Six shooters? Pah?

Gotta love a sexy six (or seven) shooter – I know revolvers in .22LR are even made as 10-shooters – so kudos to Ed for giving us one Monday. Gotta say, though, that today’s offerings are a tad more sophisticated. Let’s start with Metal Storm – a Chinese made system. How do you intercept a […]
They just approach things differently

I keep seeing all these articles on China’s rapidly increasing capabilities. Now, in the past, manufacturers called the Chinese the best thieves on the planet – not innovators at all, but let a prototype or plan each them and they would “liberate” the designs, and have a version of the product hitting the market […]
China production, US production, and more on the F-35

Looking at American defense manufacturing today, and it ain’t pretty. China has unveiled a new method of smelting iron which gives an incredibly fast yield – typical blast furnaces can take up to six hours per batch. A new iron making technology developed in China is set to significantly impact the global steel industry. Developed […]
Underseas Baltic NATO comms cables cut

Two underseas data cables in the Baltic Sea between Lithuania and Sweden ceased to function Sunday. The first cable went out about 10AM, the second later that day about 60 miles away. However, two US officials familiar with an initial assessment into the damage to the two cables told CNN Tuesday that as yet there […]
More new toys, and one olde one

China has unveiled a largish drone…ten TONs’ worth. The drone is expected to be a “mothership” for smaller drone swarms. While initially it can look like a normal attack aircraft, its central payload section is labeled as ‘Isomerism Hive Module’. This reveals that the mothership could have the capability to launch drones mid-air and then […]
Dem ticket’s China connections

We’ve been hearing about Tim Walz’ Sinophile leanings for some time. Multiple trips to China, Chinese influence…we don’t need a Russia-type dossier on him, we know he is already a pro-Chinese idealogue. But Kamala hasn’t drawn quite the scrutiny…until now. Ron Busby, who has visited the Biden-Harris White House dozens of times and is the […]
A Utah National Guard sergeant major interfered with snooping Chinese nationals

Five Chinese nationals were confronted by a Utah National Guard sergeant major after midnight. They were at Camp Grayling where thousands of servicemembers were conducting summer training. The Chinese nationals told the sergeant major that they were “press” and then they proceeded to collect their belongings to depart. These individuals subsequently lied about this event […]
Chinese sub successfully sinks

The Chinese, as we know, have been semi-successfully outbuilding the US Navy. Seems like their coastline is littered with giant shipbuilders, and in numbers of ships they are outbuilding the US Navy exponentially. They have had their share of problems…one of their latest surfaced recently. Well, actually not. China’s newest nuclear attack submarine […]
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