Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission survey

| September 11, 2014

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I just finished the Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission‘s survey that they sent out to some of us, and it was a real POS, I can still smell it on my fingers. I was limited in my responses to support lowered retirement pay and guided towards a Thrift Savings Plan-type retirement. No matter how carefully I answered the questions, it didn’t stop the summary from arriving at the conclusion that I supported lower compensation for 20 years of service and increased premiums and co-pays for Tricare.

I feel so dirty to have participated in that piece of Soviet-style propaganda that will be used against the troops. The only reason I took it is because I thought maybe it would send a message – instead I was the one getting a message. These peckerwoods at the MCRMC are bound and determined to change the retirement system and their dishonest survey questions and limited responses available is just ammunition for them to plow ahead.

So before they publish the results of the survey, you already know how it’s going to turn out.

Category: Big Pentagon

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Old Arty Sgt

No matter what you said, they will change the results to show what they want. Then say that based on these (fixed survey) facts, all retirees support raising medical costs and deceasing retirement pay..


‘deceasing retirement pay’ – Is that a Freudian slip? ‘Kill retirement pay’.

Oh, I know you meant ‘decreasing’, but I could not resist!

You have won the intertubes prize for the day, Old Arty Sgt.



as in

Drill Sergeant:

Recruit: *thinking*..”Uh….No Drill Sergeant”

Drill Sergeant: “OH SO YOU’VE LIED TO ME *BEFORE*?!?!?!

Recruit: ” No no no….Drill Sergeant”

Drill Sergeant: “SO You HAVEN’T LIED TO ME BEFORE?!?!?!

Recruit: *relieved*..Yes Drill Sergeant. (thinks “whew”)

Drill Sergeant: “SO YOU’RE LYING TO ME *NOW!!*

Recruit: “AHHHHHH!”

/at least that’s the way I remember it happening.


I received the survey. Any potential benefit in completing it, or should I send it back to the spam from whence it came?

Are the questions like this:

What would be preferred, being hit in the head with a wood bat or a fence post?


Need ask Otto that question.




Otto answered “wood bat please”


This “survey” is just like the previous “survey” the Army used to justify the ASU. We’ve made our decision, now we’re going to jam the result of a biased survey into our preconcieved decision.
And yes I took the MCRMC survey also. My thoughts were “That’s not what I said was important.”
Especially at the end-Take 1 thing I said was important and pair with something I said sucked and contrast it with something good paired with something that sucks.
Waste of time and effort.


Yeah a “military survey” is the definition of an oxymoron.


Looks like a John Giduck.
Smells like a John Giduck.
Yup its a turd full Tape Worms Like John Giduck.
P.S The tape Worms are an Invertebrates just like John Giduck.


Jonn, to you and all those depending on their EARNED benefits from their military service I am so very sorry. I feel so badly for all of you.

It is like a test with a question to answer either A. B. C. or D. but then, there’s no “D” to choose from. D, being “No, leave it alone and if anything increase all compensation categories”. It is rigged to give them the results they want.

Now they go to Obama and Congress and say “ya see, even the veterans overwhelmingly support reductions!”. Because they left them no choice. Now if Obama, Congress and the Pentagon would only be a ruthless and uncaring with our enemies as they are their own honorable veterans who gave a life of service to our nation, we might not be in the mess we’re getting into in the Mid-East. But I am preaching to the choir and I know it.

I would say BOHICA but that is like salt in an already, years festering wound.


Jonn, well that’s somewhat better although not the best way to do a survey. IMHO


For the Sliding Bars, anything that sucked balls, I put 1% on.

I saw that immediately that if you put 0%, they’ll say “oh, well all these troops who put 0% just ‘don’t know’ or ‘aren’t sure’ for this.”

I put 1% to show a number that they have to identify as “wow, he really doesn’t support this.” But that’s just me. (I see thru your trickery Mr Chandler…)

Even if you put a particular percentage for something, it would say “ohhhh, but that isn’t the ‘most’ beneficial option, are you sure?” So basically, no no no, you want THIS option, not THAT option.

Everytime there was an opportunity to put “other” and add comments I added comments blasting the BS survey and how pointed and loaded it was with tricks.

They’ve done a bunch of surveys recently about various things. Earlier this year they did a survey about creating a new PT Test for the Army. They way I read that, they are scrapping the entire PT and PRT concept and switching it to a “Crossfit” PT Test. They showed about 40 exercises and they were all Crossfit type exercises.


I’ve followed this since the Defense Business Boards report in 2010/11.

I took the survey, it might make you feel slimy, but probably worth the effort if asked to do so.

I’m more than a little suspect that there are folks pushing an agenda on this, but its the only way to have your opinion considered.

