Code Pink lovin’ them some Ahmadinejad

| November 22, 2008

While I was watching the Ron Paul rats trying to reboard the ship today, LT Nixon was keeping an eye on the Code Pink crones live blogging the Islamic Republic;

Code Pink to get tips on sharpening their anti-American rhetoric in Tehran

They may have packed up shop from protesting our troops in Berkeley, but the women you love to hate at Code Pink have taken their clown show to the streets of Iran.

I really don’t think the hags are ignorant about the way the Islamic Republic treats women and gays, but they certainly do put a happy face on their report and pink-wash their trip. I hope they stop by the women’s Evin Prison and glad hand with ladies there – well, with the ones that might still have a hand.

Category: Politics

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LT Nixon

I doubt that an anti-American regime is capable of crimes against humanity in their eyes.


Code Pink would be “Code Blue” in a New York minute in Iran. What a bunch of morons.

Jungle Mom

Will they wear pink burquas?