And In the “Idiots Being Idiots” Department . . . .

| September 11, 2014

Here’s a look at some recent bureaucratic inanity, courtesy mostly of our PC libidiot “brethren”.

And, just for our “global warming”    propagandists   aficionados:

Finally:  just because I like this – and I think it fits here quite nicely – here ya go (smile):

Category: "Teh Stoopid", "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Liberals suck, WTF?

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Delilah T.

No herd immunity? Now, that’s one I haven’t heard yet.

Gee, whiz, we all got measles, polio, mumps, and whooping cough vaccinations in grade school. They went away.

Now it’s all on the rise around here, all over again.

Ignorance is wonderful, isn’t it?

Roger in Republic

PBS aired a NOVA segment last night that was won of the most comprehensive reports on immunizations I have seen. The issue of herd immunity was discussed at length. Basically what it stated was that the more members of a population that have immunity to a disease, either by surviving the disease, or from receiving a dose of the vaccine the less chance that an individual will come in contact with a carrier of the disease. As the vaccination rate drops the more likely one is to run into a sick person. The people who refuse to vaccinate their children are taking a chance that their children will be lucky and in so doing they actually increase the odds that a disease will spread.


Here’s a piece of info about polio: it has not been wiped out. But people aren’t vaccinating their kids for it, so I expect to see reports that some child has come down with it.

I had three immunizations for polio: grade school, high school, and recruit training, so I think I may be immune to it.

But if some kid shows up in the ER with what appears to be a bad cold and a stiff neck, he’s probably got it. And I can’t think of anything worse than inflicting that disease on a child through sheer ignorance and stupidity.

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

Whooping Cough has not gone away, its an epidemic in CA and TX

I thought I had an allergy last year when I was working in Texas then I thought it was bronchitis, I finally went to the DR and he spent about 10 minutes with me and said I had Whooping cough. Later confirmed by a test.

I had been immunized but still got it,


A friend went on a motorcycle trip out west, one highlight being a trip to Mt. Rushmore. He posted a pic this a.m. of the view, with snow on the faces and the slopes around the viewing area.
So much for global warming climate change climate disruption.


Don’t have a lot of sympathy for the girl who got busted using her phone. Perhaps a little bit of overkill on the cops part, but she should have listened and did what she was told. She was blatantly thumbing her nose at the authorities and they took action.


Yeah, I had the same thought. If she won’t follow the rules and hand over the phone when demanded, they have to take it from her. The cops may have used more muscle than necessary, but I’m mostly on their side on this one.


If her school is like the one I teach in, there’s a posted policy concerning cell phones. In my district, students are actually not to have a phone on or even visible at school. If they do, it’s subject to confiscation and may only be returned to a parent. We usually don’t take it that far but the kids know it is possible. Their first excuse is often, I was texting my parents.


Houston is probably like Slammintonio – our school districts have their own sworn police depts that handle school issues like this. Kinda like hall monitors with arrest authority. But like was said, we don’t have the Paul Harvey version yet.


I think you may be missing an important element of these police. They are HISD resource officers. That likely stands for Houston Independent School District. That means they probably work permanently in that building with those administrators with the job of enforcing those school rules. Detained isn’t the same as arrested. A student said arrested the official version is detained which could well mean held in the office while things were sorted. There are many things about this story that make me uncomfortable BUT, unfortunately in my experience, students who get busted breaking the rules will lie like rugs when they get busted. Or sometimes, a student with a long record of breaking rules is actually telling the truth and no one believes her.


Can’t speak for HISD officers, but I know the SA school districts cops aren’t Resource Officers. They’re actual cops with the same authority as the SAPD.

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

We have a winner!!!

I see a continuing trend where school Recourse officers are used to enforce school policy. They are sworn to enforce the law, not policy or school rules.

I know of a case where the Police officer stationed at the school was told by school administration he had to give a breathalyzer test to every child that attended the prom. He went to his chief and the chief said not with our equipment and its a 4th amendment violation. The school purchased a test unit and told the officer he had to give the test.

Now my kids were involved, as parents we were not given any notice. as soon as I found out I was pissed. Now i am all for kids not drinking but I am never for anyone rights being trampled.

These police officers are forgetting who they work for. Leave enforcing school policy up to the Staff and faculty of the school. This girl was in the wrong but I see no need for police involvement. Or can the public school system not handle a minor discipline issue with out armed help.

I also have a problem with a FINE being imposed for the return of personal property. They have no right. Have a parent pick up the phone but to require a fine be paid is in my view wrong.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Right science deniers bad for climate change, good for vaccines….we are an awesome species we humans…


Climate change consensus is not really a consensus if you discount almost the same number of scientists and climatologists that the administration and United Nations have said are just deniers.

You know, if the same number of scientists are labeled as deniers then it isn’t considered a consensus.


The newest dog whistle is “climate disruption”. Any body living in NYC needs to be prepared for a two week effort by the climate disruption crews to plug up traffic and parade around with their climate disruption friends the week before and during the UN conference at the end of the month, on climate disruption…

A Proud Infidel®™

Remember this flick? Every day it seems to be more of a premonition than anything else!

A Proud Infidel®™

*OOP!* I forgot to paste, *DUUUUUHHHH!*

and this:



Hell yeah! Kickass scrote!
When the cops showed up to the school to take away the cell phone I hope they said, “Is this particular individual the unwed mother? Brought to you by Carls Jr.”

And another thing, President Dwayne Herbert Mt. Dew Alejandro Comacho wouldn’t put up with one minute of this ISIS shit!


