Those AWOL Afghanis? There’s more.

| July 7, 2010

Remember how I told you there were 17 Afghan pilot trainees missing from Lackland AFB? Well, according to Fox News, they’ve multiplied like cockroaches to scores;

No fewer than 46 members of the Afghan military have gone absent without leave from the Defense Language Institute’s English Language Center at Lackland Air Force Base in recent years, has learned.

From a series of interviews with civilians and military personnel conducted over the course of a week, and according to documents obtained from a variety of sources, has learned that five of these Afghan deserters remain at large; eight are in custody; at least 18 are in Canada and one has been granted conditional U.S. residency. The most recent to disappear fled the Texas base just last Thursday, hours after his graduation ceremony.

Sa-weet. 46 pilots wandering around loose. It was bad enough when it was just American pilots running around telling “Top Gun” stories to our women. These guys will be stealing our goats by the herd.

“Since 2002, 745 students have passed through the U.S. on this training and only 46 have actually gone absent without leave, and in 2009 there was a peak of 21 students,” Col. Stewart Cowen, NATO spokesman, Afghanistan, told

Citing statistics provided by the Department of Homeland Security, Cowen said 25 of the 46 remain unaccounted for.

Um, what about the 21 who have been accounted for? Are they still here with that training that was meant for them to use against killing Taliban that the US taxpayers funded? You know that force-multiplier thing? At least tell them they can come back after they kill a couple of Taliban each.

Category: Terror War

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Just one question…can I profile now?


Meanwhile back at the ranch, the leading story around these parts seems to be the current administrations laser like focus on suing a state who’s only crime has been to pass a law supporting existing Federal law, and shining the light of truth on the Fed Gubmint’s inability, or more likely, unwillingness, to enforce that self same federal law.
A law dealing with what? Oh ya, illegal immigration.


Pitchfork please………

AW1 Tim

Pass the tar and feathers too…….

Might be a real popular fashion statement in the coming months.

Just sayin’ 😉