Barbra Streisand blames climate change for Santa Ana winds

| January 10, 2025

Barbra Streisand took to X to blame climate change for the winds that facilitated the Los Angeles fires. Streisand was talking about the Santa Ana winds, a naturally occurring event that occurs in conjunction with late fall, winter, and early spring. Like other leftists, Streisand wanted to shift blame or assign responsibility to others when articles were posted detailing incompetence on the part of the state and local government. This incompetence contributed to shortchanging the firefighters’ ability to contain these fires sooner.

From Breitbart:

Streisand is not the only member of the Hollywood elite to bizarrely claim that the deadly Los Angeles wildfires has something to do with “climate change.”

As Breitbart News reported, Hollywood director Jim Jarmusch blamed the raging fires on “climate deniers,” demanding that people “wake the fuck up” and stop viewing “woke” as “a negative thing.”

“This climate crisis is brought to you by climate deniers and venal corporate greed,” Jarmusch declared on Wednesday night, adding, “We’re in a period where these clowns are telling that woke is a negative thing, and I would just like to say it’s time we wake the fuck up.”

Others, however, are blaming California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) and other Democrat leaders, saying they have failed to prepare Los Angeles for the catastrophic wildfires, citing water reservoirs not being refilled, as well as DEI-related hiring.

As Breitbart News reported, wildfires sparked on Tuesday morning and spread quickly due to high winds, forcing residents to evacuate and causing historic destruction to homes. Tens of thousands of people have been displaced.

Thursday marks day three of the catastrophic Los Angeles wildfires.

During an emergency press conference on Tuesday, Gov. Newsom comically thanked Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass, who is away in Africa, for her leadership “in absentia.”

Additional Reading:

Mastrangelo, A. (2025, January 10). Barbra Streisand: Winds pushing Los Angeles wildfires are ‘due to climate change’. Breitbart. Link.

Category: "Teh Stoopid", Global Warming, Hollywood, Society

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Buckeye Jim

What a bunch of morons….that is all.


“Hot” off the presses…dumbass flying his drone takes out one of only 2 water drop planes and grounds all of the rest of the aircraft


This ought to be prosecuted as intentional interference with rescue operations, intentional attempted manslaughter, and intentional terrorism.


With a stint in Federal pound me in the ass prison 🤬

Forest Bondurant

18 USC §39B – Unsafe Operation of unmanned aircraft would be a start.

Also, if someone flies a drone that disrupts emergency response (including fire suppression), that is another federal charge.


Duct/gaffer/100mph tape ‘ll fix ‘er right up.
They already know whose it is, just release the name and announce they’ll pick him up next week. Let the Angelinos make his weekend “interesting”.

Slow Joe

If I were the Gubernator of California, I would have invested in a fleet of amphibious water scooping planes.


But that would actually be a positive for this state. Can’t have that level of nonsense here!


Meanwhile, an illegal alien on probabtion already gets caught trying to start fire with blowtorch and accellerant in Hollywood Hills, and LAPD forced to release him due to left/libtard DA insisting they didn’t have probable cause:

Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

His name is “Climate Change”.

Forest Bondurant

In that case, his name would be Señor Cambio Climático.


I guess cutting millions of $s from the fire control budget, incompetent people “in charge”, leaving fire fuel laying around for decades, not filling water reservoirs, building in areas prone to burn that are hard to access, sending “excess” fire fighting equipment to the ‘kraine, and generally not doing anything to…Prepare…has nothing to do with this. Her statements, to quote Mr. Hamilton Burger, are incompetent, irrelevant, immaterial, and assumes facts not in evidence.

You mofos got what you voted for. I would check my field, but I know that it is barren. Burn Baby Burn.


Remember the show “Rescue Me”? This is that show’s response to LAFD’s DEI program.

By the way, I know I’m wasting my time by writing this, but if you’re easily upset by bad language, racial stereotypes, and politically incorrect language, give this a pass.

For all others, in other words practically of this blog’s members, this is funny as hell.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande


A Proud Infidel®™



Never took the sexual harassment training st one company I worked at. Told ’em I couldn’t be accused of sh, didn’t know how, hadn’t been trained in it


My last platoon had a similar response to “sensitivity training” in 2008. The facilitator left the room in tears. It was one of my proudest days of that deployment. In the interest of transparency, my platoon was very racially and ethnically diverse. Black, white, three kinds of hispanics, a couple pacific islanders, a native American, if we’d have an asian it would’ve been perfect.

