Behind IVAW

| December 24, 2008

A few weeks ago, I wrote about Andre Shepard, the soldier stationed in Germany who decided he couldn’t dare leave his German girlfriend unattended while he did a tour of Iraq, so he decided to ask for asylum in Germany. Bouncing around the internet, I found this picture of him with some of his pals on Workers World (yes, it’s a socialist website);

That’s Andre on your left, in the middle is Darnell Stephen Summers and on the right is Chris Capps, the regional director of IVAW in Germany. So who is this Darnell Stephen Summers. I tracked him down to this web page which had a short biography of him;

He volunteered for the US Army and served from 1966 to 1970. While home on leave before going to Vietnam in 1968 he became involved in the struggle to found the »Malcolm X Cultural Center« (MXCC) in Inkster Michigan, a suburb of Detroit and was one of the spokespersons for the »MXCC«. His political affiliations included membership in the Black Workers Congress, Viet Nam Veterans Against The War / Viet Nam Veterans Against The War (Anti-Imperialist), chartermember of the Malcolm X Cultural Center(Inkster Michigan).

Well we know about the VVAW, but I’d never had contact with the Black Workers Congress so I went to Wikipedia;

The Black Worker’s Congress (BWC) was created in 1971 in response to a manifesto written by the League of Revolutionary Black Workers (League). The BWC would be a separate organization that would be used to expand the League across the United States. The BWC was also used to coordinate Revolutionary Union Movement and Black Workers caucuses.

It was a short-lived organization and WIkipedia didn’t have much, so I checked on it’s parent organization the League of Revolutionary Black Workers;

The formation of the League was an attempt to form a more cohesive political organ guided by the principles of Black liberation and Marxism-Leninism in order to gain political power and articulate the specific concerns of Black workers through political action. While the League was only active for a short period of time, it was a significant development in a time of increasing militancy and political action by Black workers and in the context of both the Black liberation and Marxist-Leninist movements in the United States.

So this guy standing with his arms around an IVAW regional coordinator and a recent deserter is pictured on a web page of Workers World is a genuine 1960s Marxist-Leninist. Ain’t that sweet?

In fact, when the Black Labor Congress died out the League of Revolutionary Black Workers merged with an organization called the Communist League which began dying out in 1974 and merged with the Communist Labor Party. But Darnell Summers went to Germany;

He was instrumental in organizing the STOP THE WAR BRIGADE in Germany during the Gulf war to build support for anti-war GIs.

Short-lived gig that.

So here’s a real live commie helping soldiers commit crimes. And Matthis Chiroux is hanging out with World Can’t Wait and Not In Our Name (which was founded by C Clark Kissinger famous member of the Revolutionary Communist Party which advocates the violent overthrow of the US government) pretending to be an honorably discharged Afghanistan veteran. It’s beginning to look like it’s going to be real difficult for active members of the military to continue their relationship with IVAW with these kind of ties to their organization. Hint. Hint.

Oh, the article about Shepard continues to chronicle his empty blather;

“I could not in good conscience continue to serve,” Shepherd said at a news conference. (Reuters, Nov. 27) “We have destroyed nations, killed leaders, raided homes, tortured, kidnapped, lied, and manipulated not just citizens and leaders of our enemies, but of our allies as well.

“It is a sickening feeling to realize that I took part in what was basically a daily slaughter of a proud people.”

He added that after he “heard about people being ripped to shreds from the machine guns or being blown to bits by the Hellfire missiles” and “buildings and infrastructures being destroyed, I began to feel ashamed about what I was doing.

“I am remorseful for my contribution to these heinous acts, and I swear that I will never make these mistakes again.”

He wasn’t even a flightline mechanic – he was in a support brigade. And it sounds like he regrets that Saddam Hussein was hung after a trial. What else could the phrase “We have destroyed nations, killed leaders….” mean? The only other leaders we killed were al Qaeda leaders…he couldn’t mean them could he?

Category: Politics

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VVAW-Anti-Imperialist and WCW are both RCP controlled fronts.

Jeff Paterson of NION identifies himself as VVAW-AI. That he wasn’t of age during Vietnam, No Problem.

Bald headed Barry Romo is VVAW-AI. Maybe Mattis has a crush on him and that’s why he’s shaving his head?


PS: NION is also an RCP controlled front.


Hey, let’s be tolerant here.
I would volunteer to evac one, two, or all three of them from a firezone. Each in his own pretty bag.

Jay Heathman

Well – I, for one, am glad to see that someone has the good sense to find a way to recycle old mops.


Is this at all surprising? NOPE


Now let me get this straight: Shepard has his panties in a wad over taking the war started by Islamofascist thugs to their own turf (Iraq and Afghanistan are two good places to start), while the atrocities and wholesale slaughter of close to 3000 people on American soil by Taliban and al Qadea shitbags gets a pass. Saddam Hussein’s brutal regime, mass graves, WMD violations and support of terrorist groups doesn’t bother him. The Afghanistan enclave of terrorists that plotted and carried out the 9/11 attacks, along with the rest of the ME douchebags who fund, train, and equip ‘peace loving’ jihadists, are okie dokie by him. The muslim enemy that actually DOES bomb, destroy nations, kill leaders, torture, kidnap, and behead, are just a ‘proud people’.

Everytime I read about a fuckstick like Shepard, I wish to hell I could trade them for one of the innocent victims who perished in the Trade Center Towers, the Pentagon, or the field in Pennsylvania.

The only good thing about exposing the IVAW and all of the excrement therein, is that they will be pariahs in the eyes of those who served honorably, and eventually assigned to the dumpster of obscure history.


