse party are entitled to respect for their life, their dignity, their personal rights and their political, religious and other convictions. They must be protected against all acts of violence or reprisal. They are entitled to exchange news with their families and receive aid.” He got everything as a soldier, except that he swore to uphold and defend and obey the orders of Commander-in-chief. If he were my troop, I would have zero sympathy.

Paul Couturier - OIF Vet

And if he were under MY Command when I was a Commander, I’d have his ass reduced to PVT and then have him discharged!

Unless, of course, he was chased out the door by the rest of my troops first for being a TRAITOR!


“Long is a shitbird, plain and simple. He joined the Army with full knowledge of his duty and obligation, then ran away. We old vets call that “cowardice”. Shot at dawn is all he deserves”.
Couldn’t say it better Sergeant. But we know the Obamunist will probably pardon the POS. And, Canada finally figured out they don’t want these undependable morons either.