Dennis - not chevy

I attended a “sensitivity training” session in the ’90’s. The students were company grade officers and civil servants (mostly women), and two senior NCO’s (mostly grumpy). While the other NCO and I were trying to make the best of why we were there; the instructor was holding forth on effective listening. I got voluntold to counsel another student. The object of the counseling was a made up scenario of unbecoming behavior. I blew it by going for the jugular. The instructor had the other students inform me of my lack of effective listening. The other NCO backed me up by reminding the instructor of the scenario presented. I must have learned something because at the end of the course I got a Certificate of Training for my I love me wall.

Lurker Curt



Freaking hilarious and if everyone looked at the world this way and with a bit of humor, no one would get offended. Lighten the fuck up people. LMAO


I wish I had had the brass ones to have done that during my “trainings” when I was with the state.
It was always BS aimed at males.

I did file a complaint with HR once when I came out of my office to find one of the office girls with her skirt up above he waist showing off the new shorts she just bought to another office girl.
They had to do something because of all the sexual harassment training they had forced on us.


Dennis Leary was perfect for that part.

Thank you.



AW1 Rod

Just Wallyhood asshats flexing their idiot blowholes. They are to be ignored.

Harry D

That old clam is still in the US? Why don’t these losers make good on their promises and LEAVE THE COUNTRY? I hear Rwanda is nice this time of year…



A Proud Infidel®™

Abu Dhabi, Botswana, Mogadishu, Ethiopia, …

Hack Stone

Has anyone checked in on Rob Reiner during this crisis? Hopefully he is safe in that mental asylum he checked himself into after Kamala Harris lost.

A Proud Infidel®™

Who is Rob Reiner?


Da original MEATHEAD!

A Proud Infidel®™

That shit-for-brained supercunt can go sit& spin on a hot stem pipe while giving head to King Kong for all I care!


Don’t hold back! Tell us what you REALLY mean!

A Proud Infidel®™

Aaaawkay, I’LL TRY harder next time, dammit! 😁


My family escaped Riverside, CA in 1970, I was 8. Santa Ana winds were a fact of life wayyyy back then. The smog was so bad back then that you couldn’t see the San Bernadino mountains except during a Santa Ana. Who knew climate change was that bad then? When was the last time Babs was right about anything? Has it ever happened?


See, and that was Trump’s fault too, even back then.


I think they were blaming Reagan at the time.


Trump voted for Reagan.


Governor Reagan?

Slow Joe

It is 1351.

Stop pressing F5 dangit!

Amateur Historian

One should not throw rocks when one is named after an effect for being a complete imbecilic boob.

Hack Stone

For anyone unfamiliar with what you are referring to, Hack Stone will now present a period of instruction as to (see what Hack did there?) what is known as the The Streisand Effect.

Hack Stone

The Internet; It’s not just for porn, anymore.


There’s porn on the internet? Jeez, ya coulda told somebody!


Awww c’mon people, everyone knows the fires are Trump’s fault! He did this and he is responsible for Covid and Climate Change too. Aint that right Mark L, aka Lars, aka Commissar, aka Major Moonbat?


Taht was insensitive.
I approve

A Proud Infidel®™

That was said with NO consideration whatsoever for poor Major Moonbat’s self-esteem and/or feelings, which earns it The Official A Proud Infidel®™ Seal of Approval™!

Last edited 1 month ago by A Proud Infidel®™

Since Commissar’s name is Lars, I wonder if that’s what the L in Mark L stands for? Maybe Commissar just usually goes by his middle name?


Fat bottom bitch likes to sit in the tub and sniff fart bubbles while watching old Russell Simmons videos and burning Gwyneth Paltrow Vagina Goop candles.

Hack Stone

And speaking of Hollywood blowhards who think that the world revolves them, everyone’s favorite actor/producer/killer is now filing a lawsuit for malicious prosecution. You have to give it up for him, he does have balls.

A Proud Infidel®™

IMHO he’s just another conceited filthy-rich POS of a human being who’s also a big pussy.

Forest Bondurant

Yeah, the Franklin Fire is engulfing much of Malibu where she lives.

She can EABOD.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

What a shit bird she is. I’ve never been set on fire by the so called climate change which isn’t an ignition source as well as the wind. From what I remember, the 1961 Bel Aire fire had to do with mesquite brush exuding sap, high winds, high temperatures and a very low dry humidity. No mesquite involved in the Kalifornia fires.

