Worst case of projection ever

| June 13, 2009

I came across a link at Don Surber‘s place this morning to a HuffPo piece by Rachel Weiner (I don’t know if it’s pronounced “weener” or “whiner” but either would be appropriate, i suppose) entitled Right-Wing neocons Rooting for Ahmadinejad Win. It’s a pretty sad display of projection. here’s the screen capture;
Don did an excellent job of knocking Weiner down a few pegs. But I’d like to add that the American Left has been rooting for Ahmadinejad for six years. they’ve been rooting for Ahmadinejad’s new buddy Hugo Chavez for ten years.

Remember when Ahmadinejad spoke to the National Press Club for lunch? And how the Left apologized to Ahmadinejad for the crude neocons treatment of him? I remember The Nation’s piece charging the exact same neocons that Weiner says root for Ahmadinejad of provoking him. In fact, I remember Code Pink defending Ahmadinejad last year.

But we had a different president then so everything is different now, huh?

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Code Pink, Foreign Policy, Hugo Chavez, Liberals suck, Media, Politics

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brown neck gaitor

Since Libs thought (still think) that Bush was worse than both of those examples, it was easy for them to follow the “enemy of my enemy” principle and support them.

Now that they are a “friend of my friend”, it is even easier.


So back to the same old, same old?


Is Rachel another of Pelosi’s staff? Maybe the CIA voted for Achmedinnerjacket? Now that the Surrenderer in Chief is in power, his words will soothe Achmedwackjob and the Mullahs, and everything will be unicorn farts and flowers.

B Woodman

And this “woman” pulled this thought out of WHICH anal sphincter? Doesn’t describe me or anyone else I know.

Zero Ponsdorf

Jonn, I rarely disagree with you (internet) publicly, but this NOT projection!

Neocon is a pejorative used to diminish a spectrum of folks, not unlike ‘chickenhawk’.

At best it’s ‘deflection’ or Disinformation.

Facts are irrelevant.

I suspect there is an active attempt afoot to deflect criticism.

In the 30s the subplot had to do with our oil embargo of Japan, and the treaties in Europe that led to Hitler’s rise.