[…] More at Jonn’s site: […]

Darnell Stephen Summers

You have no idea about who I am and/or what I’ve been involved in during my 60 Years on this planet.You just piece some references from the Internet together, about me, and then you call it History. Well History it is not. Too many Gaps, too many convenient omissions, too many snide remarks, too many reminders of you.

I’ll just bring you back to my last duty station and the rest will speak for itself.

Go there if you dare!!!

I’m sick of all of you phony-ass, rightwing, hawk-minded, racist, cowardly clowns. You wouldn’t know the Truth if it slapped you in the face.

You want to pretend to talk and write about what and who I am?
Well, let’s get down. Your only clain to faem is that you can even mention us. Shut up.

Jonn wrote:
The fact that you dragged race into this proves I’m a little closer than you’d like me to be. You don’t know me, but I know you.


Darnell, spell check is your friend. Use it. I read your blather, so yeah, I did dare to go there. Reading the article, I see your group totalled about 18 memebers at Ft. Carson. Wow, I imagine I could go to any Fort, Post, Base in the country and find 18-20 f**k-ups, big deal…. You were a douche’ then, you’re one now. A race-baiting douche’ but a douche’ none the less.
You’re obviously one of the “tolerant” left, you know, the ones who think that only the enlightened, commie left should be allowed to speak.

Darnell Stephen Summers

I did post a correction but I see it was deleated. You sound like something out of the McCarthy Era. That S..t don’t fly anymore. You can’t change History. You’re on the short side of the stick. Anyone who wants to check the facts will see who’s spinning yarns here. Your favorite trick is to simply deny reality and hope that you can suck someone up into your BS. Now you want to imply that at Ft. Carson or in the US Military as a whole, there was no serious political struggle, no opposition to the war, no denouncing of the governmwent , no rebellion. You are dreaming. That false history is being pushed by your ilk about no resistance inside the US Military. But the facts say otherwise. There are thousands of Deserters, Thousands of AWOL’S, Tens of Thousands of wounded and unfortunately thousands of dead on the US Side of the equation not to forget the Millions who have died as a result of US & NATO aggression in their so-called “War on Terror” which is really a “War of Terror”. It was all based on a lie to begin with!!! It’ real easy to forget the maimed, the dead and the dying. Yeah, you can call me a commie. If that means that I have respect for my fellow man and my planet, then yeah call me a commie. If that means I don’t torture rape and murder, then you’re damned right, “CALL ME A COMMIE”. But while you’re at it find a name for yourself and your kind. It would have to be a word that would describe a vicious, cunning predator, caring only about itself and its needs above all other things. Clinging to the Status Quo like a Vulture clutching rotten meat. You write but you don’t say anything of substance. Just Ignorant banter. Your biggest problem, once again, is that you don’t accept reality. Now, that’s a serious handicap. At ease. Jonn wrote: If everything I wrote is so meaningless, why do you keep coming back to call us names? If there are… Read more »


Thanks Jonn, you saved me from a reply, because you said it best. Where are they hiding the “thousands” of deserters, “thousands” of AWOLs? Certainly not in Canada, not in Germany. And don’t forget, communism has failed everywhere it was tried. Except in killing as many people as the Nazi’s. China is more capitalist than communist, NK, Cuba, the iron curtain countries? Those were all craptacular failures. The intelligent folks in Eastern Europe couldn’t wait for the Soviet tanks to roll east to start celebrating freedom.
And I didn’t see the tin-foil hat of one of the “truthers” in your pic, but it was obviously there.


Hey Darnell,

So you’re over 60. Isn’t time that you chucked the Black Panther rhetroic and retire to write that BBQ Book like all the other washed up black radicals from the 60s?


James Earl Ray

Lee Harvey Oswald

John Wanye Gacey

Darnell Stephen Summers

Anyone else see a pattern here?


I don’t know but my gaydar is going off with Darnell…I could be wrong. My first impressions of IVAW was that of an exclusive gay dating site.

All those photos of men licking men….

Darnell Stephen Summers

You people are sick. Point blank. When all else fails you resort to Gay-bashing and Racist. I know who I am. You’re so outdated and lame. You’ve definitely indicated how tolerant you are vis-a-vis other human beings. It’s no wonder that you support policies that result in Rape, Pillage and Plunder.

It is not outside the realm of possibility that your offspring are now somewhere listening to Snoop Dogg and realizing how disgustingly reactionary and slimy their parents are and wishing there was someway they could exit from your gene-pool.

Jonn wrote: Point blank? What does that mean? Is that one of those cliches that get over used, but out of context? What’s a Snoop Dogg? Must be one one of those pot smoking, dreadlock-wearing cultural references to which I’m not hip.

My son is in the Air Force – over eight years now. He’s never been so much as late for work, let alone begging some third world country to give him amnesty. In fact, he’s been volunteering to go to Iraq and Afghanistan.

What else you got, dipshit?

Susan Collins

Darnell Summers hammered it with his responses to these narrow, rigid, boring and dangerous thinkers.

Amen… their children and/or grandchildren will want to opt out of their gene pool!

They may even marry out of their race, which will most likely “ruin” these bigoted persons lives for the remainder of their days.

Let us open our minds, our hearts and our arms to all people on this planet!

Green Thumb

IVAW = Losers.

And so are you.



Note: This is a very old post, however if one wants to dance, I am certain there are some takers.


Aw – isn’t it so cute that Darnell’s mother decided to show up here nearly 6 years after the fact to defend her son!

2/17 Air Cav

“Let us open our minds, our hearts and our arms to all people on this planet!”

Don’t forget legs.


Uhmmm. Am I supposed to feel all upset, or what?

Dang. The willfully ignorant are so out of touch with reality. Apparently unable to articulate a rational response, they throw out absurd hyperbole instead.

So sad to be them.