A Modest Proposal II
One of the unicorns of the gun-grabbing left is “universal background checks” – they want every gun transaction to have to be pre-approved by the government. They couch their version as a “gun safety” proposal to limit bad folks from getting guns. Sort of like how the Brady bill was supposed to do it, and […]
A Modest Proposal
One hopes that our better-read readers will recognize this title as taken from a Jonathan Swift-written essay suggesting that the best cure for poverty would be to sell off poor children to be fattened up to be table fare. Sort of a “we’re having the children for dinner tonight” sort of thing. Relax, it was […]
More dancing in victim’s blood
In a sad Lunar New Year (LNY) headline, 11 people were killed in a mass shooting at a LNY dance out in California. Not surprisingly, the usual suspects are dancing in the blood of the victims to push their political aims regardless of the facts. Multiple sources cited in the LA Times decry the […]
America is too dangerous. Give up your guns!
Read the news, watch broadcast media, and the message is omnipresent: THE SKY IS FALLING! LEAVE YOUR HOME AND YOU WILL BE SHOT! This comes from both sides of the street, too – the pro-gunners act like you are in constant criminal danger everywhere, the hoplophobes say you don’t dare walk out the door lest […]
CDC removes pro-gun findings under pressure from Gun Control groups
Stats sourced from a CDC-commissioned study found that instances of defensive gun use occur between 60,000 and 2.5 million times per year. References to that study were deleted from the site following private meetings with gun control advocates in 2021, emails obtained and published by The Reload show. “[T]hat 2.5 Million number needs to be […]
Horrifying gunz seizures in Indiana!
Ah, the Web is abuzz with Customs and Border Protection’s (CBP) announcement that they have seized TEN SHIPMENTS of scary gun parts used to build gunz! from overseas shippers which were sent to private individuals instead of a licensed importer. The star of the show is apparently as pictured above. There were 10 shipments from […]
More guns = more crime… not
For years, gun folks have been bombarded with “More guns means more crime! Even the CDC says so!” Well, not necessarily so. Not that we would ever doubt anything the CDC would say (ahem) but it seems in this case, while their basic facts are valid, they failed to parse them at a meaningful […]
Dayton to shut down “shot-spotter” system $600K later
Told ya – I get to pick and I like brunettes. So there. And yes, there IS a gun there – you just missed it. Dayton, Ohio implemented Shot Spotter, the gunshot-reporting/locating system, to great fanfare in 2019. They claim it has been such a spectacular success that they are – shutting it down. It […]
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