SM assaulted by college mob due to TikTok

| January 9, 2025


A 22 year old service member looking for a date in October was the victim of a mob of Assumption University students at Worcester, MA which brought about the arrests of 8 students.

Reportedly the former NBC show “To Catch a Predator” has engendered some TikTok spinoffs, which young jackwagons decided to emulate.

According to police, one of the students, 19-year-old Easton Randall, said, “Catch a predator is a big thing on TikTok currently” — leading to a spate of people trying to emulate the three-season-long NBC show, where adults seeking to have sexual contact with children were lured into a trap using undercover operatives and hidden cameras.Raw

One small detail – the guy they chose to set and assault isn’t a predator. Just a 22 year old kid looking for a date with an 18 year old.

Five Assumption University students are facing charges after they allegedly lured a man onto campus in a “catch a predator” scheme popular on TikTok, but police say the man had planned to meet up with an adult.

Kelsy Brainard, an 18-year-old student, allegedly invited a man to Assumption’s campus in Worcester from her Tinder, which indicated her age correctly, police said.

Within a few minutes of the man’s arrival on campus on Oct. 1, 25 to 30 people “came out of nowhere and started calling him a pedophile and accusing that he liked having sex with 17-year-old girls,” the police report filed in Worcester District Court said.

18 is legal in the Bay State.  Come to think of it, 18 is legal pretty much in any state, I believe. After all, at that age they are old enough to vote for Kamala…oh, wait…

Kelsy Brainard, an 18-year-old student, allegedly invited a man to Assumption’s campus in Worcester from her Tinder, which indicated her age correctly, police said.

Joaquin Smith, Kevin Carroll, Easton Randall, and Isabella Trudeau were all charged as the core group of students who allegedly orchestrated the “deliberately staged event,” police said. A juvenile is also identified by police as a conspirator.

Each student was charged with kidnapping and conspiracy on Dec. 4, according to court records. Brainard is facing an additional charge of witness intimidation, while Carroll was charged with assault and battery with a dangerous weapon.

The man, whose age was not provided by police, said he was surrounded by the crowd, was unable to leave, and was grabbed and held. He said he was chased to his car and punched in the back of the head before the students allegedly slammed the car door on him and kicked the vehicle. Carroll later admitted to slamming the man’s head into the car door, according to the court documents.

Neither the victim’s name nor branch of service have been officially released as of Tuesday, although at least one article indicated he was in the Army.

In a statement, Assumption University President Greg Weiner said the behavior described in the court filing is “abhorrent and antithetical to Assumption University’s mission and values. In all circumstances, we expect our students to exercise sound judgment and uphold the principles of respect, responsibility, and character that define our community.”  NBC News

Think I’ll believe that when I see at least six students expelled and the balance suspended. Yeah, I know, probably not going to happen, but it would be nice to see. at least once. Failing that, a platoon’s worth of retaliatory whoopass would be good.

By the way, this is not the first such incident – 11 students last month in Mount Prospect, IL were charged in a similar TikTok imitation case.

Category: "Teh Stoopid", The Stupid is Strong

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AW1 Rod

TikTok is, indeed, dog shit. And its users are cretins.


I’m insulted for dog shit everywhere.


It’s all fun and games until some dumbass college kid gets seriously stomped. And it won’t be their fault, of course.


Yep…these students need to get “schooled”.


Time to activate the phone-tree and have a rollout.

Green Thumb

I assume the girl (of legal age) was part of it? And the idea was to target a Veteran?

Is so, they should all be expelled and hit with hate crimes, too boot.


or shot.


The wrong assumptions can get you in serious trouble.


… and orders to report to The Penguin.


Alternate video, that should expand here.


Bonus points for the surplus Mount Prospect, IL Police Car!!!


The funniest movie ever written, performed and published.
Not to mention the best R & B movies ever made !
That scene is a classic.
Now I have to watch it again today. I know every syllable ever uttered in the movie and I still laugh my ass of at it.
My Daughters were brought up watching it, they still love it.


Been a long time since I watched The Commitments movie, I think I may have that CD…somewhere.


Best scene in the movie. Always puts a grin on my face and some pep in my step.



I think you posted the link twice and it fouled it up.

Last edited 1 month ago by ChipNASA

A small private Catholic college
in the heart of Worcester,
and if this is possible in an ultra blue state,
Worcester is the shithole of Massachusetts.


“in the heart of Worcester”

Worcester doesn’t have a heart.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Isn’t worcester a hot sauce in a bottle


I just had some on Johnsonville sausage for breakfast.


Worchestershire sauce is not hot. It is mostly vinegar, molasses, salt and various spices.




YOOO-STAH live a few towns over back in the 70’s and
it was the heroin capital of mass then.
In the “heart” of Mass.


I think that’s Springfield Mass, now. Most of the visiting shooter’s, killers and dope runners in Vermont are from down country.

Dennis - not chevy

Aayup, sha ’nuff.

When I think of my kinfolk in Vermont, I’m reminded of the movie Ghostbusters. When the Sta-Puft marshmallow man was attacking, while the New Yawkers were running for their lives; the tourists from Vermont were saying, “Look at the suntan on that guy”.


I lived outside of Worcester, Auburn and Charlton, and worked there for several years. I enjoyed it. Nice people, good food. Best scallops I have ever eaten. Learned to enjoy meatball subs with square meatballs cooked by Greeks.

Dennis - not chevy

Did they have grilled peppers on them? I’ll you what, put one of those subs on my head and my tongue will slap my brains out of the way to get at it.


FWIW, CC is legal on college campuses in TX for an LTC holder (and possibly Constitutional Carry as well).

Just sayin’


Kidnapping is a serious crime. There are generally degrees of kidnapping that start at 5 years for lowest grade offense. Also, what a bunch of stupid-asses. Parents spending north of $50K a year for your kid to do this in their spare time? I’ve seen some content on people doing this, but I don’t think it ever ends with charges for the “perp”. I would tell these kids to leave the law to the professionals.


Regardless of the outcome — these students will have learned nothing. In fact, they’ll likely paint themselves as the real victims and claim the big bad mean arm of the law is targeting them.

They probably don’t see anything wrong with what they’ve done and never will. This veteran will be lucky if he even gets an apology out of it.

Last edited 1 month ago by Deckie
Green Thumb


Happens out here in the Great NW all the time.

This is what happens when adults do not stand up in the room.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Sounds like prime pickings for both criminal and civil lawsuits by the SM against the students.
Clean ’em out, down to their socks & undies (eewwwwww!!)

Take a hefty chunk out of their trust funds.


Stupid is as stupid does.


Tic tok is what you make of it.

My feed is mostly homesteading, DYI solar, self reliance, home butchering, gardening, D&D, TYRPG, and bagpipe music.

Sometimes a touch of history.

The big thing about TT is they don’t censor so anyone can post. And is the main reason the gov opposes it.

NOSTR is also a free speech protocol that is growing and will be attacked soon, likely as a right wing anarchy protocol


I agree, the Govt hates TT because they can’t control to news (like the Haitian immigrants actually skinning a cat and steeling geese from the park.

There is girl from Ireland I believe that plays an electric set of bagpipes.

We (wife and I) find a lot of recipes on there.


“The Best and Brightest”. As the Mickey Mouse Club used to say, “Here’s to you, the leaders of the 21st century!”.

Prior Service (Ret)

I think I’ll start a counter trend on TikTok where me and a group of like-minded individuals pretend we are trolling for kids and when someone actually provide one, we go wreck that person’s life.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Well now…
