Obama’s Looking Up…

| September 11, 2014

Barack Obama

At least he was in his speech about dealing with Middle Eastern terrorist organizations. It was a bit disconcerting to those of us who have become accustomed to watching the usual puppet-like, swivel-necked delivery – left to right, then quickly back to left – of past major pronouncements to the nation, delivered in the full glory of this politician’s unusually adept mastery of teleprompters.

But not this time. Nope, we got the full-face, straight-on delivery, with those eyes boring straight into America’s soul. Well, except when they weren’t – as in when they were shifted upward to read his speech from some other prompting device positioned over the camera, focused on his face. Go back and look at the video, and you’ll see Obama’s eyes flicking up frequently to that electronic miracle of eloquence, that screen that displays the contrived and carefully constructed words and phrases that his administration wants to be heard by this nation and the world.

You can bet some really clever media advisor suggested to White House staff that another swivel-necked presidential delivery at such a serious moment in history might appear to Americans to be contrived and insincere. Well, then, let’s not have that; we have to project gravitas, and we need an American commander-in-chief who doesn’t have to rely on two teleprompter panels straddling the podium to project his serious determination and his focused intent to deal with world events.

Nope, we’ll just put one screen up there above the full frontal camera and let him read all his sincerity and determined intent from that screen above the camera. No more obvious swivel-necking for this transparent administration! Nope, these open and transparent liberals have come up with a way to make their exalted leader look straight into that camera as he makes his grand pronouncements…well, with maybe just a few of those frequent eye shifts upward to make sure he’s staying on script.

Hey, no matter how they set it up, the guy is still reading a script, written for him by the real powers behind the throne. It’s the only way he knows how to communicate – a skillful but empty, soulless orator. When Obama announced that this would be the most transparent administration ever, he didn’t know the half of it:

Transparent, brother, these turkeys are indeed…

Crossposted at American Thinker

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War

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I get your point, but the way it’s delivered seems weird to me.

Every recent President uses teleprompters. Every recent President uses speechwriters. Bush’s were chiefly written by Michael Gerson. Obama’s are by Cody Keenan and Regan’s were written by Peggy Noonan.

It’s not just Obama who reads the script.

It’s politicians.


Poetrooper…Thank you. Obama didn’t fool me in the least. In my opinion, he still has no more real strategy than he did when he said, “We have no strategy for dealing with ISIS…yet.” (paraphrased)

Obama is many things and none of them good. None of them are for the betterment and future of America. Only for himself and his future.

I believe when he was elected the first time it was a DNC and big money behind them coup of America. I believe they told him, “You will get to be the first black President in American history and all that will come from that…but…you will answer to us and do as you are told. That’s the deal, take it or leave it.” He took it. Those running the government behind him knew who they wanted in each cabinet post and when. They say, “Obama jump”, and he says “how high”.

I thought Johnson did an awful job in running Vietnam from Washington. That being said, it was still in house. Obama is in my opinion, nothing more than a puppet to powers higher than most people imagine. People and interests outside the government but with strong influence and the money to make it happen.

And no, I am not a conspiracy theory nut either. When there are smoke and mirrors and “don’t watch what my left hand is doing”, slight of hand politics, there is someone behind them.

You can fool some of the people all of the time….

Former 11B

Agreed, this attack on Obama is singling him out for something every single President has done since the intention of teleprompters. Presidents who gave speeches over the radio were likewise reading them from something.

There’s plenty of other shit to ding this clown for, the teleprompter really isn’t one of them.


You are mostly correct. Other president’s have been able to wing it to some extent. This pResident stopped dead in his tracks when the teleprompter didn’t scroll forward for close to thirty seconds.

Former 11B

In today’s world with 24 hour news cycles and YouTube, wingig it will inevitably lead to some kind of gaffe that will be mocked for months or even years afterwards. Look at W’s “fool me once” slip or Howard Dean’s scream. Going off script these days is much much riskier proposition than it was before. If I was a Presidential handler you’d better believe I’d have them using a teleprompter as much as possible.


From what he said in his speech, I don’t think John Kerry was read into it.

The fact that he’s sending more troops to reinforce the troops already there, but saying in his speeches “no combat troops on the ground” is disingenuous.

Are they there playing XBOX? Are they there just hanging out at Green Bean all day? Are they there telling Iraqi Army through an ear piece “take cover to the right, shoot that guy on the left, move forward.” Of course not.

He’s a politician and the worst kind. He wants everyone to think he’s not a politician and in DC to clean it up and stop the politics, but he’s playing politics while saying he’s not playing politics.


While he faced us, or the teleprompter above the lens, pResident Present said “America will lead a broad coalition to roll back this terrorist threat. Already allies are flying planes with us over Iraq…”
Interesting, very interesting. Who would that be, Mr. Obama? It won’t be Germany or Britain, according to Reuters. The Germans went so far as to say they weren’t asked and won’t participate if asked. The Brits also said no, at least to airstrikes in Syria. http://in.reuters.com/article/2014/09/11/iraq-crisis-germany-britain-idINKBN0H61H820140911
So, who would be flying “with us”? Would that be the Iranians, or the Iraqis, who might have 2 functional planes in their AF?