Holiday Open Thread
Happy Thanksgiving TAH family! Since millions are going to express thankfulness for what they have, this post asks a question. How many decades worth of Thanksgiving have each of you guys expressed thanks? As was done in previous Thanksgiving open threads, here’s some advice for eating leftovers for the rest of the week. Before putting the leftovers in the microwave, spray water on the food. By the time the food is microwaved, it would taste like it had just come from the oven.
Category: Open thread
Make sure you put your stretchy eating britches on FIRST thing this morning before you start your Food Orgy.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of my TAH Family!
The GB clan (and sundry related septs) will be assembling at AB Son’s house later today. The foods being prepared by the lovely ladies and other clan cooks will be an assortment of traditional fare, cajun fare, Norwegian delights, and German goodies.
I hope your cooks are just as good as these, and the fellowship today just as rich and filled with love.
I don’t think that there is anyone in East Texas that doesn’t know how to put on a feast for Thanksgiving, at least not the folks were born there.
Sure could use some dirty rice and cornbread dressing, hope you get some too.
Dammit Gun Bunny! Don’t you ever sleep?
Here I thought the dogs getting me up before sunrise would be good enough, but NOOOOOO
Congratz and Happy Day Turkey…
Tanks!, Fyr! And to you and yours’, Good Sir. My sunrise happens a coupla hours before you so there is that. And what is this “sleep” you speak of? I just kinda cat nap these days. Kinda got lucky on the time, I did recall that the besig made mention that The HOT would drop and was monitoring the net. Saw that the Stoned Hacker was lurking when the HOT dropped. Gave my usual ten (10) count, you know…just to make it sporting for the the haters. Even took the time to type my comment instead a “copy/paste” thing. Wasn’t.even.close! Guess Hack was out searching for Elaine…or a mailbox door…or parts for a vintage Jaguar. He coulda been attempting to close a deal on some Y3K Soft Wear?
Either way…The King of Battle…THE King of FIRST will continue his reign as FIRST on The HOTs (continuing from the last HOT on Vet’s Day) and extend an open invitation to ALL of his Loyal Subjects to enjoy the Food Orgy taking place @ Port Sugar Bug. The smoked porcine beast has been baking lowly all night in the oven, the Devilish Eggs are prepped and in the ice box, Baby Sister is mixing up the Southern Cornbread dressing as we speak, A breakfast snarsage, egg, grits, with cheese casserole is almost ready. Marvelous Michelle, Soccer Mom, is doing the turkey (suck it PETA), green beans percurlating lowly in a Crockett Pot, yeast rolls from a local bakery, orasted (ht2 Ex-PH2, you are sorely missed, Mi’Lady) veggies, smashed taters (yes gravy), squashed casserole, strawberry and cream bunt cake, assorted home made cookies, (ice cream), pecan pies, and naturally the House Wine…Sweet Iced Tea. There will be other offerings from the Soccer Moms that will be coming to fawn over The Gun Bunny Papa causing their husbands to become pea green with envy that they do not have the charm and wit that he has. It’s gonna be a good day.
Just wish that I could share this bounty with all of those maintaining the “Eternal Vigilance”. Remember them!
Does your 10 count sound kinda like 1,3,9,10?
Nope! Solid 10 count 1001, 1002, 1003…
He is two time zones ahead of you, Fyr.
Yeah, there’s that..
Well definitely a happy turkey day to all! Sicen I’m still not welcome at my sisters tables, and the wife is still in AZ taking care of her mom, me and the boy will be hanging with my aunt and her family a bit later today.
Got a whole day off, then delivering a vehicle to LA , with a stop over in Las Vegas.. one day at home (Sunday) then back to Vegas for a week of rodeo!
Safe travels. Fyr. May God’s traveling mercies cover you, and His joy full those surrounding your aunt’s table.
Thank you kind sir!
4th? Wow
You got Third, I think. Fyrfighter was a double tap.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Very low-key dinner today as it’s just me and Mrs. Sparky and one Jr. Sparky. Won’t be much in the way of leftovers…the kid is a fucking vacuum.
Then back on the plane tomorrow night for Casa de Sparky Western Annex. Need to be back Monday and Sunday wasn’t an option. Yay.
“…the kid is a fucking vacuum.”
I was that way *COUGH* years ago, back when I had about a 100MPH metabolism!
Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Just me and the dog enjoying our freedom and liberty while we
give thanks to those who came before us.
