Appeals court: Parental rights not violated if school transitions children without parental consent

| March 5, 2025 | 46 Comments

According to the First Circuit Court of Appeals, a school that transitions a child without their parent’s knowledge does not violate parental rights. The court argued that parental rights are not unlimited. The court dismissed parental concerns in this area as trying to create a preferred educational experience for their child in public school. This court placed its faith regarding curricular and administration in the school to the school officials.

From The Daily Wire:

By December 2020, B.F. told her teacher that she was “depressed and struggling with insecurity, low self-esteem, poor self-image, and a perceived lack of popularity.” The teacher told B.F.’s parents, Marissa Silvestri and Stephen Foote, what their daughter had said, and the parents agreed to get her the help she needed.

But on February 28, 2021, B.F. announced to her teacher and other school officials that she was “genderqueer” and would use her preferred pronouns and go by a new name. B.F. told school officials that she hadn’t explained this all to her parents yet and asked that she be referred to by her birth name and proper pronouns when discussing things with her parents. Teachers immediately switched to the new name and pronouns, and the school librarian started meeting with the student to talk to her about gender identity and to give her “LGBTQ-related resources,” according to court documents. The school counselor also told the girl she could use whichever bathroom she wanted at the school.

At the same time, B.F.’s 12-year-old sibling also suddenly decided to start using a different name and pronouns.

The parents learned in early March 2021 — just days after B.F.’s declaration — learned about her new name and pronouns from her teacher. The parents spoke with the school principal and superintendent to express concern that school officials had ignored their request not to engage with their child “regarding mental health issues.” When the parents eventually sued the school and its officials, they argued that transitioning the child at school amounted to mental health treatment because social transitioning is “recognized as a medical/mental health treatment for children with gender dysphoria.”

Educators at Baird ignored the parents and continued to refer to B.F. by her new name and pronouns. The school counselor also contacted the student through text messages and online chat to keep encouraging B.F. to discuss any gender-related concerns on a weekly basis. At one point, the counselor asked B.F. if her parents were providing her “with appropriate care.” The counselor also asked if B.F. felt comfortable discussing these issues with the counselor her parents were paying for.

Additional Reading:

Schow, A. (2025, March 3). Major court rules parents have no right to know a school is transitioning their child. The Daily Wire. Link.

Category: SJW Idiocy, Society

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Green Thumb



Boston….figures. And the First Circus is Northeast, right?


Over-regulated Blue State craphole– might as well be Germany nowadays.

Last edited 10 hours ago by Anonymous
RGR 4-78

Groomers to the left of me,
Groomers to the right,
here I am,
stuck in the middle with they.

Green Thumb


Shit is going to get weird once one of these kids gets involuntarily “violated”.

RGR 4-78

Even if one of these teachers, counselors, or administrators is not the one doing the molestation, they are still complicit in it happening.


Trump said he was getting rid of that. Going to be interesting.


I am “depressed and struggling with insecurity, low self-esteem, poor self-image, and a perceived lack of popularity.”  Said every high school student ever.

Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal

Yep. Even as old as I am, I remember those days


ROTF, hence your user name?

Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal

Not really. All those names are from Leftist DildoCrat politicians, HollyWeird, and DeMSM propagandists. I just absconded and repurposed them as badges of honor.


Yes, I recall very well how you crafted and refined it 🙂


Whelp, better chop your dick off, or stick one on.

Hack Stone

And every (former) executive at All Points Logistics who did Phil Monkress a “solid” and attacked veterans on a military blog. You can add poor hygiene and financial difficulties to symptoms.

Army-Air Force Guy

Paul of the ballsack’s “perceived lack of popularity” was very real.

Army-Air Force Guy

Psul, dam you autocorrect.

Hack Stone

It’s not paranoia when everyone actually does hate you. It’s gotten so bad that he and his lovely bride Karen are sleeping in separate car seats in their 1980’s vintage Jaguar.

Green Thumb

Lori Benton was working overtime but getting the coin for sure.


I had a great time in high school: Played football, hung out with friends, did minimal amounts of school work. I was not part of the ‘In-crowd’, but me and my friends are still friends today. I had a few ‘mis-steps’ but nothing serious. I’d go back in re-live my HS years 79-83, but I don’t think I’d have the same fun (me being as I am) going the years my son went, 15-19.


My experience mirrors yours, 77-80. Itty bitty high school. 60 kids in my graduating class. Skiing and band (yup, I’m a band geek) were way more important than schoolwork, my class standing reflects that. No, I won’t tell you.


If any school had ever made any attempt to transition my child, I guarantee that someone’s civil rights would be violated. Repeatedly. What kind of activist judges rules in favor of a school over the parents of a minor child?


Testify! Remember when “grooming” used to be called “child molestation”?

WTAF! The “activist judge” will one day be “Judged”. I don’t think the judge will like the Judgement.


Yup, must not be “corruption of minors” when left/libtard educrats do it or so.


Is it time to raise this yet?…sharpen our knives?

comment image


Spit on your hands…


I am SOOOOOO glad the girls are old enough to have missed this shit show going on in schools. In about 15 years we are going to have they/thems suing parents, schools, doctors, shrinks etc, for pushing they/them into this before they fully knew what was happening. I cannot fathom carving up one of the girls for a passing fad.


comment image


If the school administrators & teachers and going to be transitioning (aka grooming) children, then they should be on the hook for all the associated costs in perpetuity. That’s right: you’re going to pay for the pills, the shots, the shrinks, the surgeries, the post ops, and all of the de-transition mental health costs for that child for life. These schools want to fuck up your child then have mommy & daddy foot the bill? Fuck the nonsense! Blue-haired teacher an liberal Karen principal; That’s going on your insurance, that’s your co-pay, that’s counting towards your out of pocket maximums. When some queer-assed teacher has the hospital bills for 3 kids coming out their pocket, they’ll keep their hands to themselves.


School folk love in loco parentis authority but flee from that responsibility like roaches when you turn on the light.

Green Thumb

MD’s will be on the line by their licensing boards in the very near future.


Can a single taxpayer with no child in the public schools
chime in on this shitshow at a local school board meeting?
I’m retired with no children but my taxes pay for this crap so
would I be asked to leave? Better bring some help.


Would being married with five children confer any additional standing or status?

Do be cautious, these jokers actually refer to their principals and such as DOKTORS and similarly vacuous terms.


Sounds like these children are seeking attention, no matter where it comes from.

Gender anything by a teacher or school is a sex crime of pedophilia or at least child molestation.


So, are judges rights violated if they are placed on a large block of ice in the summer while wearing a hemp necktie tied off to a light pole on a busy street corner?

Not that I would condone nor suggest such a spectacle. Just practicing my Hollywood horror movie scriptwriting ideas.


Can we run a betting pool on whether the ice melts first or they slip off?


Nowadays, you can bet on anything.


The Supremes have ruled Trump must release foreign aid money.

I wonder who’s kick back money had been interrupted.

AW1 Rod

Only to pay contractors for work already performed. Fine. After that, the government teat runs dry. Deal with it, assholes.

Hack Stone

Okay, but if a school official tried to convert a student from Islam to Christianity or Judaism to Mormonism, is that still a no go?


Or a gay student to straightness?


When will the mass executions begin?
Isn’t that what those freaks said would happen if the ‘ awful, Orange Man ‘ won again?


The liberals have to rounded up and put in the camps first. You know how hard it is to get a liberal on a train.


Damn sure can’t get them to build the track.


Supreme Court next.

AW1 Rod

I have little confidence in SCOTUS after today’s decision.


Surprised anybody has that much.