The Chief of Staff (?) for the National Security Council Resigns
Okay so a low level political suck up quits, who cares. But what was this guy doing as CoS for the NSC in the first place?
WASHINGTON (AP) – President Barack Obama’s deputy national security adviser has called it quits.
The White House says Mark Lippert is leaving the administration to return to active duty in the U.S. Navy.
Obama said in a statement Thursday that he was not surprised when Lippert broke the news because he is “passionate about the Navy.” Obama says he admires and respects Lippert’s devotion to his country and that he’s answering the call to active duty service.
Lippert also had been chief of staff for the National Security Council. He served as Obama’s national security adviser during the presidential campaign.
Lippert has been little more than a Democrat political staffer turned hack for every day of his adult life. His mentors have included the Senate Democrat Policy Committee and uncontested national security expert Patrick Leahy.
In 2005 he became the Senior Foreign Policy Aide to then Senator Obama which probably helps to explain why Obama thinks that the mental midget Joe Biden is so smart. That same year he joined the Navy Reserve. He has a grand total of less than one year on active duty, no State or Defense Department experience and zero foreign postings.
If the Chief of Staff for the NSC does anything more than make copies, what was this rank amateur doing in the job in the first place?
Category: Politics
COB6 said: If the Chief of Staff for the NSC does anything more than make copies, what was this rank amateur doing in the job in the first place?
Asked and answered.
Not picking at you here… But would not a ‘rank amateur’ surround himself with the same? Unless running for a second term EVERY Presidential candidate is perforce a ‘rank amateur’. In this case all that seems to be amplified. Obama’s choices have been an textbook example of ‘rank amateur’ behavior.
Some, like Lincoln, rise to the occasion, others – not so much.