The weekend teaser

| June 12, 2009

TSO just called and promised two very revealing posts for Monday morning. The folks at IVAW can rest easy, it ain’t them. Nope, TSO’s target is Jon Soltz and his band of political misfits. He has assured me his posts will include Wesley Clark, Beaker, Dicksmith, Kayla Williams and the whole cast of characters at Vote Vets.

Jon Soltz has quickly become one of the most authoritative voices on veterans issues and military issues. He has been interviewed by national outlets such as the Associated Press, Washington Post, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, TIME, Newsweek, among others, and in dozens of local outlets.

They forgot to mention that he was interviewed by the Denver Post, too – in regards to the advertisement that Vote Vets bought and paid for starring Rick (Duncan) Strandlof. But, more about that on Monday.

Category: Bloggers, Liberals suck, Politics

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Kayla Williams… now there’s a name I haven’t heard in a while… looking forward to Monday…

SFC Fuller


Or I suppose I should have written “SFC Fuller”


Oh I can’t wait to see this ….a teaser indeed!


TSO a teaser? Never really thought about him in that light before.


Kayla Williams. I might’ve guessed. You’ll never believe this, but there was a member of the IVAW who knew her from 311th MI/Fort Campbell shopping around a story about how full of s*** she was. Not her book so much, but one of her essays for the Huffington Post where she claimed she suffered from PTSD and almost took her own life with a handgun. Well, she never owned or had access to a handgun, not even at the unit armory, and she never saw a shrink or took any medication in so far as anyone is aware. I’m really hoping this is that story.

This is too weird. Williams is a garden variety liberal who has been angling really hard to become a professional veteran whose approavl legitimates whatever the Dems want. I never thought she would get nailed. Looks like she got caught overreaching.