Jesse MacBeth Stolen Valor Tournament Finals: Pick your National Chumpian

| October 25, 2011

OK, so I will put up a new poll each day. I will keep results here, and tabulate it all at the end. You will see percents each day, but that number represents ONLY that day. Also, be advised that someone might win 3 days and lose 1, but what is important is the actual NUMBER of votes, not any given days percents.

MSGT Soup Sandwich:

Showed up for a graduation ceremony at Fort Benning (Sand Hill), on Wed, 15 Jun 2011, wearing AF uniform with 15 rows of awards and decorations, and 7 badges from the Army and Air Force.

Claims to be a wounded medic.

 Likes to inhale shoe cleaner.



GEN Ballduster McSoulpatch:

Friends with the Dalai Llama and Steven Segal.

Was Vice President of Asian Operations, Samaya, Inc., and in the Army was “Advisor to the Commander-In-Chief (1995-1999) regarding S.E. Asian Affairs, with a specific focus on Thailand, Cambodia & Laos.”

Claism to have attended Standford, Assumption University, Purdue, DLI, and JFKSWCS.

Arrested wearing a diaper on his head.


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The Sniper (our generous Photoshop Benefactor) wanted these to be the winners portraits, but since neither is a winner in any sense, and because I have no patience….you get them today.

Category: Politics

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Douchebag trumps nutbag 100% of the time!

Jonn Lilyea

It’s appropriate that the final round begins on St. Crispin’s Day while Englishmen are holding their manhoods.

John Curmudgeon



It’s a toughie, but reflect – McSoulpatch apparently put up those resumes, and left them up, while sober. To Soup, it’s a bad afternoon with the shoe cleaner and, okay, a few facebook whines at women; to Ballduster, it’s a way of life, and he wants it as the foundation of his career.


I have friends in Katy, tx. Which is really Houston. I wanna go shoot a round of golf with my Iraq buddy and give bluster his award in person. Heck its only 2.5 hours away from me.


Is it possible they could both “win”?

I mean, c’mon, their resumes are pretty damn close to even on the “character counts” mark.


I really wanted soup but had to go with the sober Douche, ballduster. I think it finally shows I have matured and am making adult minded decisions. Lol

Old Tanker


Remember though…Soupy actually showed up on a military post in that get up!!! That’s teh crazy right there!!!


Ballduster FTW!!!

If not I will boycott TAH for one month!


How about a write-in for Chiroux? No, I didn’t think so. Still on strike. Back to my binky.

Doc Bailey

Come on SOupy you can do it lol


True, Tanker, true, and we also have verification of just how bad his service really was, whereas with the other man, we can only guess. But Soup didn’t have that smug little smile. Looking at Soup, you just want to have the vet put him down humanely. Looking at B. McS., you want him to feel the pain.

Claymore expresses my thought, but he got it down into 7 words.


wow its getting close

Jack Burton

I just don’t understand how Ballduster isn’t winning in a landslide. This is like the 88 Olympics in Seoul with Roy Jones landed 150 punches to zero and still losing.

El Marco

Remember the immortal words of President Clinton: “Character is not important”.

I miss Uncle Ronnie.

Still voted for Ballduster though. General’s stars and all.


This one’s gonna be close.

Doc Bailey

I will admit that Ball duster trying to be an air marshal takes huge fucking balls.


Soupy all the way

1. PX salad on a female top? Check.

2. Wore the above abortion of a uniform into a military base? Check.

3. Got called out by a DS and still played the role by attempting to have said DS written up by his CO for “disrespecting me”? Check.

4. Got thrown out of the military and therefore should’ve known this wouldn’t pass muster, but marched bravely on anyways? Check.

Bonus: Family situation is tailor made for Jerry Springer? Check.


Damn 52% to 47%…..Soupy even fails at being a failure.


Soupy FTW!!!! C’mon Soup!

Easy 8

It’s one thing to put on a uniform and hobknob with a bunch of liberal Dem socialites who wouldn’t know General Patton from Idi Amin. It takes real cajones to put on a uniform and go to Ft Benning and play the role in front of Drill Sgts. Soupy FTW.


Soup! FTW…


Both make me sick, but claiming to be a wounded medic is above and beyond. So it’s Soupy.

God Bless our Medics.