Record number of Americans applied for UK citizenship after Trump victory
Americans applying for British citizenship is nothing new. However, the UK announced that they’ve seen a higher than normal volume of Americans applying for British Citizenship over the previous years. For last year, the increased volume occurred in the last quarter of 2024, matching when Donald Trump won re-election. Americans mentioned political climate and taxes as their reasoning for this move.
From CNN:
More than 6,100 US citizens applied for UK citizenship last year, the most since records began in 2004, when fewer than 3,000 Americans submitted an application, according to data from the UK’s Home Office.
Last year’s numbers also saw a marked uptick from 2023, a year with fewer than 5,000 applications by US citizens.
Applications by Americans soared in the last three months of 2024, when more than 1,700 people applied — the most in any quarter in the past two decades.
The surge is reminiscent of an upswing recorded in the first six months of 2020, when more than 5,800 Americans gave up their citizenship, nearly tripling the number from all of 2019.
That uptick came in the wake of Trump’s first presidency and changes in tax policy, analysts argued then, and were mostly Americans who had already been living in Britain for some time.
While many people who renounced their citizenship complained of being unhappy with the political climate in the US, another reason for their decision is often taxes, Alistair Bambridge, a partner at Bambridge Accountants, told CNN in August 2020.
Additional Reading:
Szekeres, E. (2025, March 5). Record number of Americans applied for UK citizenship after Trump re-election. CNN. Link.
Category: Society
I get the feeling they are going to be sorely surprised to learn the difference between being a citizen and being a subject.
Sucks to be them..
Bye Felicia..
Ari Gold said it best…
The Yookay is crime infested shithole now unless you’re a millionaire, but they’ll sodomize you in taxes. Just make sure that if they give up their US Citizenship, they have to get the back-of-the-line if they ever want if back.
Hopefully these A-Holes will give up their right to be an American citizen and be a citizen of just one country namely England.
Delta’s ready when you are, mofos. Just make sure you buy a one way ticket.
Now they can show their gratitude to their new homeland by joining the military and supporting Ukraine.
Let them become disillusioned and want to return home. No dual citizen crap, stand in line and apply for citizenship when they want to return.
Goodbye and good luck.
While I admit our country is far from perfect (though it is getting better under the new admin), I cannot understand those who wish to trade our country’s liberty for Britain’s tyranny. Samuel Adams was right on the money:
“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”
-The Man, Sam Adams
As famed Englishman Michael Palin once said- “Howls! Howls of derisive laughter!”
Enjoy the tea and crumpets….
And don’t come back…
Taxes? Do they have any idea how high the UK taxes ARE? Or do they want to pay more?
You are making a very bad assumption here that these are the types of citizens that pay taxes and don’t cheat like crazy. Yet another reason to say adios.
I guess they don’t understanding how the UK taxes their citizens. We figured that out in 1776.
How do you say “take a hike” in English?
Good for them! Get the fuck out, and STAY out!
Y’all dont come back now! Ya hear?
I’m actually glad Canada is shyte now.
Otherwise, they would be coming here.
You’ll miss 1776.

“Smell that Bill? Smells like a bunch of whiny ass liberals are fleeing to embrace a true socialist state!”