Chuckie Pinocchio

| January 10, 2025

Well, we always knew we could trust Chuck Schumer, right?  Sorta reminds me of a book I once saw when I was younger, an anti-Communism screed named “You Can Trust the Russians” (whose subtitle was something like “to do what they always do whether you like it or not!”  Have never seen another copy since.) Breitbart used the phrase, too, saying “You can trust Russians to be Russians” Breitbart in a column some years ago (hey, I only found it while trying to find the book.)

But back to Chuckie, aka SEN Charles E. Schumer (D, NY), former majority and minority leader  for whom we have Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s retirement to thank. Chuck likes to get right out in front, and serves as a reliable Democrat mouthpiece, no matter how much fiction the party (or should I say Party?) line is at that particular moment. But he seemingly has a new job: stand-up comedy.

Chuck Schumer denied on Sunday that his party misled the public about the extent of Joe Biden’s decline as presidential insiders tell news publications that the lame-duck president still believes he could have won the 2024 election.

Moderator Kristen Welker became the first of the DC press corps to put it to a member of Democratic leadership directly, asking the senator: “What do you say to Americans who feel as though you and other top Democrats misled them about President Biden’s mental acuity?”

“Look, we didn’t,” Schumer responded. “Let’s look at President Biden. He’s had an amazing record. The legislation we passed, one of the most significant groups of legislation since the New Deal, since Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society. Putting in 235 judges – a record.”

Well, technically he could be right – they lied, deceived, fibbed, fooled, prevaricated, tricked, fabricated, misprepresented, duped, perjured, deluded, and a whole lot of other words, but maybe didn’t “misled” us. Kinda reminds you of trying to determine what the meaning of “is” is, mmm? Gotta figure, when an Obama adviser (and CNN talking head) like Van Jones says:

Like, Schumer’s nose is going to start growing if he keeps saying stuff like that.”

Nobody  – NO BODY – is buying it.

He’s a patriot. He’s a great guy,” the top Senate Democrat went on. “And when he stepped down, he did it on his own because he thought it was better, not only for the Democratic Party, but for America. We should all salute him.”

Yeah, let’s get SanFranNan, reportedly the leader of the The Great Kamala Coup, to tell us her version. Thank goodness that, while it was as sleazy, it was in the end as much a failure, as the 1923 Beer Hall Putsch on which it was evidently modeled.

The president will leave office this month having watched the Middle East descend into a staggeringly deadly conflict, with Israel’s siege of Gaza having killed tens of thousands directly as well as through disease and starvation. Eastern Europe, where Russia’s Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine in 2022 and continues to pressure other countries in the region, is in little better shape and now — thanks to the defeat of Democrats in the presidential election — faces the prospect of US military aid to Ukraine potentially coming to an end.

His final days in office have been filled with foreign trips and a medal ceremony last week wherein the nation’s highest civilian honor was given out to several icons of the Democratic political and donor class, including George Soros, Hillary Clinton, Jim Clyburn and Nancy Pelosi.  The Independent

Hey Chuck, try not to piss on our legs and swear it’s raining, eh?  Bit too cold outside to get away with that.

Category: Democrats, None, Politics

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up-Chuck is a perfect example of the left. They lie to us constantly, and even when caught, they refuse to admit it. They are sociopaths, across the board..
I bet none of them yawn when someone else does, unless it’s faked..


The epitome of one that needs to be “…hanged by the neck until dead.”


Naaaa KoB, hung by the nutsack!!!!

Last edited 1 month ago by Marine0331
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

You’re presuming that he even has nuts to have a nutsack.

Only nut sack that Suckie Chuckie has is the one underneath his chin…attached to the c*ck in his mouth!

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

OHHHHH… mean the “teabag”.

True, true, this is true.


I’ll bet he laps it up afterwards in the middle of the night just
like my dog.


C’mon Marky L, let’s hear your o-pin on this. Can’t wait.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Sparkle Mark-L


C’mon. This place has lots better sockpuppets than that.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m betting that Mark L. is still busy on Extra Duty from his latest NJP and it appears that he’s been restricted from the Internet as well. Y’know, he also seems like the breed we got out of the way by “volunteering” them for duty at the library or Gym!


API, I aint convinced that Lil Marky ever joined long enough to pussy-out or step on his own dick (assuming he even has one). I’d be willing to bet he was one of the ones who has said over the years, “Yeah I was gunna join, but I would have punched out the DI or the Drill Sergeant.”



Army-Air Force Guy

He could have come clean and said, “Look, we screwed up. We thought we could get him across the finish line and we didn’t even come close. We’re sorry”. But that’s not the Dem way, Of course he had an amazing record (by Dem standards.) His advisers and Obama were pulling the strings.


Give the sockpuppet a break. He had to put up with Obama up his ass all these years.

Amateur Historian

“Well, we always knew we could trust Chuck Schumer, right?”

Well, I’m sorry, but that concept doesn’t exist on this plane of existence. Nor do I think that is intelligible English.

A Proud Infidel®™

Chuck Shoo-mah has NEVER been out for anyone but himself, he’s a 24K DC insider, a sewer creature who does nothing for anyone unless he benefits in one way or another.


Are we talking about that fabulous politician also known as Cucky Schemer. I heard one should never get between him and a news camera.

RGR 4-78

The grill master of raw burgers and cheese.

Forest Bondurant

No surprise from this dipshit. The same guy who puts cheese on a raw hamburger patty and cooks without fire.

Fuck Chuck.


Somewhere, there is wall locker missing its stuffed dork.