I have fond memories of those family gatherings as a child and
how thankful everyone was for having America survive WW2.
It didn’t last long with more war on the horizen and decades of
war in our future.
But here we are, having just survived what may have been the
worst threat of all.
Be thankful yes, but feel free to wallow in your victory, and have
another slice on me.
All present and accounted for, smol doge laying next to me,bigge doge with boy in bed.
Got up at eight to let them go out and pee. It’s pouring rain and dense fog, But it’s a wonderful Thanksgiving, Nonetheless.
I will have nibbles And try to clean the refrigerator out today, I will wear out the Xbox, And we will have proper turkey and Thanksgiving foods on Sunday.
My rules for holidays with family ever since I delayed my Christmas in 1986, Because I did not PCS back from Okinawa until February, “Have your holiday whenever you wanna have your holiday or birthday or the like, Fuck the calendar.” Particularly with blended families and schedules and such.
I actually say that at the very least a birthday should last about a week ☺️.
For all of the things that I am thankful for, The most is that I am here and I am sober and I have my health and my family and that includes all you questionable fucks, With the exception of the ladies of TAH, For I wish & I have the greatest respect because you have the graciousness And generosity of heart to hang out with a bunch of turds like us. 😘🤣
May the rest of you have as many blessings as I have today.
Smooches bitches. 🥰🖕
IMHO, ChipNASA, it ain’t so much the “when” that matters as the “who” and “that” – that you get to celebrate with those you love and who love you is the thing.
Enjoy all your celebrations, brother.
Damn, I thought I was being slick, checking in “early”…
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
I brought pie.
Q: How long was Epstein’s noose?
A: Approximately 3.1416 feet.
Please, no politics at the table.
Wish any liberals around a Happy TRUMPsgiving and watch their heads explode! 😂😀
That’s funny.
Thankful that the GB clan is united in its religious and political outlook. (Honestly, there are a couple of nieces and cousins who aren’t, but they don’t associate with us at these times.)
Hack Stone, I believe I may have something to replace your out-of-spec magic 8-ball:
Happy Thanksgiving, TAH!
“teach…your children well…”
Who amongst us hasn’t…BTDT? Never forget that someone, somewhere is on duty…for us. God Bless and keep them all.
Never had the experience in camo, only FD blue.. But here’s to those who can’t be with those they love today!
Y’all know I didn’t personally serve in the military, but I had security jobs that kept me away from my family on the holidays, and times my brothers and son were away. It was tough.
Say a prayer of thanks for them, and a prayer for comfort for them.
I remember getting thanksgiving dinner brought to me in some hot ration containers off base at Udon in 1975. Meal was Already on the plate and After traveling many miles on the back of a jeep it was still warm. Although it had slid into a pile on the plate it still tasted great. The milk had turned bad and was quite sour to drink. Ahhh those were the days. Happy Thanksgiving to All.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of the Fine People of TAH®™!
And I award myself yet another Honorary First.
Happy Thanksgiving all, we’re just getting started here. I’ll be making a pie later
Didn’t see that it was a repeat (no coffee w/kahlua shot yet). How’s about this:
Present, and surveying all the fine eats already put out, and smelling the rest still cooking. I already have my napping spot picked out.
Larsen is funniest guy in the world.
You All
I took the liberty to add a few pics for the occasion. Happy T-Day, y’all!
It seems most of us missed the question asking how old we are. I’m in that advertiser coveted 18-49 demographic. Though far closer to the tail end of that range than the beginning.
It’s been 22 years since I went to basic over Thanksgiving in 2002, which should help narrow that down to the well over 40 Thanksgivings club.
Shout out to the families in the San Antonio area that volunteer to take USAF basic trainees into their homes today.
Looking back it was one of the best days of my life. The family that took me and another aspiring Airman into their homes weren’t even veterans (though one of the grandfathers there was) and they had two kids with severe disabilities that left them in basically a vegetative state. They still went through the trouble of welcoming us in and sharing their food, their TV, their phones, and their family. I still exchange Christmas cards with them.
Thanks for making me feel old as hell Mason, I was at Ft Sam in 1988…
I was at Carson in 1988 doing my last three years before retiring at 20+.
I arrived at Ft. Benning in 1968 to attend IOBC. My first Thanksgiving on active duty was spent there awhile I was attending Ranger School.
