Daily FGS

| January 10, 2025

Ruger Alaskan

Man shot after wielding knife

WENDELL, Idaho (KMVT/KSVT) —The Gooding County Sheriff’s Office responded to a call for service for a shooting incident in Wendell Monday afternoon. The reporting party informed law enforcement that an individual was shot while they were wielding a knife.

According to preliminary reports, the incident took place at approximately 2:05 p.m. on East Ave. B. According to Prosecutor Trevor Misseldine, Ryan Rollins approached a man that he knew, while reportedly brandishing a knife. In response to that action, a man discharged a firearm striking Rollins.

Rollins was transported by helicopter to a local hospital and is currently receiving medical treatment.

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Mr. Rollins brought a, never mind. It’s really all in the title.

Milwaukee police shoot and injure 19-year-old on Monday night

David Clarey, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
A Milwaukee police officer shot and injured a 19-year-old man on Monday night.
The shooting happened at 9:37 p.m. on the 2500 block of South 7th Street as two officers were communicating with the suspect of a sexual assault of a child, the Milwaukee Police Department said in a news release. The suspect drew a firearm and the three then struggled over it, with one officer shooting the suspect during the struggle, police said.

The 19-year-old was arrested and taken to a hospital for treatment, police said in the release. The man was also wanted for child enticement, police said.

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Hope it hurt. Like this next one must have.

Thanks to our own Gun Buny and Old Tanker for the links.

“They say I killed six or seven men for snoring. It ain’t true. I only killed one man for snoring.”
— John Wesley Hardin.

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

(Sigh…..) Two more cases of victims (who can defend themselves) not taking that one more TSS and saving their respective municipalities a boatload of money.

And a double (Sigh…) for teh stoopid being so strong. How many times have we told these dumbasses to NOT take a knife to a gunfight…’specially if all they’re gonna do is “brandish” it? Isn’t the Coffee Table Book Binder of T2NB2AGF on everyone’s must have list? And these freaks that have to molest children and/or expose themselves need to be culled from the gene pool…terminate with extreme prejudice. Do a John Wesley Hardin on them and put them to sleep.

“…needs to be carried in some sort of chest rig or harness.” I’d say some sort of towed/wheeled device with hydraulic recoil tubes may be in order. The Earth Shattering KA-BOOOM makes Marvin…grin.


For fourteen or thirty more ounces you could be carrying a 30 Carbine and Mr. Bear won’t get within 25 yards. (Unless he pops out of a bush—in which case let him have ten rounds rapid and save five for the next one when your nerves are better.)


.30 cabine is a bit light for Grizz.



2016 Pizza Gate nut job shooter is now dead in 2025.
Last weekend, in a dumb ass move right out of COPS TV……

(paste) The Salisbury man who died Monday
after he was shot by two Kannapolis police officers over the weekend

was the ‘Pizzagate’ gunman arrested in Washington, D.C., in 2016 after he terrified people with a loaded AR-15 inside a restaurant.

Edgar Maddison Welch, the man killed, made national headlines in 2016 when he entered Comet Ping Pong, a pizza restaurant in Washington, D.C., armed with an assault rifle and loaded revolver.

He drove from Salisbury to the nation’s capital in search of an alleged child sex ring linked to Hillary Clinton — something he learned about from a fake news story, The Washington Post reported.

Around 10 p.m. Saturday, Welch was sitting in the passenger seat of a gray 2001 GMC Yukon when an officer pulled it over near Cannon Boulevard, a Kannapolis Police Department press release said Thursday. The officer recognized the vehicle, having arrested Welch in the past, and knew he had an outstanding warrant for his arrest for a felony probation violation, police said. The press release said the officer spoke with the vehicle’s driver and recognized Welch in the passenger seat as two more officers arrived.

The officer that pulled the vehicle over then moved to the front passenger seat where Welch was sitting to arrest him.
But when he opened the door, Welch pulled out a handgun from his jacket and pointed it at the officer, police said. (end paste)

Read more at:



Short news video.
Plenty more out there…..

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Play stoopid games, win stoopid prizes
Not to mention FAFO.

Last edited 1 month ago by President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

2016 wasn’t the 1st time, and certainly wasn’t the last.
2025 is now the last.


And, thanks to things of late, here we are again:


Well, thanks for that uplifting reminder. Thoughts like this make me wonder at the wisdom of living somewhere of minimal strategic importance. I don’t know if I’d want to be alive to see us surrender.


Chicoms gonna chicom… Cold War 2.0, everything we faced versus the Soviets is back again:

Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

Remember NORAD?

Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

But, seriously, even the liberal media thought China’s test of a hypersonic weapon delivered by a fractional orbit bombardment system in 2021 was trouble:


“Damnation Alley” sums it up rather well in the “before” scenes.


Don’t forget Dr. Strangelove:


The video.

After he gets tased and is being put in cuffs:

“What’s going on???”

Um…I’m pretty sure he knew what was going on or he wouldn’t have run.

Silly question.


“We are taking you into protective custody before those kids’ parents castrate you and lynch you.”


A whole bunch of hard-left celebrities and other tich folks just got burned out. When they go to rebuild, many will find current law triples the cost, or more, where the net isn’t “nope”.

I suspect a bunch of them may be red pilled. More will simply be irrationally angry at everyone else for not enabling their delusions.

Could be a shortage of popcorn. Better stock up.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

I think if I want to have a wheelgun for bear defense while out-and-about, I’d get a Taurus Raging Hunter in 460 S&W Magnum w/ 5″ barrel (about $800).
Will handle (in descending order) 460 S&W Mag -> 454 Casull -> 45 long Colt.
Maybe load one slot with the 460. Just one.


Have your orthopedist on speed dial. (Grin)

IMHO, and to mis-quote something attributed to Cooper, if I was thinking of going someplace where I would need a wheelgun for bear defense, I wouldn’t go.


And don’t forget a certain politician’s “legacy”: