Friday foolishness – BLM, DC, Pope, Flied Lice

| December 8, 2023

Gonna give the lead-off to former President Trump.

Former President Donald Trump on Wednesday welcomed the idea that he’d be supported by the Black Lives Matter movement, a group that he’s treated as a public enemy for years.

He was responding to an interview that Maryland activist Mark Fisher gave to “Fox & Friends” on Tuesday, during which Fisher expressed support for Trump and condemned the Democrat party.

Fisher was introduced by Fox as a co-founder of Black Lives Matter Rhode Island.

“Personally I love the man. I mean,” said Fisher. “How could you not like a real man? How could you not relate to someone like that?”

Trump then wrote on TruthSocial that he had spoken with Fisher, whom he called a “great guy.”

“Very honored to have his and BLM’s support,” Trump said…  Business Insider

Praise him and he loves you, no matter what kind of bottom feeder you may be.  But you all already know I am, to put it mildly, not a fan.

Washington, DC (meaning the city, not the Fed government) recently made news for a maintenance project – repainting a BLM mural.

The refurbishment of the infamous mural, which Democrat Mayor Muriel Bowser initially painted in June 2020 as BLM protests were underway in the city and across the country, appears to have run taxpayers $271,231, including $217,680 in labor costs and $53,551 in paint supplies, according to documents obtained by Judicial Watch from D.C.’s Department of Transportation  Fox News

Guess that support money doesn’t grow on trees, huh…

And in case you missed it, Pope Francis had the Vatican announce that it’s OK to be transgender and be baptised, a godparent, or an official witness at a wedding.

Transgender people can be baptised into the Catholic Church and be godparents and witnesses at weddings, Pope Francis has said, putting himself on a collision course with US bishops.

The Vatican decreed that a transgender person could be baptised as long as there was “no risk of causing a public scandal or disorientation among the faithful”.  Telegraph

He already fired a conservative Texas bishop, and now seems bent on ticking off quite a few conservative Catholics. Might be interesting to follow.

Thought some of our folks were oversensitive? Wang Gang, a Chinese celebrity chef, has had to apologize for making a how-to egg-fried rice video.

Angry nationalists accused Wang of using the video to mock the death of Mao Zedong’s eldest son, Mao Anying, who was killed in an American air strike during the Korean War on November 25, 1950.

Wang’s video was solely about making egg fried rice, but for some Chinese nationalists, any mention of the dish around the anniversary of Mao Anying’s death or birthday on October 24 amounts to a deliberate act of insult and mockery.

The controversial account has it that Mao Anying, an officer in the People’s Liberation Army, disobeyed orders to take shelter during the air raid. Instead, the hungry young man fired up a stove to make egg fried rice, which sent smoke into the air and gave away his position to enemy jets.

In 2021, a Weibo user in the southern city of Nanchang was detained by police for 10 days for commenting in a post that “the greatest achievement of the Korean War is egg fried rice.”  CNN

The rationale – the egg-fried rice prevented China from becoming a hereditary dictatorship a la the Kims of North Korea. This is not Wang’s first transgression, he did a video on Yangzhou Fried rice a month earlier. And you thought we had a monopoly on the easily offended…

Category: 2024 Election, BLM, China, Religion

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“Oh bother” said Pooh as he finished his fried rice…


Xi Will be looking for you. Xi will find you and Xi Will make you pay.


When Xi comes into range, what are Xi’s pronouns, so that my rounds may know how to address Xi?
Just want to punctuate my response properly.


I’ll touch on the BLM mural in DC…not literally but I’ll just share a few asinine thoughts and opinions. I was stationed on Fort McNair during all of 2020, but fortunately telework kept me away from DC for the bulk of the year. I think I drove through the area most affected by the riots Mostly Peaceful Protests once, when people were still lining the streets and I was in a big, marked DOD-supported commuter van in uniform. Nothing happened, but the damage done to that city was horrible. For days prior to the eventual “unrest” businesses along the Waterfront were boarded up because everyone knew what was coming.

Politicians feel some inane need to pander to the most grifting and trifling segments of society. Most of us look at BLM and its leaders’ profiting off the organization, and we see a loud, but extremely divisive and corrupt “movement”. Let’s not forget that BLM was and is a movement, but the organization appropriated the name and is now synonymous with “Black Lives Matter”. We also see the pandering when it comes to drug-fueled minorities and/or illegals who are injured or killed during the commission of crimes. Politically motivated police chiefs and prosecutors push for criminal charges against whoever dared to use force while attempting to intervene in a situation against an often-armed assailant. Mayors, governors, and even the President speaks out in favor of the alleged criminal, effectively making the “good guy with a gun” the criminal.

That stated, any individual or group that effectively switches sides and supports Trump won’t necessarily get praise from me, though I will say that it’s indicative of a failed Administration. It’d be like if J. Edgar Hoover pissed off the Klan in the ’60s to the extent that they suddenly came out in support of MLK, Jr.


Chinas other dish is out for the next election cycle.


This Pope is a heretic.


Definitely gives those who blindly obey the Roman Catholic hierarchy some theological difficulties.
And for the record, the Pope is not a Baptist.


He ain’t Catholic either these days…

Skivvy Stacker

My Jewish parts are going; “Oy vey is mir”.
My Catholic parts are going; “What da FUCK!?”
He’s not supposed to make policy, or invent new ways for the Church to view Scripture. He is supposed to view Scripture through the eyes of being God’s messenger on Earth, thus the “Infallibility” aspect. He’s taking that “Infallibility” to mean that HE is infallible.


“Would you like to see the Pope on the end of a rope? Do you think he’s a fool?”

Yes, and yes. I’d personally build the scaffold, tie the noose, and pull the trap. I’d sleep like a baby afterwards and, when I die, I’d look St. Peter straight in the eye and tell him, “Yep, I did it.”


I think the Pope believes that Transgender folks just need a little bit of love and understanding and they will quit wearing the wrong clothes and go back to being what God made them… it is no different than his stand on homosexuality. He does not hate homosexuals, he just hates what they do (sin). As long as they strive to sin no more, they are welcome in the church.


While I have reservations about the current pontiff, in some ways a Yogi Berra quote fits him: “I never actually said a lot of the things I said.”


The Buy Large Mansions crowd is looking to pick up Mar-Largo at the discounted price the judge put it valued at.

Did the Artist formerly known as Hunter get the contract to re-paint the mural? If so, the city got a bargain. His works normally go for about twice that amount.

Is the Pope pedoish? Or is the whole robe wearing thing?

Chicken Fried Rice…a Southern Delicacy.


Meanwhile, Japanese guy spent lots of money/effort to become a dog (“transdog,” if you will) fails canine agility course (despite fancy dog suit) proving he ain’t really a dog:

Last edited 10 months ago by Anonymous
Honor and Courage

What’s funny is most of the young people in China didn’t understand the Rice comments and it set social media on fire WeChat had to block all content and do clean up. The colege students are still scratching their heads!