Ah, 1988, I remember it well. On 15 Apr 88 (a Friday) I made my last move. It was from the 1/12 INF S-4 Shop in one building over next door to the 1st Brigade HQ’s S-4 shop in an adjacent building. Of course, three and a half years later, while we were doing an NTC rotation, my replacement S-4 NCO hit post and changed everything around in the shop to suit his needs. But I didn’t care. The last of us got back to Carson on the last bus on a Saturday night and I started my retirement out-processing the following Monday morning. The only contact I had with that S-4 NCO was when we did the HHC, BDE Company Commanders Change of Command 100% inventory and we swapped hand receipts for the section’s equipment. Good Times!!!
I hit 79 this past Nov. 23 on Saturday and I remember Thanksgiving day 1964 when we were on the way back to Norfolk NOB from Op Steel Pike off of Seville Spain and leaving our last Liberty stop at Englands Portsmouth Naval base and a day or to out of Norfolk, we had thanksgiving dinners for the crew and Marine BLT onboard. We hit a storm and meals were rolling off the tables if we didn’t catch them fast enough as the ship took some heavy rolls…..
” took some heavy rolls…..”
Stop it! I just about lost my beer on that one.
Well just grin and beer it Beans. Happy T day.
No matter how old I am..Jeff keeps me from being the oldest. Love all the comments referring to when folks were in Basic, years after I got out.Let’s just say when I was born Truman was still President.
Ha Ha, that’s what I tell people also when they ask my age: My answer is “The Buck Stops Here” guy was President. Get some weird looks sometimes.
Same President I was born under.
Truman for me.
Ike was elected that November. But I remember his re-election slogan “I like Ike”
Eisenhower, for me.
Truman for me
Eisenhower was a great president. I’m praying for the next president to do just as well. ✨
Reagan was a far better President but Ike was good for the country when it was time for America to stand down a bit after the 40s.
Ike’s creation of the interstate highway system was brilliant and he was at the top of his profession as logistician before working on his golf hand.
You know who Ike got that idea from… ok, never mind, election season is over.
I can spell Autobahn, and that person’s name starts with H.
Nixon for me.
When the Commish entered the world, Ike was still in the White House. He was there when my brother came in as well, but JFK was in office when my baby sister was born.
I’m a JFK baby too.
I got you by 2 months and change, Jeff.
I got to Ft Knox on January 6, 1966 and left Ft Dix for home on December 16, 1968.
We share a birthday, Jeff! Although I’m just a yute of 62. My first Army thanksgiving was 1987, Ft. Jackson, C 1-34, 1st platoon. Had a lot of thanksgivings after that in a lot of places, all of them good!
I spent Thanksgiving 2001 at 30th AG on Sand Hill. I was slightly older than most, being born under Carter, having already started a career in the trades, and having a young family to support with my E1 pay and no BAH since I wasn’t married and had to waive custody to join. My three-year-old daughter is now 26, infant son is about to turn 24, and I have three more teenagers in the house now.
“Is this the little boy I carried? Is the little girl at play?
I don’t remember growing older. When did they?”
It’s a toss up between Banquet chicken strips/mac&cheese or a Lean cusine TV meal.
Well, no banquet or lean cusine, turns out it was a bowl of rehman noodles with a tablespoon of butter.
Hey Jeff, now you’re making me hungry! We just had a can of chicken with barbeque sauce and a baked potato. But like the noodles too. We’re the last of the family and very thankful to be here with you guys and ladies.
I’m not frying a turkey this year, but I made sure to inject mine full of Tony’s marinade and rub it down with Tony’s seasoning last night. It’ll go in the oven shortly. Otherwise, broccoli and green bean casseroles, stuffing, sweet potatoes, and cranberry sauce are on the menu.
One thing off the menu this year and for posterity is alcohol. After years of self-medicating to the extent of sometimes 2 gallons of bourbon a week, I started cutting down months ago. Just before starting my new job, I quit. A day later, my wife woke me up from the “nap” I decided to take on the floor to tell me the ambulance was here. A couple of days in the hospital for the seizure I’d actually had, and I started believing it when I saw how bruised I was from the fall. Alcohol withdrawal is a real thing… who’d a thunk it? Now, I seem to be over it, so there’s no need to open that Pandora’s Box again.
So, besides today’s feast, I’m now Mr. Bland. Unsweetened green and decaffeinated black tea, water, cutting out fast food and cutting down on processed foods, cutting out soda completely, and my only addiction has ever been the alcohol I no longer consume. Once I get on the road at my job and find a good schedule, I’ll start hitting the gym again.
