The IVAW Board series; TJ Buonomo

| July 22, 2009

As TSO wrote last night, we’ve come into possession of the actual applications for the eight folks who endeavor to occupy those seats around the IVAW Board of Directors table. And a stellar group they are. Since there’s eight of them, we’ve decided to split them up between us and hit you with one every day for the next week or so.

Army Sergeant claims that when the current board is gone everything will change. Although that would be nice, given the candidates, I don’t think so. To wit;

This is Thomas J Buonomo;


That’s from a picture I took of him when I met him last March. In fact, I talked to him for about an hour during my long lunch. The first thing he remembered about me was the post I did earlier in the month entitled “Safe enough for ya now, TJ?” in which I chided him for avoiding duty in Iraq when there was a war, but venturing to Iraq now that the surge worked. He didn’t like the post much, I guess.

TSO wrote about TJ in April of last year, while he was still at The Sniper, so I won’t rehash that whole thing about him going to the Air Force Academy and then getting booted from the Army for advocating then-VP Cheney’s impeachment. But it is germane to this application. In his qualifications, Buonomo writes;

35D All Source Military Intelligence Officer, U.S. Army; 2LT; 14 Months Active Duty Army; 5 Years, 14 Months Total Time In Service

How many officers include their service academy or ROTC time in computing their military service? Yeah, TJ, you have 14 months of service time. Most of that was in your Officer Basic Course (18 weeks, I think).

When asked how he would improve the IVAW, his answer was;

Nuance, in the way we express ourselves through public statements and through action in the street, is the key to credibility and relevance. We have to keep up with what’s happening in Iraq and Afghanistan and tailor our messaging accordingly.

But, in his “Candidate’s Statement” his views were a bit less “nuanced”;

…my proposed mission objectives would include the prosecution of Bush administration officials for war crimes, starting with former President George W. Bush, former Vice President Dick Cheney, and former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.

In fact, I can’t think of anything more old-anced. He left out the “no war for oil” line. Oh, wait;

…my proposed mission objectives would include pressuring the Obama administration and the Democratic Congress to exercise rigorous oversight over U.S. oil companies in order to safeguard against a long term economic occupation of Iraq.

Congress does such a good job with “oversight”, I’m sure they could drive Iraq’s oil industry into the ground in no time. Especially, with unicorn poop as a cleaner, more abundant fuel source right around the next corner.

Gotta get in a plug for the ISO;

…my third proposed objective would be to pressure the Obama administration’s State Department to unequivocally champion workers’ rights in Iraq in accordance with standards established by the International Labor Organization.

So we’re not supposed to interfere with foreign nations’ internal issues – unless it’s in support of organizing them into a cool socialist organization. I get it now.

And since Buonomo isn’t a combat veteran, he’s all for letting other non-veterans into the IRAQ VETERANS AGAINST THE WAR;

I am in support of expanding IVAW’s membership to include Foreign Service and Intelligence Community veterans who have served since September 11, 2001 because I believe that it is essential for us to have an integrated understanding of the military, economic, and political facets of the occupation.

So much for being legitimate Veteran Service Organization. They’ve had a hard enough time verifying their membership’s qualifications. Can you imagine how many “former CIA agents” who were “black ops” with “classified records” they’d have lined up to join?

He does reveal one tasty tidbit – out of the 1700 members of IVAW, only 1300 of them have been verified. That means I have to root out 400 prospective phonies.

What I remember most about my conversation with Buonomo is that he talks so slow and he really has no point. At the time I wrote; “I tried to have a discussion with him, but he talks so slow that’s it’s just irritating. He kept saying “Let me finish” but he never does.”

So, do you folks at IVAW want yet another deep thinker who hasn’t served in the military outside of the United States representing your interests even though he doesn’t have a clue what you’ve experienced? One who counts his college time as military service? One who thinks that prosecuting what he defines as “war criminals” is more important that reaching out to veterans and helping them?

Clearly, Buonomo is more interested in being involved in activist activities than helping the membership. At what point do you get past the “Against the War” part and start focusing on the “Iraq Veterans” part? And which part do you think is most important to TJ Buonomo?

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers, Usual Suspects

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The irony is that eight people are running for six seats. Only two of them will go home empty handed. There is no such thing as an abstention, and no requirement for say a majority of votes based on the number of voters present. All it requires is a plurality. It is kind of like every Presidential election, including the one last year. Either way, we’re going to get governed by a freaking moron.

So at the end of the day, like it or not, non-Iraq veterans are going to be on the Board of Directors of “Iraq Veterans” Against the War. The only choice available to real veterans with principles that aren’t derived from the ISO is to leave the IVAW.


Hmmm…so by their own admission, at least 25 percent of IVAW’s members are phonies (and possibly quite higher, depending upon whose standards one uses). So the law of averages has at least 2 of the board being phony vets. Go figure.


“So much for being legitimate Veteran Service Organization.”

Lol!!! I hope they have never considered themselves a VSO. If they have, they really need to get a grip on reality, as do those in the membership that think they are, also.


