IDF Outs Hezbollah’s Bank

| October 22, 2024

al Sahel Hospital, Bank of Hezbollah

IDF reveals hundreds of millions in gold and cash stashed by Hezbollah under Beirut hospital

Story by Timothy Nerozzi, Washington Examiner

The Israel Defense Forces provided the location of an alleged Hezbollah-owned vault in Lebanon that the military claims is storing hundreds of millions of dollars in cash and gold.

In recent weeks, the IDF has been targeting the strongholds of Hezbollah’s financial arm, al Qard al Hasan, with precision strikes throughout Beirut and the surrounding area. But now, the Israeli military is publishing the details of a valuable target it did not strike.

IDF spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari unveiled the newly declassified information in a video address on Monday, asserting that a bunker built under a central Beirut hospital for the deceased former secretary-general of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, contains the vast fortune.

“Tonight, I am going to declassify intelligence on a site that we did not strike. Where Hezbollah has millions of dollars in gold and cash — in Hassan Nasrallah’s bunker,” Hagari said in the video message. “Where is the bunker located? Directly under al Sahel Hospital in the heart of Beirut.”
“There are hundreds of millions of dollars in cash and gold inside the bunker right now,” Hagari said.

Washington Examiner

Right there at the corner of El Imam El Khomayni and Rue 16, downtown Beirut. Be a real shame if something were to, happen to it.

Another master move by the Israelis.

Category: Israel

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jeff LPH 3 63-66

I thought I saw a Brink’s truck in front of the building

Green Thumb

Or Phil Monkress and All-Points Logistics.

Hack Stone

Psul of The Ballsack is logging into their website from the Montgomery County Public Library trying to get a loan. If he and Karen get kicked out of their current domicile, they can head down the street to the Embassy of Botswana and see if they can get hired on as maid and landscaper. The plus side of that is maybe they could get Diplomatic Immunity from their creditors.


Gentle people, there are hundreds of millions of dollars in gold and cash hidden in a lightly guarded area. DO NOT GO THERE. The money belongs to your local leaders who are very poor. Leave their money alone. That is all.


I wonder how many ambulances are being seen leaving the hospital riding on the bump stops of their suspensions, and what is the payload of said ambulances. I’m fairly certain the recommended weight is being exceeded, and troops have been diverted to guard said ambulances.

Now the deaths of civilians will be at the hands of hezbolla while they disperse, or dispense, the angry locals living in poverty.


Downside? Every local knows ‘ass/h’ol’ will kill locals just to drive up “israeli attack bodycounts” and to “encourage” their shields to stay put.

Trying to loot that place would be epic noisy.

But, offering to share the loot, or just shrug, might draw all sorts of adventuresome types.

“Finders keepers”


I like what The Mossaid: Satirical and Awesome said last night on X: “IDF just went It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World on Lebanon….”


“It’s under a big W…”


I read that in Jimmy Durante’s voice

Hack Stone

It’s under the Big F U.

A Proud Infidel®™

GEE WHIZ, what could go wrong with that info being made public? NOW IF something happened to it, just what would all of their upper echelon do to live in luxury in say, Dubai or the UAE? Bless their hearts.


Nice place you got here, would be a shame if something, something, something….

Prior Service (Ret)

I think I saw Kelly, Big Joe, Crapgame, Oddball and Moriarty headed that way in a tricked-out Sherman tank and a gleam in their eyes.

Cue the music.


I can still hear their spurs clinking as they walk up to that SS panzer. Classic!


It mighta BEEN there, but I gar-ron-damn-tee you it ain’t there now. Wonder how much of it was Barry or Brib’em bucks..and was delivered one dark rainy night in a C-130…on a pallet?


Sorry KoB. I should’ve read the comments first.


We good, Bro. Brilliant minds and all that! 😀


Seeing where it goes could be useful.


I wonder if the crew that piloted the pallets of cash were actual military or CIA? Did they commandeer the plane like this?

comment image


I wonder how much of that is in US dollars that have the same serial numbers as those in the pallets of cash that Obama gave to Iran.

Slow Joe

Where are the soldiers of fortune when you need them. Big payday. Right there in Beirut. Who’s going to cash it?


How do force your enemies to move their treasure, which is in a place you cannot bomb, to a place where you can bomb it?
Let me think…

Last edited 3 months ago by Slow Joe
Slow Joe

Humm. Maybe I should start calling my friends to see who can take leave on short notice.
How much are the flights to Larnaka these days? Or to rent a boat in Ayia Napa?


Someone call LTC Kratman. This sounds like a caper for M-Day.

E. Conboy

Where is Bernath when he’s needed? Askin for a fren…


Tell him the tank is full and point him the right direction…..

USMC Steve

This was kinda dumb. They should have raided it and taken all the proceeds as war booty.


Maybe the goal was to get the locals stirred up and let them take what they can. Stir shit up and see who gets upset, and where they may be. UAE, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, America…..

Hack Stone

Why risk your guys and ammo when you can kick the hornets nest and let them turn on each other? Hezbollah leadership said they will fight to the last man, woman and child. They didn’t mean the men, women and children in their immediate families. It takes a lot of money to maintain those 5 star penthouses in Qatar.

Skivvy Stacker

Okay, I’m planning a bank job….who’s with me?

Hack Stone

Stealing money? You know Phil Monkress wants a piece of that action.