
Friday foolishness – BLM, DC, Pope, Flied Lice

| December 8, 2023 | 15 Comments
Friday foolishness – BLM, DC, Pope, Flied Lice

Gonna give the lead-off to former President Trump. Former President Donald Trump on Wednesday welcomed the idea that he’d be supported by the Black Lives Matter movement, a group that he’s treated as a public enemy for years. He was responding to an interview that Maryland activist Mark Fisher gave to “Fox & Friends” on […]

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Saturday Sound bites

| November 4, 2023 | 10 Comments
Saturday Sound bites

At Ft. Bliss (no doubt the most misnamed post – I know it was named for a person and not a state of mind, but still…) 1st Armored held a competition for Best Paralegal. PFC Richard Zheng won, and had one request for his winner’s prize: Zheng, whose battalion is part of the division’s 3rd […]

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Sikh graduates Marine Basic

| August 15, 2023 | 48 Comments
Sikh graduates Marine Basic

Pfc. Jaskirat Singh, who challenged the Marines –  and won, was allowed to complete his Basic Training with turban and beard. Wearing a white turban, Pvt. 1st Class Jaskirat Singh was among the Marines celebrating their achievement Friday at U.S. Marine Recruit Depot in San Diego, nonprofit organization the Sikh Coalition announced in a statement […]

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Mikey in House crosshairs

| July 17, 2023 | 41 Comments
Mikey in House crosshairs

We all know and love Mikey Weinstein’s My Way or the Highway   Religion Only The Way I See It inaptly named Military Religious Freedom Foundation. Have a picture Mikey doesn’t like? Gotta go. Quote a Bible verse? Definitely verboten. To add to thebesig’s article Saturday, one of the provisions in the House forbids service members […]

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Patroitism is Not a Pejorative

| March 1, 2023 | 42 Comments
Patroitism is Not a Pejorative

I just finished Nikki Haley’s new book, “With All Due Respect”.  I figured if a know liar and race pimp like Don Lemon found a need to take a shot at her, it must be worth looking into. She was Governor of my state for some time and was very popular here.  I read the […]

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Mikey ticks off Ted Cruz. This should be fun.

| February 25, 2023 | 14 Comments
Mikey ticks off Ted Cruz. This should be fun.

Remember a few weeks back when we talked about the Merchant Marine Academy curtained off a painting of Jesus walking on water Short Takes ? At the time they were leaving the painting in situ so cadets could see it behind the curtain; now it seems they figured out how to move it somewhere else. […]

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VP Harris says you can be religious and support abortion. Faith leaders say “uh, no”

| October 10, 2022 | 18 Comments
VP Harris says you can be religious and support abortion. Faith leaders say “uh, no”

VP Kamala Harris says Americans of faith do not need to ‘abandon their faith’ to support  abortion. “That’s such an important point to raise,” she said. “It is her choice and it should be her choice to make, if she chooses a consultation with a loved one, with a healthcare provider, with her faith leader.” […]

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Hank Knew

| July 14, 2022 | 8 Comments
Hank Knew

Henry VIII knew what a woman was, although he seemed occasionally to prefer some shortening modifications to the basic model. But the Church of England he founded is a bit confused nowadays and after several centuries of “see, that one there has breasts, she’s a girl, and that one there has a beard and is […]

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