When death is better than living

| October 25, 2011

TSO sends us a link to an article in Roll Call that is largely going unreported in the media about how the Justice Department and the FBI were investigating John Murtha for his “play for pay” antics in Western Pennsylvania,

Bits and pieces of this story were kicked around for years before Murtha died in February 2010. The Los Angeles Times, Roll Call, the Washington Post and others had documented the odd appearance of earmarks for tiny defense contractors that just happened to open an office in western Pennsylvania and just happened to hire one of the lobbying firms close to Murtha and just happened to begin making campaign donations to Murtha and other Members of Congress close to him.

Of course, Democrats covered up Murtha’s antics for decades, mostly because of his willingness to be anti-war and vocal about it. Just like IVAW, they could stand up veteran Murtha as their poster child for every anti-war theatrics. We can blame Murtha for the current war and the casualties because he advised President Clinton to withdraw from Somalia and gave hope to every jihadist on the planet that tehy could just kill masses of American soldiers until we lost our nerve to fight them.

We can’t forget that Saddam hussein gave DVDs of “Blackhawk Down” to his commanders as an instructional video on how to fight Americans.

And Murtha was willing to say the things that other Democrats thought but couldn’t say outloud, like when he accused the Marines involved in the Hadditha incident of being murderers, and when he told the press that American troops were demoralized and incapable of fighting.

TAH has a history of resisting Murtha even before our first post;

Category: John Murtha

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He’s still dead, right? IVAW and/or other leftards didn’t re-animate him, make him a zombie or something, did they?

AW1 Tim

The real slap in the face to all veterans and our military is that the US Navy is being forced to “honor” Murtha by naming a ship after him.

Although it’s a support ship, it’s just damned insulting that this vessel will likely carry supplies to support the very Marines that this cretin stabbed in the back for his own purposes.

If there is any justice, that ship will be renamed, but I suspect that will never happen.


Well tie me up and call me doggie. First time I saw that video. Outstanding! The panel looked a tad ill. What the moderator meant to say after the statement was, “Thank God that was not in the form of a question or we couldn’t move on. Let’s go over here.”


Holy shiitake mushrooms, that’s a baby-faced TSO!

Doc Bailey

you know what pisses me off? that son of a bitch never did apologize for his Haditha comments.


#5 Doc: more than likely Murtha’s paying for his Haditha comment, among other crimes.

If one wishes to consider Stolen Valor in all its import, Jesse MacBeth and Soulpatch truly have nothing on Murtha. For decades Murtha hid behind being an officer of Marines – using the honor of the Corps as his shield while he systematically looted the Treasury through his double-pork-barrel money laundering schemes.


I think that Army dude is a fake. He may be my #1 seed in the next tourney.


I think he’s wearing a “Battle Of Arathi Basin” decoration without the requisite “Defender Of Theramore” device and plume.

Zero Ponsdorf

Did the Boot Murtha thing in PA a time or two… We had some fine speakers, but none as outright cute as that Army
guy in the video.

Cedo Alteram

Read this this morning. Scumbag. They just could never directly connect him, just his ex staff members and these companies. He was the nexus, the center, all points went to straight to Murtha. No “unindited coconspirator” this time, the evidence wasn’t Abscam good.