When the Police Go Bad
This is a difficult story – when the police, or sometimes called “The Po-Po” – go bad. Detective Ice, a Michigan police K-9, was accused of stealing a human officer’s lunch. The Wyandotte Police Department in Wyandotte, Michigan, shared the alleged thief’s mugshot on Facebook, where it went viral. Some people came to the defense of […]
Wait for it – “GUNS TO INSANE VETS!”
Expect to see liberal opposition to some common-sense (yeah, I had to use their words!) gun issues. As part of the process of reporting problem children to the background check system (NCIS) such as felons, felony domestic abusers, et al, VA also reports veterans who needed fiduciary assistance in managing their money. So if you […]
Monday minirants
So much news, so little to snark about… First up on my list: What idiot thought it would be a good idea for pharmaceutical companies to advertise prescription drugs? We complain about high drug prices, yet we have Big Pharma spending millions, if not billions, advertising drugs which only doctors can prescribe to the great […]
More on ‘the balloon’
Well, the country is atwitter over the Chinese “weather” balloon floating over the heartland of the United States. Leaving behind whether it should have been shot down as soon as it crossed the coast – why not? Worrying about a potential crash debris problem must have been an excuse invented by PINO Joe, no […]
UK Prime Minister Duped by a ‘Walter Mitty’
The United Kingdom’s Mirror has reported on a ‘Walter Mitty’ – a term the Brit’s use for a fake military veteran – that has successfully duped their Prime Minister. EXCLUSIVE: Rishi Sunak duped by Falklands ‘Walter Mitty’ who is actually a pub singer called Cushty Chris Webber joined a veterans meeting with the Prime Minister […]
Military Advising – Pfft! How Hard Can it Be?
On an episode of ‘New Amsterdam‘ we see what we can only describe as a LtCol Navy Corpsman. It is a highly rated and popular show. Can’t speak for the budget, but they seemed to have saved money on hiring a military advisor. After all, how hard can it be?
‘Uncle Frank’ Biden – FOIA Results
Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF): FOIA results on Frank Biden were helpful, but incomplete and not conclusive. If you recall, President Biden recently made a claim about his Uncle Frank being wounded in the Battle of the Bulge. President Biden went on to speak about the effort he made to award his uncle the Purple […]
Art history prof Mohammed firing update
Some of you may remember this from last month – art history professor Erika Lopez Prater was fired from Hamline U. after showing the above painting of Mohammed in her art history class. Erika López Prater said she took many precautions before showing a 14th-century painting of the prophet to a global art history class, […]
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