US ties Chavez to Hezbollah

| July 7, 2008

Chavez Ahmadinejad hug

Well, Jungle Mom has been warning readers of this blog about this for years (here and here), but today the Washington Times writes that the US has announced that it’s discovered ties between Hezbollah and Chavez;

An investigation by the U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) names Venezuelan diplomat Ghazi Nasr al Din and Venezuelan-Arab businessman Fawzi Kanan as key links between the two.

“It is extremely troubling to see the government of Venezuela employing and providing safe harbor for Hezbollah facilitators and fundraisers,” said Adam Szubin, political affairs director of OFAC.

Mr. al Din has served as charge d’affaires at the Venezuelan Embassy in Syria and as director of political affairs at the embassy in Lebanon.

The Treasury Department made the accusations in a June 18 statement, which summarized an investigation of Venezuelan-registered businesses that are thought to be laundering money for Hezbollah.

Yuh, it’s troubling, but since most of our own Christian missionaries in Venezuela have been removed and replaced by Shi’ite clerics for more than a year, who is surprised? Which news agency will summon the intestinal fortitude to ask Obama what he intends to do about this?

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Foreign Policy, Hugo Chavez, Politics, Terror War

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As we used to say in school- No shit, Sherlock, what was the first clue?”
I don’t think any agency has any intestinal fortitude that’s for tough guys and they ain’t got it..