The day Scientists determined Pluto was no longer a planet, I realized that they determine facts how they see fit, in far too many cases.

I was getting worried watching that video, until she got to the “in Conservative states like New York, California….wait, What the Beep?” That was hilarious.


I hate to say this, but the ban on the patriotic stickers is probably correct.

If the Fire Department allowed stickers that said one thing but not another, a case could be made that the Fire Department was censoring what was said based on the content of the sticker (speech.)


That whole thing about the stickers and flags on firefighters’ lockers was based on the fire chief’s annoyance at a 10-year-old photo of a chimp smoking a cigarette, from an anti-smoking cancer campaign, that he had held onto for TEN FRACKING YEARS and decided it was racist. Because he’s black and the he has a hair up his ass about stuff like that.

Now, why he held onto that photo for 10 years is in question, but the guy who put it on another firefighter’s locker did it 10 LONG YEARS AGO, because the firefighter in question was a chain smoker and his buddy was trying to get him to quit.

The fire chief has since been suspended. The fire chief needs to get some effing counseling about his idiotic behavior, and answer questions about why he held that photo for 10 LONG YEARS.

That fire department has a mixed, integrated crew. Those firefighters have been reinstated. Does the word ‘over-reacted’ to something sound appropriate?

The Other Whitey

Bullshit. I have the flag on my structure helmet and my wildland helmet. Had them for years. I was once told to take them off, and simply said no. Didn’t cuss, yell, tell the Chief to fuck himself, or otherwise be disrespectful, just said no. Nothing ever came of it. Hell, a few years later I was issued a brand-new structure coat with the flag sewn on the right sleeve.

They certainly can place limits on some things. It is unprofessional to have a helmet look like something out of NASCAR, but there is nothing unprofessional or wrong with a proper display of the flag. That goes for the lockers as well. Penthouse centerfold–inappropriate; Old Glory–perfectly appropriate.

The flag is flown in front of every fire station across our nation, but somebody says we can’t put a 1.5″x3.5″ decal of the same flag on my helmet? Bull. Fucking. Shit.

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

First thing to remember is we are talking about fire fighter, they are by definition crazy, not in a bad way.

These guys go into what most people are running away from. Hell a lot of them do it for free.

My brother, who I am extremely proud of is a fire fighter, he has what can only be called a very unique sense of humor. They all do. They have to. These are the guys I call when I need help. If they want to put stickers of Flags, Gorillas, Bugs bunny or anything on helmets lockers extra let them.

This Chief made a mountain out of a mole hill

The Other Whitey

Enigma4you, I consider myself perfectly sane, thank you very much! Not especially intelligent, of course, but perfectly sane!

A crazy individual would jump out airplanes while other people shoot at him.


I used to work for an airline in Anchorage. I was working there at ANC airport when 911 happened. About 13 years ago to the day, I was sewing small embroidered flag patches on the shoulder of every work uniform shirt, jacket,etc. I got nothing but compliments from coworkers, sups, even passengers. That people might get offended by the display of our flag is beyond my comprehension.


Well, they can be as offended as they want to.

I put my flag out yesterday and left it until 6PM, then brought it inside. Anyone who doesn’t like it can go pound sand sideways.


It is all part of the progressive manifesto to rid this country of anything that might bring a level of pride to any of its citizens.
They will never go away, we have to continue to battle them all the time. They start with small inroads and let the nose of the camel under the tent…
This gets tiring for sure.
But if this is how we save the country, I am in for the duration.
Last I knew, my oath didn’t have an expiration date.
Fuck ’em…


In regard to Calgary getting 14″ of snow, for this time of year, it is not particularly unusual. Calgary is on the eastern side of the Rockies. In fact, Montana and Wyoming and the Dakotas can also see snow in August, although they haven’t for about 8 years now, maybe more.

However, the cold came early to my kingdom, and I turned on the furnace this evening after I put in new filters. If it snows before November 1st, as predicted by the Farmer’s Almanac, I will get pictures. I have pictures from the April 14 snow. And the sparrows are, in fact, so hungry that when I open the front door, they’re sitting on the porch railing, waiting for me to put out more food. What they live on should be ripening, but we’ve had so much rain that even the corn and soybeans aren’t maturing on time. They are more than a week behind now.


Snowtober. Three years ago.

That was fun.


The Old Farmer’s Almanac says the Northeast Kingdom should see snow between October 13th and 18th.

Buy extra sidewalk salt.

The Other Whitey

“…Not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character!”

So much for the Reverend’s dream, huh? “Too many white male officers” sounds pretty Goddamn racist and sexist to me. But hey, I’m a white male, so what the hell do I know, right?


As long as there are people out there misinterpreting what he said this will be the outcome.

After this there will be a push for more higher ranking officers by a specific sexual orientation. Affirmitive Action in all it’s glory will be another downfall to the greatest military out there.

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

This is stupid.

We have an all volunteer force. I do not think for one second that minorities are not being promoted.

They simply are not Joining to get promoted


I’m sure I’ll be reading Allen West’s thoughts on this sometime tonight. Those that want to continue their career and get promoted work harder to make that happen.

This is apparently also something I’m hearing coming through the wire in the Air Force with the enlisted side. Which will just make it even harder for me to make rank.


If they want more “officers of color” they should probably drop the entrance requirements to ROTC and make it racist to give a non-white officer a bad OER.


I love the photo accompanying that article. BG Jeffrey Sinclair, Deputy Commanding General, 82d Airborne…

Nope, no biased undertones in that picture.

John Robert Mallernee

Whitey_wingnut and The Other Whitey beat me to it.