Happy 234th Birthday, US Army

| June 14, 2009


234 years young, the US Army, the professional standard for every military force in the world, celebrates it’s birthday today, in this, the Year of the Non Commissioned Offcer. In that spirit, here’s the message from the Army’s Top NCO, Sergeant Major of the Army Kenneth Preston;

And the message from the president;


Please stand for the Army song;

Category: Support the troops

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brown neck gaitor

Happy B-Day Army!

Year of the NCO? Reminds me of 20 years ago when John O. Marsh Jr. declared ’89 as the Year of the NCO. I can still hear the Army choir…

“NCO! I am an Army NCO! Trainer… Fighter… Lover…”

That was also the year that 11B E-5 points went from 998 in both primary and secondary to 600 and change in both.


[…] it’s the Army’s 234th birthday, and This ain’t Hell…. is […]


The Army has a song? What is it? “What Kind of Fool am I”?

Kidding… Happy Birthday Big Green.


Like The Empty Suit gives a damn about us.

AW1 Tim

ConGrats to my Army Bruvvers. As the father of an Infantryman, I am proud to be supporting the US Army 363 days a year. The only two I step back from is the Navy’s birthday, and the Army/Navy game. On those two I gotta side with my homies.

But yes, the US Army has set a standard of excellence that others are jealous of. God Bless our Army, and our Nation.



Happy Birthday, Big Green. Although my loyalties are with the Army, they are kinda divided, as my oldest is a Gunny, currently in the Stan. But today, Happy Birthday!!!!!