Puerto Ricans want free health care
As I wrote earlier, I bumped into a rally outside of the Senate offices on Capitol Hill this morning. The rally was largely Puerto Ricans who were upset that they are being left out of the Federal health care reform. They complained that they were being treated like second class citizens because they weren’t being included in the massive government plan. Here’s the video I took of one gentleman’s speech – in Spanish and then English;
They were careful to say that they were only interested in government health care for LEGAL US citizens, that they didn’t want to be treated like second class citizens. Well, that’s all well and good – I can appreciate that. However, Puerto Ricans who still live on the island are treated better than US citizens.
Puerto Ricans pay their Social Security taxes (payroll tax) and their local taxes, like we all pay. However, they don’t pay income tax. They have a State healthcare system, like the rest of the US and they get Federal money from the US government. Just the other day, Puerto Rico asked for a federal bailout for their $3.2b deficit. Their economy has been in free fall since they forced the Navy to close their Vieques gunnery range and the military closed most of their facilities.
Try as I might, I can’t find a good solid number on how much we already spend on Puerto Rico to keep it as a territory, but if it’s more than a dollar, it’s too much.
But what really ges me about the video is that the guy gives the speech in Spanish. And then one guy yells out “Viva Puerto Rico” and everyone joins in the chant. They want US taxpayer dollars, but they can’t say it in English? They can’t even chant “Viva Estados Unidos”? They have a word for that in Spanish – “ingraciados”.
Yeah, I’m probably a racist – I’m watching Telemundo while I type this post.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Health Care debate
Ingrates, I’m guessing?
Common thread ain’t it?
Dude, you just made the list.
Hell were going to take 12 million illegals along for the ride on the “Break the Taxpayers” express….
I’m sure Hussien HopenChange will let these moochers hitch a ride as well…
How can I simply and succinctly put forth how I feel towards these protesters?
Oh, here…
Guess the 4.1 million Puerto Ricans who live within the US, pay taxes and contribute to this great nation’s economy are also ingrates/moochers?
Despite being Puerto Rican, I actually agree with many of the comments made however I take offense with the generalization that this small group spoke (and based on some of your comments represented) all Puerto Ricans?
Should I in turn assume that anytime someone from the current administration speaks, he/she represents your opinions and beliefs?
As far as how much “you” spend on Puerto Rico, you may want to speak to the many Fortune 500 firms that have primary facilities based in Puerto Rico (including two key Pharmaceuticals) currently taking advantage of tax incentives (similar to those you mentioned) before cutting the umbilical cord.
And just to clarify, Puerto Rico’s economy is in a free fall however this isn’t due to the closing of Vieques (Ft. Buchanan is still very active) – but instead most likely a result of the government’s bloated status as the island’s largest employer; this week alone 16K government employees were laid off.
If anything, Puerto Rico may be a great case study of what happens when government spending isn’t checked.
I guess You have a point. Still, I am outraged by the lack of allegiance showed to this Country by these protestors and the ones you may have seen several weeks ago, per a video Jonn posted who were illegals screaming “Viva la Raza”…
Even if it is a US territory, they are afforded the same chances at prosperity as the rest of us, yet there seems to be the common theme that they are getting the shaft…
I am also likewise outraged and agree with you on this point. Unfortunately, (and I think this is true everywhere) there’s always going to be the vocal minority that gets all of the attention & my only issues with the comments posted where that somehow this group spoke for all Puerto Ricans.
I didn’t see the video from a few weeks ago (looking for it now) but based on your description don’t believe it was of Puerto Ricans:
1) Puerto Rican’s aren’t illegals – we’re natural born US citizens
2) Viva La Raza – that’s a common Mexican slogan and without going into too many details Puerto Rican’s & Mexicans aren’t the best of amigos. (ha ha)