2024 Election
Education DEI layoffs

NBC News reports that up to 55 Education Department employees have been placed on paid leave: Sheria Smith, president of American Federation of Government Employees Local 252, which represents hundreds of Education Department employees, said that at least 55 employees had been placed on leave as of Friday evening and that she expected the number […]
T is for Tuesday, and Trump

There’s always so much to work from… the man does make our job so much easier. Where to start? How about bird flu? H5N1 is the one we are looking at now. The only realistic way to deal with it is slaughtering the birds – not the infected ones only, but the entire farm/flock/whatever. Most […]
Nominees past and present

If there was one thing you can say about Trump’s last administration – he chose a lot of people who seemed to be great choices at first but did not do terribly well in the long run. One of them is in the news now, John Bolton. Mr. Trump has rescinded Bolton’s Secret Service […]
Tuesday follies

Let’s have a cheerful start to a new administration…and like all good vets, we start with a little schadenfreude. (Taking joy in the misfortunes of someone else, roughly.) You think WE have supply problems? Consider Poland’s former logistics Maj. Gen. Artur K?pczy?ski, who was fired January 9th. Seems he not only misplaced supplies, he lied […]
Ethics group calls out ethically suspect pols

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! Back to those paragons of virtue… our legislators. FACT, the Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust, released their annual ethics report – and it ain’t purty. And before you go excoriating just those damn Democrats… remember that Clarence Thomas, the Supreme Justice apparently blind to the optics of HIS […]
Thursday shorts

Trump to do list item number 3 – replenish the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Biden looted it in a bid to minimally lower gas prices and has yet to replenish it because the replacement didn’t meet test standards (which the original wasn’t tested for) and generated insufficient profit. They could buy it cheaper than it cost […]
New York law maker proposed blue states becoming a Canadian province

State Senator Liz Krueger, Democrat, advanced a “continency plan” back in September in case of Donald Trump’s victory. Krueger anticipated that this scenario would lead to many Democrats crossing illegally into Canada. Given her assumed number of people “escaping” into Canada, she felt that there would be too many for them to enter “undetected.” Instead […]
Presidential Eff Yous

It should be no surprise to all that Biden pardoned his son Hunter . Face it, everyone KNEW Hunter would never face any jail time. I think the only shocker is the expanse of the pardon – with it Joe flipped a giant Eff You to the entire country, our system, and both political parties. […]
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