“through action in the street”

Meaning what?!? Halting traffic and incoveniencing working people (who tend to be the parents/relatives of troops BTW) or busting the windows out of Joe/Jill Sixpacks’ store or franchise???

B Woodman

Buonomo?? Buonomo??
Isn’t that the species of chimpanzee that likes to f**k everything in sight? Twice??


I think those are “bonobos.”

Brown Neck Gaitor

18 weeks in MIOBC, less than 10 months boots on ground. Nice.


I remember it like it was yesterday, man. Once again I had been assigned to another blackops job. I was to infiltrate a local gathering and bring back intel. Right out of the gate I ran into trouble. The guy guarding the door kept asking me for my pass, but I didn’t want to tip my hand, so I tried to tell him that I’d already been inside and was just using the can. He wasn’t convinced so I had to improvise. Some dude and his kid were next to me in line, so I grabbed the kid’s box of popcorn and dumped it on the guard. The salt and butter combined to temporarily blind the dude, so I ran inside, ducked past a set of garbage cans and was able to slip into one of the darkened rooms. They looked for me, but I was too stealthy and hid behind a set of chairs. I gotta say, that new Harry Potter movie is pretty decent, and that Hermione chick is smokin’.

2LT Jesse “TJ Hooker” McNohomo
14th RECON Blackops Combat Batallion Brigade (Airborne)

Army Sergeant

Raissi, if you hadn’t left, I was planning to nominate your ass. The reason there are only 8 running is that a majority of those nominated were unable to run for one reason or another. Or people quit the org before they could be nominated. Like you, Casey, Charlie Anderson, Kris, etc.


“Dude…I would have totally voted for you if you, and all of the other dudes with integrity that I would have totally voted for, hadn’t left…”

Casey J Porter

Army Sergeant, the reason I did not stay in was that IVAW’s legitimacy is completely gone. I don’t, or ever again, want my name to be with them. Selena, I’ll always back you up, but IVAW is done, it’s over. That doesn’t make me happy at all, like some might think. IVAW didn’t care about about me when I was deployed, and they don’t care about you. While some great individual members do, most didn’t give a damn about me. The proof? Carl Webb’s attacks, Doug Zachary and his behavior, and that falls under IVAW, and IVAW’s and VFP close relationship. IVAW will never call out their bad apples, or keyboard radicals and rapists as long as they are in good with the ISO. I will stand with you Selena, but I will not stand with a rapist.

Another Disgrunted ex-IVAW "member"

Wow, Casey it’s like we have the same brain….I agree 100% with your last post. I too will stand with Selena.

It’s time IVAW is destroyed.


Casey, Jeff. Spot on. If IVAW was anything like it was when we started, I would be totally on board. But, we are known by the company we keep (or the company we avoid.)


Casey, if IVAW isn’t calling out rapists it has more in common with the military than we may have thought.


It is a sad day when veterans go against veterans.

so much for the unity.

while you guys type… I will do something productive and have my hand EXTENDED for the veterans who are lost in this sad and low time in America.

One day we will be holding hands instead of M-16’s,

Winter Soldier

Jonn, I was there for that conversation in March, as we huddled and chatted everyone not capable of engaging in a civil discussion sat in the rain. When I suggested to walk over an not leave the others out of the possible chance to air anything they might have to say. Nothing intelligent was said after. He didn’t even know what YellowCake was?! right?? The fact that he didn’t want to fight after gladly accepting college, and engaged in seditious activity lead to his discharge. But to return to his ONLY time in a combat zone..going to Iraq to speak and debate workers rights is mind boggling. Has he ever worked outside of activism, and for a boss who he tried to oust? I sat at the Iraqi Atomic Energy Commission’s complex during the OIF invasion till US Army could follow on and secure the site. This was my unit I am sure you could find more. While TJ sat in a hotel under lock and key. He isn’t even on the same level. But I’m the discarded one while he is the one they call upon for talks of Stop-Loss (he never was), recruitment debunking (he signed the contract to lead troops!), or MTS, it goes on and on. ======================Side note~Selena could ya get back to me on my email/s to ya about everything? Its been a year for my gear, and I am aware you have time to post but not to write back if you took my gear to the post…….================= With the thought that IVAW should or should not be.. 1)name has got ta go, 2)don’t have a DD-214 (EVEN dishonorable gets one) don’t get a t-shirt, 3)repel all those who wish US service members harm away, 4)public apologies to the families and veterans they have stepped on and f***ed over (still considering a lawsuit for authorizing the sale of a veteran speaking), 5)reframing the whole thing top to bottom.. or withdrawing from the ‘politic’ as they claim stances The group is different from IAVA which touts only that you be a veteran of… Read more »


Thanks for posting this information on a self-proclaimed military intelligence officer who uses his “service record” as justification for his expert status on defense and international relations. I’m just glad he left the Army so I don’t have to work with him; his kind are a cancer in our organization, but some of them refuse to separate.