Hopefully everyone has a great Thanksgiving! I appreciate each and every one of you for the daily banter and more serious conversations.
Good on ya brother, and the best of luck to you and yours!
I love broccoli and your casserole sounds delicious. What else do you put in with it? Do you blanch or parboil the broccoli before baking it?
Parboil, we keep it simple with Velveeta and Ritz. I found some fancier recipes, but it’s just me and the wife and teenagers this year, so no need to get too crazy with it. In previous years, I’d be devoted solely to frying 3-4 turkeys for large gatherings.
WOW! Bet that was fun !
We’re pulling for you brother! I hope you’ve enjoyed your Thanksgiving fully.
That’s good news! You can do this. We’re all here for you … keep the faith.
I’m sorry about your not nailing the dismount.
I’m spectacularly glad to hear about the alcohol, or lack thereof.
Trust me from experience and I know I’ve told you all the stories here a bunch of times I just passed five years.
I’m not many of us get a second chance at life. Many don’t make it to sobriety and for those that go to rehab about 40% or ever successful since my therapist, who decided she’s no longer working in the industry, but is still seeing patients.
Welcome to the side and don’t feel terribly burdened. Just get through today.
I have a pretty good feeling that overtime as you build on these first days you’ll realize the gift that is sobriety, and all the things that go with it. My last day…. Point tree 🌲 one fiver.
And I was confused as to why at midnight, they took me to the hospital before taking me to Delaware State prison for the overnight accommodations. 😬🤭🫣
There’s more
Let me see…I’ve been alive for 65 Thanksgivings now. I was born in December, so the one in 1957 doesn’t count.
In 1976 I was stationed at Camp Lejeune, and on Thanksgiving weekend I had a 4 day liberty, so I went up to Washington DC. Went to Arlington, Saw the famous buildings. Somewhere there’s a photo of me in dress blues looking up in awe at the statue of Abe Lincoln at his Memorial.
Got a very brief glimpse of Ford’s Theater [thanks to a Park Ranger].
But the best T-day I ever had was the first time I lived in my own apartment. Boil in the bag turkey and stuffing, freeze dried potatoes, store made pumpkin pie, and a 12 pack of beer, with no one around but me.
This is my seventy FIRST Thanksgiving food coma. All had plenty to eat and all had toting privileges to take home. And there is enough leftovers that my baby girl won’t have to cook for a week.
I hurt myself!
72nd Thanksgiving for me.
After the bowl of Favorite Son-in-Law’s gumbo (after all the other things except the mushrooms AB Daughter-in-Law cooked) I had to step out on the porch for some fresh cool air – in the hopes to keep it all down.
It was a near thing there for several minutes. I haven’t been that stuffed in ages.
Grapefruit juice helps after feasting.
Good to know! Thanks for the tip
The are quite a few of us on here in close age bands. It’s my 72nd Thanksgiving as well. The best of them were in Jasper, Texas. Yeah, that Jasper, Texas. Many of them had more than 30 relatives all gathered in Granma’s home. Those women could cook and they liked what they were doing.
It was my 66th Thanksgiving, though I don’t think the first one should count. I was two months old and unless I ate baby food turkey (which I wonder if they had in 1958), I will claim 65 and be happy with ’em.
Stately Stone Manor hosted a few guests for Thanksgiving this year. Plenty of great chow to include homemade cranberry sauce with walnuts. Hack consumed so much that he needed to take a huge Phil Monkress. One of those Phil Monkress. Fought the good fight, it took three flushes to make him go away.
Hack Stone is thankful this year for not being burdened by Phil Monkress asking him to go on the internet and attack people questioning Phil Monkress’ claims of being a US Navy SEAL.
Very high in my list of things for which I’m grateful is this group of deplorable curmudgeons. This year feast day is Saturday to accommodate various in-laws, ex-laws and various and sundry.
If any are in my neck of the woods, dinner is at 6, come as you are, all are welcome. After 6 decades of feasts, this is still my favorite meal of the year.
Happy Thanksgiving all, May the gratitude of this day or memories of the past warm your heart as it does mine.
You hand in there Paul, help is on the way. You’ll be in a $3500 a month rental home faster than you can say Rusty Jaguar, provided they don’t run a credit check on you.
Buy Here, Pay Here! Weekly payments, no money down.