A Proud Infidel®™

Y’know, I’ve also heard that the homeless also set fires very often, just -sayin’!

jeff LPH 3 63-66

That was on the news plus an alleged arsonist and a fire started in a persons back yard. I only mentioned climate change and the wind that don’t start fires. I left out the homeless camps and arsonists plus accidental fires that spread and downed power lines. I added in the Mesquite brush because a lot of persons don’t know about what that type of bush can do.

Army-Air Force Guy

In Portland they’ve made it a game of setting each other’s tents on fire. Seems like once a week I see a column of black smoke off in the distance, and that’s what it usually is


Trump again. Orange Man Bad was young back then, but he still had the power to control the climate.

A Proud Infidel®™

And HERE WE GO already, a homeless man in his 30s is suspected of starting one of the fires:

NEW: LAPD Arrests Arson Suspect Linked To Devastating Wildfires


Just saw this, API.

Get this shit: his name is Climate Change!!

Gore and Greta warned us!!!!

We didn’t listen! WE DIDN’T LISTEN!!!!***

***Spoken in Randy Marsh’s voice


Little Greta would burn tires before she’d open the door for Al-Gore.


MANBEARPIG will rape us all!!!!


Saying the sun controls the climate is like saying the Earth’s gravity controls how much you weigh. It’s true, but misses out on all the many factors that can have a huge impact – not on gravity itself, but how it impacts you.

Now, I’m not convinced that data supports these high Santa Ana Winds as attributable to climate change, but when four of the driest years for LA since 1877 have happened in the past ten years,… yeah, that’s statistically relevant evidence of a changing climate there that can increase the likelihood of fires.

That shouldn’t even be contentious.


It’s not contentious. Climate does change, always did, always will. Now, whether or not climate change is caused by humans is absolutely contentious.


And I’m fine with that as a starting point. But the logical conclusion there is still that the changing climate, as seen by the drought in LA prior to these fires, is a reason why this was so destructive.

Whether you believe that change is man made or not is immaterial to the truth that climate change almost certainly played a role here.

Unfortunately, the term has such a knee-jerk reaction that I don’t think many people even accept that.


I’d wager that lack of planning and preparation on the part of the city and county of Los Angeles played a far greater role in this disaster than climate change. For decades, California has screamed “climate change” and spent countless billions of dollars on alternative energy and other feel-good initiatives. Los Angeles cut the budget of its fire services, and will now pay for it for decades. If climate change fueled these fires, they absolutely went the wrong way in combating it. You know that old saying about an ounce of prevention…


No major disagreement there. A multitude of factors contributed to this. My point was simply that climate change is one of them.


Climate change is not a source of ignition. Santa Ana winds are not caused by climate change. Climate change didn’t remove water from hydrants. Climate change didn’t prevent the city and county from clearing underbrush and creating defensible, firewise spaces. Climate change didn’t cut the budget of the fire services. Climate change wasn’t responsible for DEI being the LAFD’s priority. Now, I’ll grant you that climate change may have affected the reduced rainfall, and I’ll counter with the fact that dry conditions made all the possible precautions even more important. Human failures were the greatest factor in this situation.


I seem to recall that there were droughts back 2000 plus years ago, eons before fossil fuels.


So, next are you going to tell us that “climate change” caused recent earthquakes, because we have heard that from your fellow travelers.


What climate “change”? I lived in southern California a half century ago. It was dry, brown, warm/hot, and we had Santa Ana winds blowing tumbleweeds all over.

What changed?


Southern California has always been semi-desert. That’s why the aviation and film industries moved there; lots of clear sunshiny days. That’s why they have spent billions of dollars over the years building dams, aquaducts, etc. to import their drinking and irrigation water.


“the truth that climate change almost certainly played a role here”

Show me.
South Park is not the real world.

1) Climate (average temperature) changes.
2) ??
3) Floods, fires, and violent storms.


Absolutely. The Medieval Warm Period was responsible for massive population increase until the Black Death.
1816 – ‘The Year Without a Summer’ was caused by a volcanic eruption in Indonesia.
I don’t know if my truck is contributing to ‘ Global Warming ‘ but I’m still not buying a gay ass electric car.

A Proud Infidel®™

Yeah, yeah, yeah, so was the Dust Bowl during the Great Depression also “Climate Change”? Back then people weren’t that gullible.


“Climate change” would be if it was cloudy and damp in L.A. Hot and dry has been the normal climate there forever and fire is predictable.


Especially when the “homeless” start about half the fires the LA area fire departments extinguishe.

MSG Eric

I started watching this guy a while ago when I heard the first inklings of the “Supermayor” who makes more than the President.

Gavin and Bass are at fault for this one.


Perhaps the flames are being fanned by ole Barb exhaling through her nose


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