If you haven’t yet, I’d read the Commission’s Interim report, if for no other reason than to get an idea of where we the current system came from.

My reading of the report is that thee commission understands the downside risk in making changes from the “cliff vesting” defined benefit system that we have today. And their understanding (though not explicit in the report), that any whole sale change to the system would have to be combined with a re-evaluation of the base assumptions that underpin the 20/30 year career system and its legal foundations.

My bet is that the commissions final report will call for some type of semi-exportable thrift savings/401K plan while still keeping the defined benefit for career service. I could also see chance (50/50 or slightly less) the Commission calls for increasing the retirement point to 25 years with a max of 35.

What you won’t see is any discussion of size, civilian uniformed mix, or uniform/contractor mix which are factors which have really driven the budget haywire over the last 20+ years.

A Proud Infidel®™

I have a great idea, let’s ask Congresscritters how much they would like to have their benefits and pay slashed!!


Or ask them again about term limits.


Or ask them about BOTH.

Just An Old Dog

I once got a similar type of survey from a company I left, pretty much trying to limit me to the ABC or D responses.
I slashed a red line through it and wrote a short letter back.
That note probably contained the word “cocksuckers” in every sentence.


Thanks for posting, I also received an invite for the survey, now I can just delete the friggin e-mail and they can go pound sand !


Do these F***ERS who are betraying us realize that we are the ones with A) guns, and B) the ability to use them?




Keep reminding me that I did the right thing by not staying in until retirement.

Green Thumb

Do I get compensation for how large my two-hole is?

The many time superior Officers and senior NCOs stuck it to/in me?




Hey, there’s gotta be some cuts somewhere! We’re looking at about 5-6 million “NEW” citizens that are going to need free schooling (ESL) free healthcare, free food, section 8 housing and don’t forget the Obama phone. Just ask a liberal, it’s “your fair share”. I’d vomit but I have nothing left after watching Bozo the prez give his speech last night.


The results will be challenged if it so clearly biased. And it will be discovered that the survey was slapped together by a 24 year old libertard, cranking away on her iPhone survey app while sipping a latte in a Star Bucks.

But what the hell do I know …


Oh course those of us who worked 20+ years in hellish conditions for sub standard wages to keep these asshats in power, who are worn-out with disabilities the VA can’t find, living on a fixed income, want to have the merger benefits slashed. It’s the patriotic thing to do.

Joe Bearden

I was so insulted by this survey that I closed it and refuse to take it! I felt like I was being talked down to like I was a moron. Wait a minute. Which administration sent this out? I think the smarter thing to do besides taking this ignoring one-sided survey is to send it to your congressman and ask him to take it in your place!


Of course the Flag Officers on the commission are totally oblivious to the results, they draw more retirement than they did pay on active duty. Look at the pay scale and the regs. As for Bob Kerry, I went through Drill Sergeant School with John Baker and we remained friends through the remainder of our careers. John received the Medal of Honor for actions in Viet Nam and died earlier this year. I have also had the honor of serving with several other recipients, most of whom are now deceased. I can say with great certainty that the deceased are spinning in their graves for Bob Kerry sullying the Medal by allowing his name to even be associated with BS like this. Bob Kerry shame on you. I received the survey, too. Non-response!!

I feel that the Military Retiree and Veterans moto should be “Sin Fein”, “Ourselves Alone”. No one else in authority will make sure we get what we were promised and earned.


I’m advocating letting our more local elected representatives: Governors, Reps., Sena-tors even mayors and county supervisors! know about this (I’m SURE they have no idea!!) and have it stopped! There is an election in November, and frankly, if they don’t honor my requests, I don’t honor THEIR REQUEST– for my VOTE! Travis Air Force Base is in my county, and a LOT of us are former & retired service personnel. Let’s get this all posted on the ‘social media’ sites (Face Book Together We Served, DAV, Am-Vets, Am.Legion, etc.) and let EVERYone know what Obozo has up his sleeve THIS time around! A further crippled military is not a good position for a strong defense.
Warmly, Barbara (US Navy Hospital Corps WAVE, 1964-1966)

Retired Army SSG

My first thought was also that this was a spam scam. Glad I searched it first and found that although it may not be a spam it is still a SCAM. I retired in 2005 with 50% disability and quickly discovered that retired means forgotten. This appears to be just another way for the people in power, with all their money safe, to take even more from those who gave all they could, lead by a man who does not put his hand over his heart for our flag and. . . salutes? with a coffee cup in his hand??? I gave, or lost, a lot for this country during my service. My marriage and some of my sanity included, but that was not enough. Now they want to take away more (all?) of my money and medical benefits too. The non-american “leading” this country is Killing this country and our elected officials are doing nothing to stop it. America home of the free…. For how long? O-One B-Big A-Ass M-Mistake A-America